DAK AVATAR land coming to Disney's Animal Kingdom


Liker of Things
Premium Member
You're right. But I'd hardly see re-themed rides as a new draw. Not saying it's not any less minuscule.

Regardless of whether or not the rides were re-themed, they did exist and still do exist. With regards to actual ride existence, DAK is light in the loafers. They need a land that has a min. of 3 rides in my opinion. A lushly landscaped Avland with 3-4 rides would be awesome and it wouldn't matter how the next couple of movies did. In the long term, a theme park land or attraction will stand on its own merits and be its own draw if done well. Besides the fact, there isn't a single big franchise that is near a good as a philosophical fit.


Liker of Things
Premium Member
I remember reading here when it was revealed that Cameron okayed 2 attractions for this land (as opposed to the 3 that he advocated for), I recall hearing from someone that if those 2 latter movies did well at the b.o., TDO/Burbank were going to green light the 3rd attraction (the bike coaster). Now, let's just hope that's the case (latter movies exceeding expectations at the b.o.) so we can at least get a 2nd attraction for this land (be it the boat ride persumeably).

I really don't like if they're relying on movie grosses and guest opinions. Disney should build something great and dare us not to like it. I mean the fact most people weren't aware of Song of the South and many who were aware of it thought of it as racist...maybe if the internetz existed 15 years earlier, they would've gotten wet feet on Splash. I don't see how Soarin' on steroids, a boat ride, a bike coaster, bioluminescing plants (night time entertainment), banshees, navi, wouldn't be a hit. I think everyone who thinks the land is a bad idea would spend a crap load of time there. I'm not a fan of HP myself, but I love WWoHP.


Well-Known Member
WWOHP added one ride, merchandise, food and entertainment, but the area in itself is three (or four depending on if you count Hungarian Horntail and Chinese Fireball as separate attractions) attractions, merchandise, food and entertainment.

The equivalent of WWOHP for Avatar would be Avatar taking over Asia...
  • changing Everest into a floating mountain (and replacing the Yeti with a Pandora creature)
  • adding Na'vi and Pandora creatures to Kali River Rapids.
  • adding a small Na'vi show
  • adding the Soarin' 10.0 attraction.
As of right now, it's looking like Soarin' 10.0, merchandise and food - that's it - that's less than Transformers/Springfield.
Ultimately, guests flock to WWOHP because of the IP and because the land itself is extremely well executed. Every time I enter, I still am amazed at the number of guests who are simply gawking. Obviously the jewel in the crown is FJ but it works so well in part because the land encompassing it works so well.

Even if Disney manages to execute Avatarland well (something Disney usually excels at although there are some notable exceptions), even if Disney manages to create a cutting edge attraction like FJ (something I doubt), they still are stuck with an IP with considerably less appeal than Harry Potter.


Premium Member
Ultimately, guests flock to WWOHP because of the IP and because the land itself is extremely well executed. Every time I enter, I still am amazed at the number of guests who are simply gawking. Obviously the jewel in the crown is FJ but it works so well in part because the land encompassing it works so well.

Even if Disney manages to execute Avatarland well (something Disney usually excels at although there are some notable exceptions), even if Disney manages to create a cutting edge attraction like FJ (something I doubt), they still are stuck with an IP with considerably less appeal than Harry Potter.

Yes, but there aren't many IP's available that have the Harry Potter level of appeal, especially not ones that would be suitable for AK.


Well-Known Member
Keep Avatar out of AK, put it in Epcot, basically rebuilding most of the TT side of the park (except M:S) by scrapping UoE and claiming the empty buildings nearby.


Active Member
One of the rumors I had been told was that the current figure would be removed and replaced with a marrionette type figure. I haven't been able to verify it, but it seems that any speculation on necessary downtime is purely a guess at this point.
This is quite interesting, it is also something I’m not opposed to as it seems this might be the right place for a marionette style figure, but still would be very large. Im intrigued on the possibilities. Could still use same skin and some of the exoskeleton, just simplify the joints and take out the heavy metal and pneumatics.

Also I still believe James Cameron and Joe Rodhe will make sure Avatarland will be ridiculously well detailed and beautiful no matter if its 1, 2, 3, or 4 attractions there.


Well-Known Member
I'm so excited about Avatar!!

Just think of the possibilities!

Imagine eating at ...???! Wait, never mind.

Or getting a chance to do a meet and greet with ... Oh ... That one blue guy, what's his name?

Or doing a bike coaster? Were there bikes in the movie? Isn't the next one about oceans?

Wait ... but think of being immersed in the rich story ... wait wait ... Never mind.

What about visiting the unobtanium mines ... oh ...

The plants will have LED lights though!


Well-Known Member
I'm so excited about Avatar!!

Just think of the possibilities!

Imagine eating at ...???! Wait, never mind.

Or getting a chance to do a meet and greet with ... Oh ... That one blue guy, what's his name?

Or doing a bike coaster? Were there bikes in the movie? Isn't the next one about oceans?

Wait ... but think of being immersed in the rich story ... wait wait ... Never mind.

What about visiting the unobtanium mines ... oh ...

The plants will have LED lights though!
Forget you, dude. I want to explore Grace's lab.


One Little Spark...
I just hope that if this gets built, the area and attraction(s) can be re-themed fairly easily if the Avatar franchise tanks.

