Beastly kingdom?/dragon roller coaster ?


Well-Known Member
STR8FAN2005 said:
Keep in mind that such shows are not always entirely correct with their facts. From personal observation, I find that Marni knows much about such things.

Well again. I tend to believe Joe Rhode considering it was him who said it, and wouldn't pass info. along if I didn't think it was worthwhile. Since it came from his mouth on the show, I thought it was fairly credible. I'm not putting down anyone else's knowledge either. Just simply making my case.


Well-Known Member
dizneycrazy09 said:
Well again. I tend to believe Joe Rhode considering it was him who said it, and wouldn't pass info. along if I didn't think it was worthwhile. Since it came from his mouth on the show, I thought it was fairly credible. I'm not putting down anyone else's knowledge either. Just simply making my case.
Ok, well I do find it credible if Joe said it. I'm sorry. I was just pointing out that those shows are fallible.


Park History nut
Premium Member
Woah! Don`t take it to heart! We are all (mostly) happy smiling people around here!

There is quite a lot of room at AK, just not as much as you`d think. Look at an aerial image of the park and you can see what is available. Here you can see a large area north of Kali River Rapids, and the area due south of Camp Minnie-Mickey where Beastly Kingdom was once going. There may also be space next to Everest. The purple line around the park is its boundary; east and west you can see the wetlands of Reedy and Boggy Creeks, to the North the WDW Treefarm and the Western Beltway Connector route. The DAK Masterplan has these constraints placed on it. I`ll post the image below.


Park History nut
Premium Member
Ghostbuster626 said:
Well there is still room for beastly kingdom.

:lol: Should it ever happen - thats right. Camp Minnie-Mickey was designed and built on part of Beastly Kingdoms plot as a last minute attempt to fill out the then under construction park - not only was it rushed through, at a very low budget, it was designed to be temporary.

Based on the masterplan, here are the current DAK expansion areas. The purple line is the designated park boundary. Red is Expedition: Everest, yellow the planned BK area (with Camp Minnie-Mickey), green unused area and the blue areas are current bodies of water within the park boundary; even if they wern`t enviromentally sensitive / an operational need, it would be a large job to utilise or convert them for onstage areas - though it has been done before; Space Mountain over at the Magic Kingdom for example. Also note the black line through the northern part of the park; this is a canal that belongs to the RCID, and so out of the equation.


  • AK expansion aerial.jpg
    AK expansion aerial.jpg
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New Member
marni1971 said:
:lol: Should it ever happen - thats right. Camp Minnie-Mickey was designed and built on part of Beastly Kingdoms plot as a last minute attempt to fill out the then under construction park - not only was it rushed through, at a very low budget, it was designed to be temporary.

Based on the masterplan, here are the current DAK expansion areas. The purple line is the designated park boundary. Red is Expedition: Everest, yellow the planned BK area (with Camp Minnie-Mickey), green unused area and the blue areas are current bodies of water within the park boundary; even if they wern`t enviromentally sensitive / an operational need, it would be a large job to utilise or convert them for onstage areas - though it has been done before; Space Mountain over at the Magic Kingdom for example. Also note the black line through the northern part of the park; this is a canal that belongs to the RCID, and so out of the equation.
Marni, don't you think that the area (looking at the aerial photo) to the left of Discovery Island (appears from the photo to currently be some kind of backstage/cast services) would be a prime area of the park to develop and just relocate the backstage areas? This would not only balance the park out (which is getting so attraction-heavy on the Asia/Dinoland side of the park) but would also allow guests to make a full circle around the "hub" much like at the MK.


Active Member
There will be expansion in Animal Kingdom. Disney IS dedicated to adding more to the park. However, don't expect any large Austrialian land, like Africa.. If, or should I say, WHEN Austrialia is added to AK, it will be a small parcel of land... The decision isn't if Austrialia should be added, but where.. If they cannot agree where, then don't expect Austrialia to show up. That pic that was posted before detailing the areas for expanstion were right on. And something is planned for Camp Minnie-Mickey.. Just have to wait and see.. You'll love it though, providing the proper funding is given... That's my story and I'm sticking to it... Attack me if you must, but, I'm sticking to my story..

