Beastly kingdom


New Member
Actually my friend was at a Q & A session with Joe Rhode about a month or two ago and someone there asked about Beastly Kingdomme. Rhode said plans still exist and that a fantasy kingdom (not necessarily called beastly kingdom) is still a possibility. He said it's just a matter of "the stars allinging just right"

Oh and whoever said that John Lasseter has no real authority at Imagineering doesn't know what they are talking about. The biggest giveaway that he did was during the Annual sharholder meeting in march when someone asked if there were plans to fix or redo DCA to which Iger responded "In the spirit of candor...we have been...challenged". He then went on to say that "JOHN and I have been discussing possibile things" and that "JOHN has several ideas for the park". John, not don and not tom.


Active Member
Skellington88 said:
Actually my friend was at a Q & A session with Joe Rhode about a month or two ago and someone there asked about Beastly Kingdomme. Rhode said plans still exist and that a fantasy kingdom (not necessarily called beastly kingdom) is still a possibility. He said it's just a matter of "the stars allinging just right"
An Idea never dies at WDI.
However, the accounting department often brings them to the brink of death.
Skellington88 said:
Oh and whoever said that John Lasseter has no real authority at Imagineering doesn't know what they are talking about. The biggest giveaway that he did was during the Annual sharholder meeting in march when someone asked if there were plans to fix or redo DCA to which Iger responded "In the spirit of candor...we have been...challenged". He then went on to say that "JOHN and I have been discussing possibile things" and that "JOHN has several ideas for the park". John, not don and not tom.
I beg to differ. First off, I don't "have no idea what I'm talking about," and secondly, Corrus definitely does not have "no idea what he's talking about."
Also, if you are basing your entire argument on a few lines of material at a promotion event, you should reevaluate your thoughts. Anything can be said at an event like that... in fact, I'm fairly sure they once said DCA would be a great sucess...


New Member
Connor002 said:
An Idea never dies at WDI.
However, the accounting department often brings them to the brink of death.

Too True. However Iger seems commited to focusing on higher quality entertainment offerings at both the box office and the theme parks and it looks like he is taking the necesseray steps to do that (putting Lasseter in charge of animation and getting him into Imagineering, getting rid of Strategic Planning, etc.)

Connor002 said:
I beg to differ. First off, I don't "have no idea what I'm talking about," and secondly, Corrus definitely does not have "no idea what he's talking about."
Also, if you are basing your entire argument on a few lines of material at a promotion event, you should reevaluate your thoughts. Anything can be said at an event like that... in fact, I'm fairly sure they once said DCA would be a great sucess...

Perhaps my "no idea what im talking about" comment was too bold. However, I don't understand what you mean by a "few lines of material at a promotional event". Im talking about a Shareholder meeting that is focused on businesspeople and concerned shareholders. Im not talking about something like say...the grand opening of expedition everest. At the shareholder meeting Iger really cannot say fluff and get away with it. There are people at those meetings that hve alot of money invested in the company and they don't have time for fluff.

The people that once said DCA would be a sucess are no longer with the company. :sohappy:

If Iger's telling comments arent enough. I recently read a piece about John Lasseter in the hollywood reporter where they ask brad bird about what he thinks about the disney/pixar merger and he said something to the effect of "It is so good that Disney once again has animators in charge of imagineering again."


Active Member
Skellington88 said:
Too True. However Iger seems commited to focusing on higher quality entertainment offerings at both the box office and the theme parks and it looks like he is taking the necesseray steps to do that (putting Lasseter in charge of animation and getting him into Imagineering, getting rid of Strategic Planning, etc.)
I'll be honest, I see Iger sitting there with a lot of promises, and with that comes much responsibility. I'll give him PIXAR and Oswald, but I'd like to see a bit more...
Skellington88 said:
my "no idea what im talking about" comment was too bold. However, I don't understand what you mean by a "few lines of material at a promotional event". Im talking about a Shareholder meeting that is focused on businesspeople and concerned shareholders. Im not talking about something like say...the grand opening of expedition everest. At the shareholder meeting Iger really cannot say fluff and get away with it. There are people at those meetings that hve alot of money invested in the company and they don't have time for fluff.

