Are you 23?


Well-Known Member
Evan, the club has only been open for 7 days. How could you possibly know what types of events, inside looks, and special benefits are in the works? You know I don't usually get involved in these discussions, but I can't see the logic in assuming you know EVERYTHING that the club will offer in the future, in the first 7 days it's open. I feel quite confident that Disney, as a company, is smart enough to have plans in the works, and that they didn't release everything they plan to have in the first week. What fun would that be?

And no, I cannot afford to join... :shrug:
What she said..:D

That is my thought on it much hate when we have no idea what will happen in the future with this..


Well-Known Member
I feel quite confident that Disney, as a company, is smart enough to have plans in the works, and that they didn't release everything they plan to have in the first week. What fun would that be?
Yes, but again... if they do have more planned, they really needed to mention it to help justify that $75.
I just don't buy it that they have so much more planned but think it will make a great surprise later as long as you pay your $75 and just "trust them".

Look, if suddenly they introduce something that makes it worth it (to me) I will join. Not hiding that at all. So far, they haven't.

So SweetMagic... when are we planning the next WDWMagic meetup? Let's get back to those topics!
July 4th for the Reopen of HoP? (Only crazy fans would go on the 4th and go straight to HoP at park open.) :)

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Evan, the club has only been open for 7 days. How could you possibly know what types of events, inside looks, and special benefits are in the works? You know I don't usually get involved in these discussions, but I can't see the logic in assuming you know EVERYTHING that the club will offer in the future, in the first 7 days it's open. I feel quite confident that Disney, as a company, is smart enough to have plans in the works, and that they didn't release everything they plan to have in the first week. What fun would that be?

And no, I cannot afford to join... :shrug:
The they should tell us this!:lol::lol: It's poor marketing not to offer the whole product at it's launch. If it was 75$ at opening for something besides the online mall and the mag, I would be placated. Right now, all they offer is that, and that's what I feel is wrong about the whole thing.:shrug:
I understand thing is that no matter what Disney does some people love it, some people hate it, and some people could care less.

No one is right or wrong is basically peoples opinions on what they THINK is right or wrong.

"23" will probably do very well because there are people who are willing to join..and who is to say that they will not add any perks to the just started.

No one has still ever answered my question on whether if this was about EPCOT or AC would it be any different?

I for some reason think it would be..and that is fine..because it is what interests some people more..but the same could be said for this.

I just do not understand I guess what all the commotion is I said..if you like it fine..if you do not then that is fine each his own.

Some people just seem to get so upset about the whole thing.

What's the question?:D


Well-Known Member
The they should tell us this!:lol::lol: It's poor marketing not to offer the whole product at it's launch. If it was 75$ at opening for something besides the online mall and the mag, I would be placated. Right now, all they offer is that, and that's what I feel is wrong about the whole thing.:shrug:

What's the question?:D
Um..If "23" was all about EPCOT (in your case)..;)..would you have joined?

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Yes, but again... if they do have more planned, they really needed to mention it to help justify that $75.
I just don't buy it that they have so much more planned but think it will make a great surprise later as long as you pay your $75 and just "trust them".

Look, if suddenly they introduce something that makes it worth it (to me) I will join. Not hiding that at all. So far, they haven't.

So SweetMagic... when are we planning the next WDWMagic meetup? Let's get back to those topics!
July 4th for the Reopen of HoP? (Only crazy fans would go on the 4th and go straight to HoP at park open.) :)

Hit it on the head. If Disney brings a WOW Factor "perk" into this, I'm sold. I'll scrounge up my 75 bucks to be a charter member and be thrilled.:D

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Um..If "23" was all about EPCOT (in your case)..;)..would you have joined?

So...Hypothetical EPCOT82 club. With a mag and the ability to buy merch.

Honestly, nope.:lol: I have eBay for merch, and this site for info.

NOW, if it was a EPCOT82 club with a Mag, discounted/free/reasonably merch and the added bonus of other tangible things...Heck yes.

And the same applies for D23. If they offer something great, I'll join. But right now, I see no sense in joining up to a D23 Online Mall that's "so perfect for Disney Fans". The only thing it's perfect for right now is someone with a ton of money.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by WDW1974
If someone chooses to not believe the facts, they're choosing ignorance, which is a town many people enjoy living in.

Not really. They are making a decision based on the evidence provided that the person presented the material is trustworthy enough to have their facts be taken. With regards to you, the evidence is not there for me. That is my choice and you may be correct, but at this point, I am not convinced you say who you are. That's my deal not yours.