A new attraction will be announed soon... Either around the start of Epcot's 25th anniversary celebration, or not long there after as to not take the steam away from Epcot... But, the attraction, Ohhh you'll love it... trust me..


Well-Known Member
No ome is foricng you to particpate in this thread.
If you don't like the topic, then stay away from it. I don't think it is up to you or anyone else, aside from the admins and mods, what subject may be discussed and re-disscussed.


Active Member
joshwill said:
No ome is foricng you to particpate in this thread.
If you don't like the topic, then stay away from it. I don't think it is up to you or anyone else, aside from the admins and mods, what subject may be discussed and re-disscussed.

Who? :veryconfu


New Member
GothMickey said:
There will be expansion in Animal Kingdom. Disney IS dedicated to adding more to the park. However, don't expect any large Austrialian land, like Africa.. If, or should I say, WHEN Austrialia is added to AK, it will be a small parcel of land... The decision isn't if Austrialia should be added, but where.. If they cannot agree where, then don't expect Austrialia to show up. That pic that was posted before detailing the areas for expanstion were right on. And something is planned for Camp Minnie-Mickey.. Just have to wait and see.. You'll love it though, providing the proper funding is given... That's my story and I'm sticking to it... Attack me if you must, but, I'm sticking to my story..

A new attraction will be announed soon... Either around the start of Epcot's 25th anniversary celebration, or not long there after as to not take the steam away from Epcot... But, the attraction, Ohhh you'll love it... trust me..



Well-Known Member
GothMickey said:
There will be expansion in Animal Kingdom. Disney IS dedicated to adding more to the park. However, don't expect any large Austrialian land, like Africa.. If, or should I say, WHEN Austrialia is added to AK, it will be a small parcel of land... The decision isn't if Austrialia should be added, but where.. If they cannot agree where, then don't expect Austrialia to show up. That pic that was posted before detailing the areas for expanstion were right on. And something is planned for Camp Minnie-Mickey.. Just have to wait and see.. You'll love it though, providing the proper funding is given... That's my story and I'm sticking to it... Attack me if you must, but, I'm sticking to my story..

A new attraction will be announed soon... Either around the start of Epcot's 25th anniversary celebration, or not long there after as to not take the steam away from Epcot... But, the attraction, Ohhh you'll love it... trust me..
Hmmmm, interesting . . .

. . . have we heard of the concept yet, or is this something completely new? When you say Attraction should we assume it's one attraction or do you mean land or something else?

You haven't been here very long, have you? You can't just tstart hinting to peopl elike that here becaus ehtye'll just want to know more and more and eventually it will start to eat away at them from the inside and then soon you just start to convulse and shake and you FOAM AT THE MOUTH AND YOU JUST CAN'T TAKE IT ANY LONGER! AAAARRARRARRRGGGGHGGHGHGHGGHH!!!!!!

Hi, and welcome to WDW Magic :wave: .

Yensid "Please keep all arms, legs and antlers inside the vehicle at all times, eh?"

"What are you talking about, eh, they don't have antlers, they're human!"

"They're not humans, they're wolverines . . ." tlaw1969


yensidtlaw1969 said:
Hmmmm, interesting . . .

. . . have we heard of the concept yet, or is this something completely new? When you say Attraction should we assume it's one attraction or do you mean land or something else?

You haven't been here very long, have you? You can't just tstart hinting to peopl elike that here becaus ehtye'll just want to know more and more and eventually it will start to eat away at them from the inside and then soon you just start to convulse and shake and you FOAM AT THE MOUTH AND YOU JUST CAN'T TAKE IT ANY LONGER! AAAARRARRARRRGGGGHGGHGHGHGGHH!!!!!!

Hi, and welcome to WDW Magic :wave: .

Yensid "Please keep all arms, legs and antlers inside the vehicle at all times, eh?"

"What are you talking about, eh, they don't have antlers, they're human!"

"They're not humans, they're wolverines . . ." tlaw1969

My feelings exactly.


