Avengers Campus: E-Watch! (Waiting on the new ride)


Well-Known Member
The arms stay put. The “Hero Profiles” are just in the various ways the arms swing you - there’s probably some specific hero audio to go with it. That’s all.

But I love it this way. It is literally Tony Stark’s Teacups, but it’s slick and technologically sophisticated rather than carny.

I think I’m more excited about this than Infinity Defense.

AC could definitely use the kinetic energy. As low as I am on AID, I’m still definitely more excited for it than this hahah.

Disney Analyst

Well-Known Member
Given that they mention reride-ability with different heros and different ride profiles I would have to assume that comes into play as you move down the line from the loading area to the arms. So maybe they give different scenes via screens/audio as you go down the track waiting to be picked up by the arms. In the concept art you have some of the riders pointing at the screen in front of them along the track, so I think this will be the case.

Screens circled here for you all.



Well-Known Member
Have you guys seen the Jurassic World ride at Universal Beijing? Looks like pretty much the same ride system as Transformers / Spiderman / Tokyo Pan but it's full of huge animatronics, fully fleshed out sets and the integration between the physical elements screens looks pretty flawless. Check out 5'19" with the guy on the motorcycle for a great example of what I'm talking about. Also at the end where you're watching the two Dinos go at it. You're looking outside from the interior of the building with all of the broken building infrastructure in the foreground. The way the screens are framed and scenes are staged really helps one suspend disbelief. Unlike Mission Breakout where we FaceTime with the Guardians on a screen in the back of a small room. Nothing physical working with the screen to really sell the illusion. I think the reason even something like Star Tours is more effective is because the windshield doubles as the screen. Anyway, I'm going off on a tangent. All this to say they could beef up the Avengers ride if they really wanted to with a huge King Thano's AA and fleshed out sets like we see in this Jurassic World ride through. To be clear I don't expect AID have nearly as many physical elements as Jurassic World considering the fact that we're flying around to different locations it would be harder to pull off than dinosaurs in the jungle but it would be nice if they looked at this ride for inspiration.

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Disney Irish

Premium Member
Have you guys seen the Jurassic World ride at Universal Beijing? Looks like pretty much the same ride system as Transformers / Spiderman / Tokyo Pan but it's full of huge animatronics, fully fleshed out sets and the integration between the physical elements screens looks pretty flawless. Check out 5'19" with the guy on the motorcycle for a great example of what I'm talking about. Also at the end where you're watching the two Dinos go at it. You're looking outside from the interior of the building with all of the broken building infrastructure in the foreground. The way the screens are framed and scenes are staged really helps one suspend disbelief. Unlike Mission Breakout where we FaceTime with the Guardians on a screen in the back of a small room. Nothing physical working with the screen to really sell the illusion. I think the reason even something like Star Tours is more effective is because the windshield doubles as the screen. Anyway, I'm going off on a tangent. All this to say they could beef up the Avengers ride if they really wanted to with a huge King Thano's AA and fleshed out sets like we see in this Jurassic World ride through. To be clear I don't expect AID have nearly as many physical elements as Jurassic World considering the fact that we're flying around to different locations it would be harder to pull off than dinosaurs in the jungle but it would be nice if they looked at this ride for inspiration.

Disney knows how to blend physical sets and screens, it just wasn't done for a reskin like MB. For a purpose built attraction like AID I have no doubt they'll blend physical sets and screens with AAs. For example on that concept art where we see Hulk holding the ride vehicle, I suspect that'll be an AA similar to how the first Rex dino that pushes back the car in that video is an AA.


Well-Known Member
Disney knows how to blend physical sets and screens, it just wasn't done for a reskin like MB. For a purpose built attraction like AID I have no doubt they'll blend physical sets and screens with AAs. For example on that concept art where we see Hulk holding the ride vehicle, I suspect that'll be an AA similar to how the first Rex dino that pushes back the car in that video is an AA.

It looks like they did a good job with Shanghai POTC. I used this Jurassic World ride as an example because it’s the same or very similar ride system as AID will have.

The question how far will they go with the physical sets, AAs. Hopefully ALL IN. Just going hard on one or two scenes/ sets can be counter productive and make the the more screen reliant scenes stand out.

Disney Irish

Premium Member
It looks like they did a good job with Shanghai POTC. I used this Jurassic World ride as an example because it’s the same or very similar ride system as AID will have.

The question how far will they go with the physical sets, AAs. Hopefully ALL IN. Just going hard on one or two scenes/ sets can be counter productive and make the the more screen reliant scenes stand out.
We'll see what they do when they start construction next year, but I think it'll be more like that Jurassic ride with a blend of physical sets, screens, and AAs, then something with only or mostly screens with little of anything else.