We can go back and forth on this (and apparently will) ad nauseum. Facts are facts. Some people just choose not to listen because they don't like the source or it doesn't fit their world or World views.

I don't know what 'evidence' you believe is supposed to be here about me. I apparently didn't get the files on you, either.

I really don't know how to respond when you say you aren't convinced I am who I say I am since I have NEVER said and will NEVER say who I am online ... and if I did, I very, very, very much doubt you'd have a clue who I was anyway.

Sorry, I don't get it ...
Originally Posted by WDW1974
C'mon, you do realize how dumb that sounds, don't you?

Debate is all about opinion ... sometimes you're lucky and get a few facts tossed in ... and there are people who still won't listen even if you put facts out there. They'd rather believe what a bus driver told them or what they saw on another fan forum.

Then it is not a debate worth having. Saying one opinion is valid and the other is not based on no facts is ridiculous and doesn't forward any conversation. You and I can go back and forth all day on the number of people upset about dining prices, but unless we have data then the point is moot.

I am glad you are the arbiter of debates worth having or not. The whole point of a discussion board is giving opinions. Very rarely will I say someone's opinion isn't valid. That's generally not a way to have discussion.

No, I don't know the number of folks who aren't pleased with Disney dining prices. Neither do you. And neither does Disney.

But that doesn't mean they don't exist (I think even you wouldn't argue that) ... and it certainly doesn't mean you can't discuss the fact that SOME people aren't happy with Mickey's food gouging anymore than I'd say you can't discuss the fact some people (many likely) feel they're getting a deal on the DDP.

As I've said before, if you had to go strictly by cold hard facts we never would have had one political debate in this country.

Originally Posted by WDW1974
When you accuse someone of namedropping and (or do what that UK poster did and ASSume that I was unhappy with D23 because Disney doesn't show loyalty to its best customers) then it certainly IS personal.

It may be an accusation, but it is grounded in fact, but what you have quoted me here is taken out of context. I never accused you about calling D23 a failure. Apologies if I inadvertantly did. I did say that you namedrop and I will stand behind that.

I love the political flipflopping ... you did accuse me of being a namedropper (and with a negative connotation). That is personal. I don't namedrop. If I know someone or know of someone involved in something, I mention it if I believe it has relevance. That apparently makes some people here feel insignificant ... have no idea why. I don't drool when Tony Baxter or Joe Rohde walks into a room. People are people. Period.

As to D23, you did group a bunch of folks in the 'never happy no matter what Disney does' category ... and I'm pretty sure you believe I am one of them (if so, you're quite wrong).

I have never called D23 a failure except in PR circles where it didn't get the buzz expected.

Of course, I never called DCA a failure either.

D23 isn't for me, but I'll buy the fanzine since I have Barnes and Noble cards I'd like to use before they go under.

I believe it won't exist in five years in its current form, but who knows ... it could morph into something better or just fade away.

But I won't call it a failure at this point (that would be like all those ripping the Prez when he hasn't even been in office two months and has someone else's messes to clean up).

Originally Posted by WDW1974
As to the baiting part, I have no idea what you are talking about.

Here let me quote it for you:

Originally Posted by WDW1974
~Marty Sklar grills a great burger!~

Yeah ... do you have a point? You made a comment about not wanting to know what exec cookouts I've been to. I've never mentioned going to one. YOU bait and don't like it when I respond? Sorry ... and he really does grill a great burger.

Originally Posted by WDW1974
Just because you have complaints with say a loved one ... it doesn't make you not love them anymore (or maybe in your case it does, I dunno).

WDW isn't a loved one. It is a place run by a corporation. To hold a place in such high regard as a family member is unfortunate. Maybe that is just me.

Again, you are taking the comment literally to deliberately (it would appear) not get the underlying point.

I don't hold WDW or any place on a level with loved ones. The point was simply, as you damn well know, that you may not be happy with someone you love, but you don't just dessert them.

It's a very basic point ... I love WDW, but that doesn't mean I am happy with every aspect of it ... it doesn't mean I can't about those aspects on an online forum ... and it doesn't mean I can't still enjoy all the other aspects of the place.

~Will trade a cousin for a week at the Poly~


Active Member
Yes, but again... if they do have more planned, they really needed to mention it to help justify that $75.

