If you can come up with a light-hearted way to tell people corporations are pumping poison into the air and water, we're losing the rain forests by the day, forcing animals into extinction, ALL because it's making a small majority filthy rich at the expense of the rest of the population, then I'm all ears. Disney is doing a great job in getting the message across, because there isn't a nice way to state it (even though they try) and in reality, it shouldn't be presented in a light-hearted way. And the day Disney doesn't take Sponsor money from an oil company they'll come full circle. EPCOT is supposed to be the antithesis of how this planet is powered today. We should be better as a human race, not apethetic, which is something the Disney message has always stood for. Avatar+Disney = Peanut butter and jelly.
Puns intended, btw.