Well-Known Member
We'll see what they do when they start construction next year, but I think it'll be more like that Jurassic ride with a blend of physical sets, screens, and AAs, then something with only or mostly screens with little of anything else.
Who was it that I heard… Someone was saying that the avengers ticket will have TWO animatronics. If that’s true, I sure hope one of them is the Hulk gripping your vehicle (as seen in the concept art). Was hoping for more though.


Well-Known Member
I've seen video of that Jurassic World ride before and it is definitely top of the line! While it speaks to the potential of AID, I can only hope that Imagineers have taken notice. An Avengers ride should at least have some degree of intensity. It would seem that they do have something up their sleeve as Trowbridge did tease his "favorite part." I get the feeling that while Peter Pan was not the spotlight attraction at Fantasy Springs, they're well aware that the Avengers must aspire to be.


Well-Known Member
It would be cool if at the end of the ride you travel back to the same time and place you departed from, so you will see yourself and everyone in your vehicle briefly before they takeoff to have the adventure you just had. A little riff on the tradition taking your picture and showing it to you during the ride (I think that first started with journey into imagination in 1983). If they could do that with 3-D video meshed in with the rest of the animation (like the rebel spy photograph in Star Tours) on a giant screen that would be really something.

Disney Irish

Premium Member
Who was it that I heard… Someone was saying that the avengers ticket will have TWO animatronics. If that’s true, I sure hope one of them is the Hulk gripping your vehicle (as seen in the concept art). Was hoping for more though.
I don't think I've heard any specifics of what and how many AAs would be in the ride, so I'd be curious to know where you saw that. I think the only thing I saw rumored was that the Thanos figure shown in the concept was to be a large AA.


Well-Known Member
We'll see what they do when they start construction next year, but I think it'll be more like that Jurassic ride with a blend of physical sets, screens, and AAs, then something with only or mostly screens with little of anything else.

Yeah I don't have as much faith but I hope you're right. Often times we compare these Mega E ticket park headliners over seas to our parks out here that are chock full of quality attractions. Over there they are THE reason to visit that new park with like 10 attractions. Here they re just "another ride." I'm just not sure Disney thinks they need to be on that level. I think Avatar will be because of James Cameron. Not so sure about this one. I think Coco can get away with being more charming. Not sure it has to be epic but they may be setting expectations too high with those Pirates/ Mansion comparisons. It would be amazing however to be blown away by a Coco ride with impressive scope/scale where one had charming/ D ticket expectations. Thats how you create "classics."

Disney Irish

Premium Member
Yeah I don't have as much faith but I hope you're right. Often times we compare these Mega E ticket park headliners over seas to our parks out here that are chock full of quality attractions. Over there they are THE reason to visit that new park with like 10 attractions. Here they re just "another ride." I'm just not sure Disney thinks they need to be on that level. I think Avatar will be because of Jame Cameron. Not so sure about this one.
So you really don't think Disney would do a quality Avatar area in DCA without James Cameron? That is really cynical. I mean so be it, but that is even too cynical for what I've known you to be all these years.


Well-Known Member
I have unwarranted levels of optimism because I believe there are a wealth of potential advancements that dovetail the ride system chosen. I don't really expect animatronics, or at least not as many as Jurassic World. However, Runaway Railway brought to life a concept that I'd pondered for years in the "tropical island turned to seascape" sequence. It's a wonderful use of projection mapping and I can imagine multiple scenes on the ride designed this way to expand the number of locations visited. Naturally, Star Tours has been taking us to different places for over a decade, why couldn't the Avengers do the same?

Another upside of the use of screens is that they can bring us the variety of heroes, differing each ride, that were teased at the previous D23. An effect I have been aching for someone to implement is taking the same approach used in Star Tours and applying it to the 3D effects. Imagine re-riding the attraction and not being able to anticipate which objects will appear dimensionally in front of you. These effects no longer have to be predictable. Smuggler's Run is built like a video game with objects reacting to your ship crashing and lasers firing at a moment's notice. I can only hope that Imagineers are thinking with likewise ambition, because all of these things are attainable. They've just been served to us ala cart, never stewed. DCA has long needed an attraction that shows us something signature. As said, I'm aware of how intensely optimistic I am, but there is real potential here for the Imagineers to assemble a groundbreaking E-Ticket.
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Well-Known Member
So you really don't think Disney would do a quality Avatar area in DCA without James Cameron? That is really cynical. I mean so be it, but that is even too cynical for what I've known you to be all these years.