Maybe Disney could buy the rights to Fern Gully? It's the same basic story...plus it has "fairies"!

They could do a direct to DVD release of a remake of it using Tink and the crew.

Think of the marketing potential!


Well-Known Member
I'm so excited about Avatar!!

Just think of the possibilities!

Imagine eating at ...???! Wait, never mind.

Or getting a chance to do a meet and greet with ... Oh ... That one blue guy, what's his name?

Or doing a bike coaster? Were there bikes in the movie? Isn't the next one about oceans?

Wait ... but think of being immersed in the rich story ... wait wait ... Never mind.

What about visiting the unobtanium mines ... oh ...

The plants will have LED lights though!
im guessing you re not a fan


Well-Known Member
im guessing you re not a fan

If its Avatar or don't do anything, then I'm not dense ... naturally I'll take it. And just because I don't like a franchise doesn't mean I won't love the attraction, so there is that.

But Cameron made a lazy movie, with a tired story, undefined characters, and bad dialogue ... that I can mock before, during, and after any attraction opens.


Well-Known Member
I'm not a big Star Wars fan, and I'm definitely not an Avatar fan... but to think of all the possibilities in Animal Kingdom and to think they are sitting on top of Star Wars now and can do whatever they wish and to still be considering Avatar is unreal to me.

I thought John Carter was better than Avatar...seriously (I could care less about 3D effects)

My thought for Animal Kingdom is to build a Prideland (from Lion King) completed with Lion King themed attractions, show (already in place), theme it with pride rock and water and house animal from the movie in various spots. This movie was/is so big and to do so little with it IN ANIMAL KINGDOM is something else that is unreal to me


Well-Known Member
Hey Beholder, nice wheels !

Oh yeah, and Disney should run away from Avatar as far and as fast as they can.

Thanks! It's a 64' and has been in the family since 65'. Frame off resto about 3 years ago.

And yeah, if I had my way, I'd opt out of avatar, but considering (as far as I know) that nothing was planned for AK, I'll take a well thought out and executed Pandora. I really hate being in the "I'll take something over nothing" mindset, but TDO makes me kind of desperate for some sort of addition. Sigh.


Liker of Things
Premium Member
Ultimately, guests flock to WWOHP because of the IP and because the land itself is extremely well executed. Every time I enter, I still am amazed at the number of guests who are simply gawking. Obviously the jewel in the crown is FJ but it works so well in part because the land encompassing it works so well.

Even if Disney manages to execute Avatarland well (something Disney usually excels at although there are some notable exceptions), even if Disney manages to create a cutting edge attraction like FJ (something I doubt), they still are stuck with an IP with considerably less appeal than Harry Potter.

Only the initial entry is IP dependent if your TP isn't close to capacity all the time. Uni needed/wanted a big boost in crowds. WDW is still massively crowded. If they designed a alien world with in house developed alien animals and plant life and made a land based on that, that also blew your mind, it would be a huge hit. I go to WWoHP, not because of the IP, which I'm not into at all, but because it was so well executed.

Also I still believe James Cameron and Joe Rodhe will make sure Avatarland will be ridiculously well detailed and beautiful no matter if its 1, 2, 3, or 4 attractions there.

Agreed, but don't you think DAK needs attractions? Have you ever visited theme park insider and just looked at the lists of attractions and shows available at the non-Florida Disney TPs? People bad mouthed DCA before the inclusion of Cars Land, but my gut tells me that even without Cars Land it had a chance to be the number 2 TP in Florida. Really, the attraction density in Florida is low, low, low.


Liker of Things
Premium Member
I'm so excited about Avatar!!

Just think of the possibilities!

Imagine eating at ...???! Wait, never mind.

Or getting a chance to do a meet and greet with ... Oh ... That one blue guy, what's his name?

Or doing a bike coaster? Were there bikes in the movie? Isn't the next one about oceans?

Wait ... but think of being immersed in the rich story ... wait wait ... Never mind.

What about visiting the unobtanium mines ... oh ...

The plants will have LED lights though!

I like you a lot and not just because you look like a beautiful action movie hero in your avatar (don't tell the wife)...I do disagree with you on this though. I don't think we'll change each other's minds, but let me proffer another perspective. First, I like the fact the movie/franchise doesn't fit the typical restaurant/meet and greet Disney franchise theme park model. In fact, this is something I like about DAK as a whole. With the exception of the Nemo and LK shows, the actual rides either have no franchise tie in or are tied in to a relatively weak franchise (Bug's Life and Dinosaur don't have near the cultural presence that Avatar has)...there ain't no Wilson meet and greets. So...it leads to a bit more of an adult feel throughout the park, which is something that Disney used to do quite well. Also, the story was pretty good even if derivative and really slapped you upside the head (for better or worse) with the conservation message that appears throughout the park. Plus, it did have a lot of very cool fictional animals. Plants and animals (remember some of the animals had a bit of a night time glow) that fluoresce in the dark would be a huge draw. Finally, the appearance of Pandora (which is beautiful) would nicely compliment what is already the purtiest theme park in North America....You've got to know your strong suits and at DAK, it is the visuals. And man, if we had flying banshees that appeared off in the distance between Home Tree from time to time everyone in this thread would be standing there gawking.

Side note: I think I'm in the minority here, but I don't mind. This is more interesting than talking about the resume's of vapid bloggers.

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