Beastly kingdom


Corrus said:
I really like you, you're so very modest!..

Let me tell you, I'm not impressed by your "wise" words...
BTW I'm not interested in the viewpoint of a CM...

Take "that" as You will, you probably don't know me... better do some checking on me...

I'm not making things up, I never have... I never told a single lie on these forums, and I never will...
I was always, too busy dreaming of other things...

And as a CM, you should know that you only get informed on need to know bases... and the CM portal gives you nothing, (nothing important really)

This is exactly why I left these boards last year. Most people are really nice here, but this kind of response - from a seasoned poster no less - and the dialogue that follows occur way too often. What a shame.


Well-Known Member
Yes, it has been discussed four billion times. Yes the dragon is there and yes it was representative of a portion of the park that never got built. (Most surmise Beastly Kingdom) Joe has already stated that Beastly Kingdom won't come in its original form however parts of it will be brought into the park in other ways. Expedition Everest is one of those with the Yeti. So we can look to probably see more mythological creatures over time make appearances in the park but not to see a completely new land called Beastly Kingdom.


johnvree said:
This is exactly why I left these boards last year. Most people are really nice here, but this kind of response - from a seasoned poster no less - and the dialogue that follows occur way too often. What a shame.

So Corrus was supposed to be super sweet when this person attacked his integrity?

I agree some responses can be a little harsh to newer members. However, I think there needs to e a distinction between anew member that is trying to be part of the community and may need a helpful tip on searches etc. vs. a new member that decides to be arrogant and challenging.


brubuc said:
I went to the Animal Kingdom in March, and while I was waiting for the park to open I noticed above the ticketing area as you enter that there are three huge 'heads' : one is a dinosaur, one is an animal, and one is a dragon. It would almost appear that there are three distinct areas to the Theme Park. So currently two are built (animal and dinosaur); therefore we might be able to take the third (dragon) as a yet to be built area in the Animal Kingdom Park; and Disney knows this is a future area, and thus has already built it into entrance area.

Forgive me if this has been discussed/mentioned 8500 times before. This is my first post.. :)

Yeah, this has been discussed more than 8,500 X :lol: . I'm sure if you do a search (more than likely someone will post some links) you will find a bunch of discussions. From what I have read it seems that Disney had Beastly Kingdom in the original planning stages, but has since backed away. While it is always a "possibility" that it will be built it seems that the chances are extremely small.

In advance, any rude responses take with a grain of salt.


Park nostalgist
Premium Member
I really thought my advice to re-read Corrus' post would've brought some insight... guess I was wrong. And, Lee gets my vote for Post of the Day. ;)

So, to summarize - Yes, parts of the originally planned Beastly Kingdom may see the light of day. No, Beastly Kingdom will not be built as originally conceived. And no, there is no timeframe for any of it. Is this correct?


Well-Known Member
The dragon staying there probably alludes to intentions at some point in the future. However, the concept for Beastlie Kingdomme, as discussed, is dead. That doesn't mean we won't see an attraction eventually that features dragons.


Well-Known Member
hakunamatata said:
Dang....this thing still going on?:lookaroun

It's living up to what the first 10 or 15 posts expected of it. I'm going to stay far away from getting in the middle of this one :zipit: :zipit: :zipit:


Le Meh
Premium Member
jmvd20 said:
It's living up to what the first 10 or 15 posts expected of it. I'm going to stay far away from getting in the middle of this one :zipit: :zipit: :zipit:
It may be smart at this time to put on a bio hazard suit and breathe filtered oxygen...


New Member
Lee said:
Get a job with WDI and work there for 15 years or so...that will make you a "reliable source" and "in the know".:rolleyes:

I don't mean to sound argumentative but even then you wouldnt be "in the know". I mean what if after you leave, there is a management shakeup and things are done differently...the plans you knew about would be thrown out the window and new plans would pop up. Priorities could have shifted, what was big under one management team might not be the focus of the next.

I am starting to believe the only people who are truely in the know about whats going on at Disney are the people in that are CURRENTLY employeed by the company. Of course, these people arent likely to show up online and post things either.


New Member

I searched for this but all the threads never explained it...WHY was it called Beastly Kingdom? I know this has been done to death but even Google has no results.



Well-Known Member
kcnole said:
I'll take the word of tons of people in this thread that you're in the know and I won't attack you for what you say although I do admit to being confused.

Here's a piece of friendly advice, and always good advice on the internet, especially when it comes to Disney.

The people who do know, can't say anything... and aren't talking
The people who have no clue, are the ones who do the talking...
Keep that in mind when reading the ramblings of Al Lutz, Kevin Yee, Jim Hill. Steve is pretty on the ball when it comes to annoucing stuff, and shows a tremoundous amount of responsibility when it comes to annoucing things.

