The Conundrum
New Member
Yep. The timing is impeccable. What I do know is what is public now is still less than half what I understood to be approaching green a year ago. And now it seems amber (okay... red for you yanks) - something was going to break sooner rather than later with management directives and changes and the 40th only 26 month away. Personally I`m a little surprised this is all that`s out there. Spread the love for the 40th was what I was thinking. There is still time yet I know. But `74 is right - the Fland project is far larger than what I expected, and the biggest (and most expensive) project of all the ones I Know about. DAK has been up and down like, well, something that goes up and down a lot. Land prep in January clearly didn`t happen. I`ve been told it is imminent ever since. Being 4000 miles away I can`t just peek and check sadly. It`s been on and off so much it seems to be still on hold, maybe even bumped down the queue now. Remember the whole JC/PotC/HM/HOP/SM fiasco? Looks like DAK is going through the exact same thing. So far as I know, BK is dead. MI was the way forward to kill Potter. Maybe priorities have changed. I know a few other issues holding up MI are or are close to being resolved. It`s the usual sign on the dotted line again.
And to think they can`t find a few dollars to animate some triangles and add some music...
Was the imagination redo scheduled to happen by 2011 or no?
Also, im extremly torn on how Journey/MI would come to florida because what makes it great in Tokyo is the richly themed land and 2 stellar attractions. In Florida, a ride like 20k would be the first thing they cut out and the fancy volcano too (just look at everest, they didn't bother to complete the show building) and as for JTTCOTE itself, would it have the same ride system (Leemac says the ride has a ton of downtime) would they remove/change the giant AA at the end to make it cheaper?
I really wish Disney would prove me wrong