Are you 23?


Well-Known Member
You may think you know, but you also have no idea what other factors are involved in the numerous layers at Disney. I'm not defending the decisions that have been made, just simply pointing out that just because you have access to the internet doesn't mean you know how to run a billion dollar corporation.

Good point ... and just because you have access to the Internet doesn't mean you don't know how to run a multi-billion corporation either.

One of the big problems in this country today is a lot of people just assume that because someone has attained a certain position in life that it somehow equates to them being better than others (especially the dirty masses) and being smarter ... in some cases it's true, but in many it isn't.

It's not 'crazy' to say I could get five fanbois from this site together and run the MK better, more efficiently and more profitably then the dude who does.

~Stature doesn't equal superior intellect ... or common sense~


Well-Known Member
I knew what your answer would be..


Also, while I'm thinking about it, Disney used to offer Membership to the Adventurers Club around the beginning of Pleasure Island. It was low cost and very much worth it.

That's back when they cared about the overall experience and not just profit margins. Adventurers Club newsletters don't generate large profits, so why continue?


Active Member
It isn't demeaning ... it isn't a nasty term ... it is no different than terms like Trekkers for Star Trek fans or Cheeseheads for Green Bay Packers fans.


"Trekkies", thank you very much. :D

It's not 'crazy' to say I could get five fanbois from this site together and run the MK better, more efficiently and more profitably then the dude who does.

*steps up to the challenge*

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Ha! I have so much going on right now, I haven't a clue when we're attemtping another meet in the parks. I am intrigued with this July 4th idea however :lookaroun:lol:

What they said:
Eh. Kate, it still seems like poor marketing.:shrug: I know they are loosing out on at least 100 customers (right now) because of it. If they even have plans in the works, they should let us know.
Also, while I'm thinking about it, Disney used to offer Membership to the Adventurers Club around the beginning of Pleasure Island. It was low cost and very much worth it.

That's back when they cared about the overall experience and not just profit margins. Adventurers Club newsletters don't generate large profits, so why continue?
Kinda like the MK Club.

I think that's what most wanted out of this...a larger scale MKC.


Well-Known Member
I very, very, very much doubt you'd have a clue who I was anyway.
That is the crux of the issue. You are as anonymous as I am on the internet and can only be judge by what and how you say things. Based on that criteria, I don't believe most of what you say. It's a personal opinion and a gut reaction. Nothing more.

I am glad you are the arbiter of debates worth having or not. The whole point of a discussion board is giving opinions. Very rarely will I say someone's opinion isn't valid. That's generally not a way to have discussion.
You are deliberately missing the point, so I'm just going to move on.

I love the political flipflopping ... you did accuse me of being a namedropper (and with a negative connotation). That is personal. I don't namedrop. If I know someone or know of someone involved in something, I mention it if I believe it has relevance. That apparently makes some people here feel insignificant ... have no idea why. I don't drool when Tony Baxter or Joe Rohde walks into a room. People are people. Period.
I'll just bold the names you could have left out. Yet, you decided to drop them in.'s almost as if you dropped...names...

As to D23, you did group a bunch of folks in the 'never happy no matter what Disney does' category ... and I'm pretty sure you believe I am one of them (if so, you're quite wrong).

I have never called D23 a failure except in PR circles where it didn't get the buzz expected.

Of course, I never called DCA a failure either.

D23 isn't for me, but I'll buy the fanzine since I have Barnes and Noble cards I'd like to use before they go under.
I'm not sure how much clearer I can be that I didn't include you in that. Let me requote myself for you:
jakeman said:
I never accused you about calling D23 a failure. Apologies if I inadvertantly did.

But I won't call it a failure at this point (that would be like all those ripping the Prez when he hasn't even been in office two months and has someone else's messes to clean up).
I agree.

Again, you are taking the comment literally to deliberately (it would appear) not get the underlying point.

I don't hold WDW or any place on a level with loved ones. The point was simply, as you damn well know, that you may not be happy with someone you love, but you don't just dessert them.