Corrus is vague because he has to be, otherwise there could be a court visit in his future. But, when the people around here say he knows, its because he knows.


Well-Known Member
MissK said:

I searched for this but all the threads never explained it...WHY was it called Beastly Kingdom? I know this has been done to death but even Google has no results.


Your brave, this thread is one of the more intense ones! :lol:

Beastly Kingdom was a section of the AK that was supposed to be themed around mythological creatures or beasts - such as dragons, unicorns etc... I am almost positive I have read that this is where the name came from, but am not 100% sure.

Of course, as ou can see from this thread there is a huge discussion about whether or not it will ever be built. Word to the wise - stay out of that! :D :lookaroun :lookaroun


New Member
jmvd20 said:
Your brave, this thread is one of the more intense ones! :lol:

Beastly Kingdom was a section of the AK that was supposed to be themed around mythological creatures or beasts - such as dragons, unicorns etc... I am almost positive I have read that this is where the name came from, but am not 100% sure.

Of course, as ou can see from this thread there is a huge discussion about whether or not it will ever be built. Word to the wise - stay out of that! :D :lookaroun :lookaroun
Thank you for the reply!

(I will take your advice and stay out of the other arguements going on :))


New Member
I really dont wanna cause polemics or break out a fight here, and i am not saying Corrus is not who he says he is. But most perople here talk like he has never ever been wrong on what he says, and clearly he has not been absolutely 100% accurate on what he says.

In a link posted by space42 ( for those interested on the post link: )
about a Sea Cabs thread that began on November 12th 2005 (not very long ago), on the very first page of the thread Corrus posted at 17:16 (post Number 12) that day, that the Hydrolators could possibly back, but that the Sea Cabs "no way". And it turns out to be that the Hydrolators are gone and the Sea Cabs are coming back later this year. And like i said was a very recent thread so it wasnt like in such a long period of time things changed.

And also last week read on these forums an old thread about future attractions at Disneyland Paris, that was revived, one member posted that a Buzz Lightyear Astro Blaster attraction was in the works for the Visionarium at tommorrowland, and he denied that, saying that he was totally sure no Buzz Lightyear attraction would being built for DLPR. As we can see now a Buzz Lightyear attration occupies the old Visionarium Building. I am sorry i didnt post the link i searched for it but didnt found it but i am sure i read it.

So some people here talk trash about screamscape, Jim Hill, etc and while yes they havent been accurate sometimes, neither Corrus has and he is treated like he is never wrong and if he says no Beatly Kingdomme will ever be built, will never ever built. I am not saying Beastly will get built at AK, i hope but who knows, i am just saying that is not like he has never been wrong on absolutely anything and then the heat has to be turn to member who difer or say or think something differently. Anyway i probably will be flamed for this. Greetings to all!:wave:


Park History nut
Premium Member
Real_Epcot_Fan said:
Corrus posted at 17:16 (post Number 12) that day, that the Hydrolators could possibly back, but that the Sea Cabs "no way". And it turns out to be that the Hydrolators are gone and the Sea Cabs are coming back later this year.

Technically, Corrus was correct. The Sea Cabs are NOT coming back. The forthcoming attraction differs greatly from the original ride-thru-the-aquarium that closed 4 years ago.

Kind of like saying the Anaheim Peoplemover was coming back when the Rocket Rods were being built.


Well-Known Member
This is hilarious.

Based on what I've read, I'm siding heavily with Skellington88, who has made some decent points and asked fair questions.

On the other hand, this "Corrus" character is unwilling to provide any substantial evidence that he is "in the know" and belittles anyone who would question his authority. I'm guessing he is a pathological 15-year-old whacko who has built a following on the internet by posting logical conjecture in order to feel elevated.

I also love how his minions rush to defend his ridiculous comments (and I can't wait for their response to this).

If Corrus really did work within WDC, he was mid-level human resources guy at best (minion: "He's the reason Castmembers exist!!"). He knew/knows nothing about the Company's strategic decisions.

Back on topic: I think Festival of the Lion King will be moved to Africa and design will proceed on a fantasy-themed land that will occupy the Beastly Kingdom pads - possibly incorporating Narnia.


Well-Known Member
RandySavage said:
On the other hand, this "Corrus" character is unwilling to provide any substantial evidence that he is "in the know" and belittles anyone who would question his authority. I'm guessing he is a pathological 15-year-old whacko who has built a following on the internet by posting logical conjecture in order to feel elevated.

Actually, from my observations, Corrus doesn't usually belittle people. Only recently has it started showing in his posts. He's very knowledgable, and traditionally non-arrogant about it as well.. until recently :)


Park History nut
Premium Member
RandySavage said:
On the other hand, this "Corrus" character is unwilling to provide any substantial evidence that he is "in the know"

He isn`t unwilling. He is unable.

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