I still don't get it.
Did anyone actually WATCH this movie? The US Army goes in and tears the planet to shreds. It has no regard for life, nature or the land.
As positive as everyone keeps mentioning this movie (living in harmony with land, etc) I just can't get over the actual mood of the movie- which to me is destruction and death to an unknown culture on an unknown planet for selfish reasons.
It reminds me very much of Dune (not the awful movie, but the actual book series) which, to put frankly, is very much like whats going on overseas with the oil issues.
I don't know, guys. I've seen the movie, a few times actually, but the only 'memorable' part for me was making the US look like a-holes for ripping apart a foreign land, and the overall negative feel of the movie. Sure, it was visually stunning, but I don't really remember much of it.
Except what's her name who was a constant smoker and the guy who was brought onto the project only because he looked like someone else (brother) but had no experience nor talent for the project...
I'll get off my soapbox now.