It's a very basic point ... I love WDW, but that doesn't mean I am happy with every aspect of it ... it doesn't mean I can't about those aspects on an online forum ... and it doesn't mean I can't still enjoy all the other aspects of the place.
That is something I don't understand on a fundamental level. WDW is a place. It's a place where I worked, met my wife, got engaged, honeymooned, and spend a majority of my vacations. I'm not listing this to get into a spitting match about who has more emotional attachment.

However, if there ever comes a time that I don't think I am getting the value for my dollar there, I will stop going. It's that simple for me and I don't understand why it's not that simple for other people. I don't understand why people treat it like a relative and not a company.

Good point ... and just because you have access to the Internet doesn't mean you don't know how to run a multi-billion corporation either.
I have never claimed too. People here have though.


Well-Known Member
I don't know if this has been mentioned before in this thread as it has 86 pages but it does pertain to D23 so I thought that I would bring it up here.

I was watching the trailer for D23 at the Disney site, the 2 minute 30 second version. Around the middle of it they start showing clips from different animated films. One clip happened to be Brear Rabbit jumping in the air.

I'm thinking that this may have been a way of saying that Song of the South *might* be available on DVD and BluRay through D23 at some point. It would certainly be of intrest to 'real fans' and would shut us up about it without having to release it to the general public.

I'm not saying I have any inside info about this at all, I'm just saying that if they really did want to appeal to the hardcore Disney crowd, this would be one way to do it. And yes, I would probably join if they offered SOTS in a nice Special Edition or any other rare programs on DVD.


Well-Known Member
I don't know if this has been mentioned before in this thread as it has 86 pages but it does pertain to D23 so I thought that I would bring it up here.

I was watching the trailer for D23 at the Disney site, the 2 minute 30 second version. Around the middle of it they start showing clips from different animated films. One clip happened to be Brear Rabbit jumping in the air.

I'm thinking that this may have been a way of saying that Song of the South *might* be available on DVD and BluRay through D23 at some point. It would certainly be of intrest to 'real fans' and would shut us up about it without having to release it to the general public.

I'm not saying I have any inside info about this at all, I'm just saying that if they really did want to appeal to the hardcore Disney crowd, this would be one way to do it. And yes, I would probably join if they offered SOTS in a nice Special Edition or any other rare programs on DVD.
And it would be something they wouldn't want to announce with the launch of the program....interesting....very interesting.

Where is my tin foil hat? :lookaroun

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
I don't know if this has been mentioned before in this thread as it has 86 pages but it does pertain to D23 so I thought that I would bring it up here.

I was watching the trailer for D23 at the Disney site, the 2 minute 30 second version. Around the middle of it they start showing clips from different animated films. One clip happened to be Brear Rabbit jumping in the air.

I'm thinking that this may have been a way of saying that Song of the South *might* be available on DVD and BluRay through D23 at some point. It would certainly be of intrest to 'real fans' and would shut us up about it without having to release it to the general public.

I'm not saying I have any inside info about this at all, I'm just saying that if they really did want to appeal to the hardcore Disney crowd, this would be one way to do it. And yes, I would probably join if they offered SOTS in a nice Special Edition or any other rare programs on DVD.

Can you link the trailer?

And Mousebits has SOTS.;)


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by WDW1974
One question ... no ... two:

1.) Have you ever picked up a copy of Tales From the Laughing Place;

and if so ...

2.) Can you honestly say that Tales isn't a higher quality publication that covers a lot more territory and on a deeper and more intellectual level therefore offering a far better 'value' to fans?

~Hey, Leemac ... read that!~

1. No. Should I be embarassed to say I've never heard of it? :lookaroun

Embarassed? No ... I am a bit surprised, though. It is, by far, the best publication out there for Disney fans today and has been for 3-4 years now. And before anyone says I have a personal reason for saying so, they should understand that publisher Lee MacDonald and I often get into some very spirited debates on his site. I think he'd be shocked that I am touting his fanzine, but it is wonderful.