Why should they have announced something that might not be ready to announce? Maybe they DO have plans on the drawing board, but arent finalized yet. We don't know. I hope more does come out to justify the price.

Let's say they did announce something in the plans for D23, and those plans never happened. Would you all complain and moan and groan that Disney doesn't have a clue anymore? You sure would. If, and I stress IF there are more plans in the works, the right thing to do is keep them quiet until they are ready to roll out. What we got in the beginning here is what was officially ready to be announced. :)


New Member

One of the very first things I figured out about that it's better to be a hopeful person than a cynical, grumpy one, because you have to live in the same world either way, and if you're hopeful, you have more fun.

—Barbara Kingsolver

Forgive me if this was already discussed. I got lost in the cheerleader bit.So what did everyone think of J.H.'s article about D23 today?


Oh Meyla Weyla
Yes, but again... if they do have more planned, they really needed to mention it to help justify that $75.
I just don't buy it that they have so much more planned but think it will make a great surprise later as long as you pay your $75 and just "trust them".

Look, if suddenly they introduce something that makes it worth it (to me) I will join. Not hiding that at all. So far, they haven't.

So SweetMagic... when are we planning the next WDWMagic meetup? Let's get back to those topics!
July 4th for the Reopen of HoP? (Only crazy fans would go on the 4th and go straight to HoP at park open.) :)

Ha! I have so much going on right now, I haven't a clue when we're attemtping another meet in the parks. I am intrigued with this July 4th idea however :lookaroun:lol:

The they should tell us this!:lol::lol: It's poor marketing not to offer the whole product at it's launch. If it was 75$ at opening for something besides the online mall and the mag, I would be placated. Right now, all they offer is that, and that's what I feel is wrong about the whole thing.:shrug:

What's the question?:D

What they said:

Why should they have announced something that might not be ready to announce? Maybe they DO have plans on the drawing board, but arent finalized yet. We don't know. I hope more does come out to justify the price.

Let's say they did announce something in the plans for D23, and those plans never happened. Would you all complain and moan and groan that Disney doesn't have a clue anymore? You sure would. If, and I stress IF there are more plans in the works, the right thing to do is keep them quiet until they are ready to roll out. What we got in the beginning here is what was officially ready to be announced. :)

One of the very first things I figured out about that it's better to be a hopeful person than a cynical, grumpy one, because you have to live in the same world either way, and if you're hopeful, you have more fun.

—Barbara Kingsolver


Well-Known Member
I didn't join D23, but I did purchase the D23 magazine this weekend at Disneyland in the Disneyana shop on Main Street. They had a ton of signed prints left over from the D23 launch party and Pacheco artist signing the day before. The chatty hostess said they didn't come close to selling out this weekend and every few people showed up for the launch event on Saturday at Disneyland.

D23 is a nice magazine, but I don't know that I will buy another one. It has pleasant photographs and the look and feel of a luxury car brochure, but the text and information inside isn't anything new or exciting. It rehashes stuff we'd seen and heard before.

On several articles I found myself skimming after the second paragraph, and then giving up entirely and turning the page halfway through. The stuff just wasn't that neat or unknown. Even the Tony Baxter Castle Walkthrough article just rehashed info and anecdotes I'd already seen on websites for the past six months. A few articles, like the Leibowitz photog thing, I didn't even bother to begin reading because the subject matter is very dull and uninteresting to me.

D23 Magazine was about one fourth as interesting as the average E Ticket Magazine (Disneyland specific fanzine). And they are charging 16 bucks a pop for these things? No thanks. :(


Been a lurker on these boards forever and finally decided to join.

But even though there isn't much right now to justify the price of 75 for membership, I jumped on board and signed up.

I figured, even if I only buy each issue of the Magazine its only 11.00 more to join. And it will help show support of it. IMO the key is to show support instead of waiting. Waiting sometimes looks like no one cares. I figure if I joined, got on board right away..I think D23 will become something good and big. It's just a matter of time and all new things need to have time to grow.

Look at animal kingdom and the studios when they first opened. Just need time and support.


Well-Known Member
No one has still ever answered my question on whether if this was about EPCOT or AC would it be any different?

If it would save AC, yes. In reality though, I have to seek out fan created events instead that will be 1,000,000 times better than anything Disney could possibly cook up.

Am I Con-Galoosh? Yes, and proud of it!'


Well-Known Member
I have sort of backed off commenting as of late because, quite frankly, all these "discussions" have boiled down to the following.