Well-Known Member
GothMickey said:
There will be expansion in Animal Kingdom. Disney IS dedicated to adding more to the park. However, don't expect any large Austrialian land, like Africa.. If, or should I say, WHEN Austrialia is added to AK, it will be a small parcel of land... The decision isn't if Austrialia should be added, but where.. If they cannot agree where, then don't expect Austrialia to show up. That pic that was posted before detailing the areas for expanstion were right on. And something is planned for Camp Minnie-Mickey.. Just have to wait and see.. You'll love it though, providing the proper funding is given... That's my story and I'm sticking to it... Attack me if you must, but, I'm sticking to my story..

A new attraction will be announed soon... Either around the start of Epcot's 25th anniversary celebration, or not long there after as to not take the steam away from Epcot... But, the attraction, Ohhh you'll love it... trust me..

I don't know why but I believe you. A lot of people post stuff that has no real substance. So, until your proven wrong I believe what your saying. Can you give us any hints as to what might be coming?


Active Member
GothMickey said:
There will be expansion in Animal Kingdom. Disney IS dedicated to adding more to the park. However, don't expect any large Austrialian land, like Africa.. If, or should I say, WHEN Austrialia is added to AK, it will be a small parcel of land... The decision isn't if Austrialia should be added, but where.. If they cannot agree where, then don't expect Austrialia to show up. That pic that was posted before detailing the areas for expanstion were right on. And something is planned for Camp Minnie-Mickey.. Just have to wait and see.. You'll love it though, providing the proper funding is given... That's my story and I'm sticking to it... Attack me if you must, but, I'm sticking to my story..

A new attraction will be announed soon... Either around the start of Epcot's 25th anniversary celebration, or not long there after as to not take the steam away from Epcot... But, the attraction, Ohhh you'll love it... trust me..

Let me ask you something... Who are your sources? Are you a CM or do you have connections through your job. You seem to be pretty confident on this information. Not many people have done that before on this forum (At least for the time I have been here). Because of this everyone believes you without following one of our biggest guidelines:

Rules to follow regarding a rumor/concept:

1. Sources matter
2. CM and Bus Driver rumors are almost (99.99%) always false.
3. Belief is minimal until Press Release or other sites confirm.


Active Member
jedimaster1227 said:
Let me ask you something... Who are your sources? Are you a CM or do you have connections through your job. You seem to be pretty confident on this information. Not many people have done that before on this forum (At least for the time I have been here). Because of this everyone believes you without following one of our biggest guidelines:

Rules to follow regarding a rumor/concept:

1. Sources matter
2. CM and Bus Driver rumors are almost (99.99%) always false.
3. Belief is minimal until Press Release or other sites confirm.

I have been lurking on here long enough to know everyone on here always doubts rumors or statements unless it is from lee and Corrus.. who by the way should be listened too very carefully, cause they are in the know... I honestly cannot say where I heard anything because I promised not to reveal anyone's identity... I will not sit here and say MY FRIEND because that is a mockery... Also, they aren't really friends so, I won't say that.. Let's just say they know something about a thing or two...

I am confident in posting that because this is a rumors thread correct? I only posted rumors.. not known facts.... Until Disney says so, nothing is official... So please take anything I say as rumor... Trust Lee and Corrus.. I'll tell you this.. When they post, read between the lines and you'll find the answers to your questions.. Trust me, what these acquaintances told me, Lee and Corrus has basically told all of you...


Active Member
yensidtlaw1969 said:
Hmmmm, interesting . . .

. . . have we heard of the concept yet, or is this something completely new? When you say Attraction should we assume it's one attraction or do you mean land or something else?

You haven't been here very long, have you? You can't just tstart hinting to peopl elike that here becaus ehtye'll just want to know more and more and eventually it will start to eat away at them from the inside and then soon you just start to convulse and shake and you FOAM AT THE MOUTH AND YOU JUST CAN'T TAKE IT ANY LONGER! AAAARRARRARRRGGGGHGGHGHGHGGHH!!!!!!

Hi, and welcome to WDW Magic :wave: .

Yensid "Please keep all arms, legs and antlers inside the vehicle at all times, eh?"

"What are you talking about, eh, they don't have antlers, they're human!"

"They're not humans, they're wolverines . . ." tlaw1969

LoL.. ok there buddy, don't blow a blood vessle lol....

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