Being a bit dramatic here no? Sometimes I think you re having conversations with yourself or whatever you want to believe the other person is saying so you can just type out whatever you planned to say 5 minutes ago.

Did I say it would be a turd without Cameron? There’s levels to this. It’s not just Good or Bad. There’s a whole lot of in between.
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Well-Known Member
I have unwarranted levels of optimism because I believe there are a wealth of potential advancements that dovetail the ride system chosen. I don't really expect animatronics, or at least not as many as Jurassic World. However, Runaway Railway brought to life a concept that I'd pondered for years in the "tropical island turned to seascape" sequence. It's a wonderful use of projection mapping and I can imagine multiple scenes on the ride designed this way to expand the number of locations visited. Naturally, Star Tours has been taking us to different places for over a decade, why couldn't the Avengers do the same?

Another upside of the use of screens is that they can bring us the variety of heroes, differing each ride, that were teased at the previous D23. An effect I have been aching for someone to implement is taking the same approach used in Star Tours and applying it to the 3D effects. Imagine re-riding the attraction and not being able to anticipate which objects will appear dimensionally in front of you. These effects no longer have to be predictable. Smuggler's Run is built like a video game with objects reacting to your ship crashing and lasers firing as these things happen. I can only hope that Imagineers are thinking with likewise ambition, because all of these things are attainable. They've just been served to us ala cart, never stewed. DCA has long needed an attraction that shows us something signature. As said, I'm aware of how intensely optimistic I am, but there is real potential here for the Imagineers to assemble a groundbreaking E-Ticket.

I would say that's one of weaknesses I find with Star Tours' update. The original had a great video utilizing practical effects and was incredible strong and seamless. The new version feels like I'm being dropped into 3 different video game cut scenes. Add to that the fact I never believed we would be flying with the original pilot droid be cause he was obviously computer generated and Disney didn't even go through the trouble of building a puppet or practical figure. When it's computer generated, it's like the ride is announcing that it's fake and has no substance.

My worry is that AID will have the same feeling with our ride vehicle moving between screens with randomized CGI cut scenes.

I'd love to be wrong and see something closer to Jurassic World Adventure, but given what we've seen with Mission BO, Cosmic Rewind, We slingers, a d Star Tours, I have serious doubts.


Well-Known Member
I have unwarranted levels of optimism because I believe there are a wealth of potential advancements that dovetail the ride system chosen. I don't really expect animatronics, or at least not as many as Jurassic World. However, Runaway Railway brought to life a concept that I'd pondered for years in the "tropical island turned to seascape" sequence. It's a wonderful use of projection mapping and I can imagine multiple scenes on the ride designed this way to expand the number of locations visited. Naturally, Star Tours has been taking us to different places for over a decade, why couldn't the Avengers do the same?

Another upside of the use of screens is that they can bring us the variety of heroes, differing each ride, that were teased at the previous D23. An effect I have been aching for someone to implement is taking the same approach used in Star Tours and applying it to the 3D effects. Imagine re-riding the attraction and not being able to anticipate which objects will appear dimensionally in front of you. These effects no longer have to be predictable. Smuggler's Run is built like a video game with objects reacting to your ship crashing and lasers firing at a moment's notice. I can only hope that Imagineers are thinking with likewise ambition, because all of these things are attainable. They've just been served to us ala cart, never stewed. DCA has long needed an attraction that shows us something signature. As said, I'm aware of how intensely optimistic I am, but there is real potential here for the Imagineers to assemble a groundbreaking E-Ticket.

My gut says the Avatar ride will be the show stopper. Hopefully they play up the re-rideability of Avengers. Not just from everything we know about the ride systems and concepts but you just don’t see two show stoppers being built at the same time for the same park. Avengers will be a lot more modest. Doesn’t mean it can’t be good though.

Disney Irish

Premium Member
Being a bit dramatic here no? Sometimes I think you re having conversations with yourself or whatever you want to believe the other person is saying.

Did I say it would be a turd without Cameron? There’s levels to this. It’s not just Good or Bad. There’s a whole lot of in between.
Your comment about Avatar being in the level you talk about because of Cameron indicates that you believe without Cameron it wouldn’t be. If you didn’t believe that then I’m not sure why even mention Cameron at all.

Also I think Feige is there to make sure AID be on the level you talk about with regards to Avatar.


Well-Known Member
Add to that the fact I never believed we would be flying with the original pilot droid be cause he was obviously computer generated and Disney didn't even go through the trouble of building a puppet or practical figure. When it's computer generated, it's like the ride is announcing that it's fake and has no substance.
Just out of curiosity, are you on about Rex, the original pilot from the 1987 version? If so, he was a real animatronic

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