Well... I don't share that thought...
The shareholders meeting is just another PR outlet, nevertheless, one with the most accurate information they will formally release, but still...

Skellington88 said:
The people that once said DCA would be a sucess are no longer with the company. :sohappy:

My point was not to bring up the skeletons of the past, but to show that not everything in the meetings is the straight truth, still the technical truth, but not necessarily the exact truth...

Skellington88 said:
s telling comments arent enough. I recently read a piece about John Lasseter in the hollywood reporter where they ask brad bird about what he thinks about the disney/pixar merger and he said something to the effect of "It is so good that Disney once again has animators in charge of imagineering again."

In honesty, I want to see the same things from Lasseter as you, but regardless, there's still no definitive answer to what he will do, or if he will have much effect. Unfortunately, that effect may not be instantaneous...


Well-Known Member
hakunamatata said:
I wonder if I could Tvo this....

That is what I should have done. My boss didn't like it when I called off this morning because I was drinking and glued to the computer monitor. Somehow I broke my refresh button last night :veryconfu . How much does tivo cost again?


Well-Known Member
Can I clear something up?


He doesn't know anything about movies (as he tried to push Pixar as a computer company till the bitter end), theme parks, or Disney. He's in the board for one reason: to get Apple ahead. Steve Jobs is no god, he's not immortal, he makes mistakes, and he will not leave Apple. END OF DISCUSSION.

NOW, Lasseter, he is head of movies and will work with the parks. He has shown more interest in DL than any of the other parks, and this will not get him far in greenlighting attractions.

Is Disney changing for the better? Yes. Will better rides come out? YES! But don't pin the hopes up on two people changing it, no, it will be the culture.


New Member
Teenchy said:
I think its a Soylent Green reference(spelling?). Its a 70's movie with Charleton Heston who finds out that the futuristic food that is being produced "Soylent Green" is actually made from dead people.... Ok I'm sure I have confused you more...try to find it a Blockbuster and you'll get it.

...or then again you could always wait a year or two until Hollywood "rediscovers" this gem and remakes it.......:lol:


Park History nut
Premium Member
Two names for those looking to Steve Jobs and John Lasseter to come from a none park background and save the parks - Paul Pressler & Cynthia Harris.

Prey to god Disney learnt the first time round.


Well-Known Member
I can guarantee you the plans are all still there for Beastly Kingdom and so is the alotted if it's going to be built or not, I'll leave that to your own decision.


Well-Known Member
WDWScottieBoy said:
I can guarantee you the plans are all still there for Beastly Kingdom and so is the alotted if it's going to be built or not, I'll leave that to your own decision.

I agree with you on that one!


Corrus said:
Read my lips...

. T h e r e . w i l l . n e v e r . be. a . b e a s t l y . k i n g d o m .

I'm siding with Corrus on this one.

I haven't heard anything from anyone about even potentially greenlighting "Beastly Kingdom"...

So before anyone gets any ideas that this is being built, the fact is that Beastly Kingdom is one of many ideas that are currently being reviewed. And the chances that Disney accounting would create this park are minimal at best.

Didn't Iger say that there would not be any thoughts on a "5th Gate" or "Monorail Expansion" for at least 10 or more years??


Le Meh
Premium Member
KrazyKemp said:
I'm siding with Corrus on this one.

I haven't heard anything from anyone about even potentially greenlighting "Beastly Kingdom"...

So before anyone gets any ideas that this is being built, the fact is that Beastly Kingdom is one of many ideas that are currently being reviewed. And the chances that Disney accounting would create this park are minimal at best.

Didn't Iger say that there would not be any thoughts on a "5th Gate" or "Monorail Expansion" for at least 10 or more years??
Im hoping for a water themed portion of AK. Along the lines of Disney Sea....then that park would encorporate the entirety of the kingdom of animals.

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