I like you a lot and not just because you look like a beautiful action movie hero in your avatar (don't tell the wife)...I do disagree with you on this though. I don't think we'll change each other's minds, but let me proffer another perspective. First, I like the fact the movie/franchise doesn't fit the typical restaurant/meet and greet Disney franchise theme park model. In fact, this is something I like about DAK as a whole. With the exception of the Nemo and LK shows, the actual rides either have no franchise tie in or are tied in to a relatively weak franchise (Bug's Life and Dinosaur don't have near the cultural presence that Avatar has)...there ain't no Wilson meet and greets. So...it leads to a bit more of an adult feel throughout the park, which is something that Disney used to do quite well. Also, the story was pretty good even if derivative and really slapped you upside the head (for better or worse) with the conservation message that appears throughout the park. Plus, it did have a lot of very cool fictional animals. Plants and animals (remember some of the animals had a bit of a night time glow) that fluoresce in the dark would be a huge draw. Finally, the appearance of Pandora (which is beautiful) would nicely compliment what is already the purtiest theme park in North America....You've got to know your strong suits and at DAK, it is the visuals. And man, if we had flying banshees that appeared of in the distance between Home Tree from time to time everyone in this thread would be standing there gawking.
Side note: I think I'm in the minority here, but I don't mind. This is more interesting than talking about the resume's of vapid bloggers.