You guy's are a bunch of unhappy gits who Disney will never be able to please.


You guy's are a bunch of raving fanboys (or my new favorite, fanbois - because that spelling somhow makes it worse) who love the Disney kool-aid

Dave ... there is nothing wrong with the term fanboy (or spelling it the way my pals at WDI do ... ) ... just to set the record straight.

It isn't demeaning ... it isn't a nasty term ... it is no different than terms like Trekkers for Star Trek fans or Cheeseheads for Green Bay Packers fans.

I know political correctness became en vogue a decade plus ago, but c'mon ... let's not take it to an asburd degree.

The derisive monikers for fans (at least at WDI) are 'foamers' and 'Walties' ... just an FYI!

Well guess what. there are many things I like about Disney in general and WDW in specific, and there are many things I think they could do better. I am an AP holder, TIW card holder, DVC owner, and now a D23 charter member. No I am not a fanboy (or boi, or beaux) and nor am I an unplesant git (well, some may argue that point).

I would like to have intellegent discussions about TWDC and it's offerings - if I could find such a discussion on this site anymore. They used to be there. In fact they are why I started frequenting this site, and "left" another site. I know there are many people here who can have intellegent REAL discussions - not one sided camp building, but it seems nobody wants to make that effort anymore. It's just much easier to find new creative spellings for "fanboy"


I'll try and not take that as a shot ... and I'll offer up this opinion as to why there's not much 'intelligent discussion' going on right now about WDW.


What is there to talk about anymore? There's not anything substantive new or exciting now or on the horizon.

Look at how many pages here on D23, which whether you love it, hate it or generally have no real feelings isn't worthy of all the posts.

But if not D23 what? DVC construction? Space Mountain's redo? Stitch's stage construction?

Disney isn't giving fans in FLA that much to talk about ... if you've got something you'd like to talk about by all means start a thread or just turn this one in that direction.

I don't have any new material ... I am just looking forward to getting back to DL and DLP shortly and making it to TDL for the first time later this year ... but I really don't intend to start a thread about my future trips.

So any suggestions?

~Disney Boredom~


Active Member
Been a lurker on these boards forever and finally decided to join.

But even though there isn't much right now to justify the price of 75 for membership, I jumped on board and signed up.

I figured, even if I only buy each issue of the Magazine its only 11.00 more to join. And it will help show support of it. IMO the key is to show support instead of waiting. Waiting sometimes looks like no one cares. I figure if I joined, got on board right away..I think D23 will become something good and big. It's just a matter of time and all new things need to have time to grow.

Look at animal kingdom and the studios when they first opened. Just need time and support.

Welcome!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Been a lurker on these boards forever and finally decided to join.

But even though there isn't much right now to justify the price of 75 for membership, I jumped on board and signed up.

I figured, even if I only buy each issue of the Magazine its only 11.00 more to join. And it will help show support of it. IMO the key is to show support instead of waiting. Waiting sometimes looks like no one cares. I figure if I joined, got on board right away..I think D23 will become something good and big. It's just a matter of time and all new things need to have time to grow.

Look at animal kingdom and the studios when they first opened. Just need time and support.
Just wanted to say Welcome :wave: and great grab on the screen name!
I obviously don't need to reiterate why I disagree with your points AGAIN.... I just do.
On a side note though, you jogged my memory. When we did the Backstage Magic tour in September as part of our WDWCelebrations event, our tour guide constantly referred to the building of MGM as adding a half day park. Really. This September. "They wanted to add a half day park".
Ok, end of this latest thread drift.


Active Member
Why should they have announced something that might not be ready to announce? Maybe they DO have plans on the drawing board, but arent finalized yet. We don't know. I hope more does come out to justify the price.

Let's say they did announce something in the plans for D23, and those plans never happened. Would you all complain and moan and groan that Disney doesn't have a clue anymore? You sure would. If, and I stress IF there are more plans in the works, the right thing to do is keep them quiet until they are ready to roll out. What we got in the beginning here is what was officially ready to be announced. :)

What if on March 10th they didn't announce anything because they weren't ready for the full release of D23. and the countdown rest. there would probably have a lot of people upset because they let us down. So Disney announces D23 and people are upset because they haven't disclosed all of the perks (if there are any more perks) and its too expensive or not worth the $75.00. Its simple those that want to join will those that do not won't. Disney is not forcing everyone to join. Who knows in 2 years time this may be THE Club to be in. Lets wait and see...

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