I am too lazy to find it ... but go back a few pages and the poster 'FourParkcentral' had a link to the site where you can buy ... or just go to as I am sure you can buy it or read a press release about the current issue there.

Seriously as a huge Disney fan you owe it to yourself to check this publication out.

2. I can't judge, but for me its not about comparison. I've been in a state of bliss reading this premier issue, and honestly, the price and the complaints don't phase me. This is just one of those things that from the minute I opened the page I felt justified.

That's fine. Like I said, I'm sure I'll pick up the first issue too.

But go check out Tales ... get a few copies (you likely would love the EPCOT one they did for the 25th or the recent DAK issue) and then come back and let me know your thoughts.

The artwork alone is amazing since Lee has close ties to many at WDI, so it isn't the same items that are shown ad nasuem in coffee table books or those WDI field guides, most you've never seen. Then add in they cover ALL the Disney resorts worldwide and in depth and are ahead of the game as opposed to D23, which already has stuff in it that isn't exactly hot off the presses.

Just check it out ... if you're sorry, I'll buy the issues off you and give them to friends.

I'm sure you know by now that I'm a glutton for debate, but this is one of those topics that I don't feel compelled to go back and forth on because no matter what, I'm happy with what I've gotten out of D23. What anyone else gets out of it is up to them, but I'm content.

That's what matters most!


Well-Known Member
I don't know if this has been mentioned before in this thread as it has 86 pages but it does pertain to D23 so I thought that I would bring it up here.

I was watching the trailer for D23 at the Disney site, the 2 minute 30 second version. Around the middle of it they start showing clips from different animated films. One clip happened to be Brear Rabbit jumping in the air.

I'm thinking that this may have been a way of saying that Song of the South *might* be available on DVD and BluRay through D23 at some point. It would certainly be of intrest to 'real fans' and would shut us up about it without having to release it to the general public.

I'm not saying I have any inside info about this at all, I'm just saying that if they really did want to appeal to the hardcore Disney crowd, this would be one way to do it. And yes, I would probably join if they offered SOTS in a nice Special Edition or any other rare programs on DVD.

D23 also sells a reproduction cell from SotS. I'm guessing that "clip" relates to that.

Hell hasn't frozen over yet. Even if it was a D23 exclusive title, people would still , and negative publicity is something I'm sure Disney would not rather have with this club.

I would love it though (but a WDT set would be better), but that's really wishing thinking there.

I'm sure when Splash Mountain opened people thought Disney might release it in NA.


Well-Known Member
And it would be something they wouldn't want to announce with the launch of the program....interesting....very interesting.

Where is my tin foil hat? :lookaroun

I don't know why they wouldn't announce something like that but on the other hand why would they show a clip from a movie that they want to hide?

As for your tin foil hat, check your box of Reynolds Wrap?

EPCOT Explorer

New Member

The Song of the South clip is around the 1 minute 20 second mark, it goes by pretty fast.

I already have a copy of SOTS but an official release would be really nice too!

Nice vid, really!

But why was it DL oriented? Only one shot of AK? Where was EPCOT? DHS? AK?

Also...If this is a "Thank You" for being a fan, why is it 75 bucks?:lol: I didn't need to know I had to pay for a nicety.:p

Seriously though, this stuff looks great. The shame: It isn't. It's a mall and a mag/ad for Disney. They really do have the chance here to make this GREAT. Really 'Wow!" the fanbase.

I want to see them do it.:eek: I want a "Wow!" Disney moment again.:eek:

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
Been a lurker on these boards forever and finally decided to join.

But even though there isn't much right now to justify the price of 75 for membership, I jumped on board and signed up.

I figured, even if I only buy each issue of the Magazine its only 11.00 more to join. And it will help show support of it. IMO the key is to show support instead of waiting. Waiting sometimes looks like no one cares. I figure if I joined, got on board right away..I think D23 will become something good and big. It's just a matter of time and all new things need to have time to grow.

Look at animal kingdom and the studios when they first opened. Just need time and support.

Welcome to the boards.. I like the name :)

I read that the people who hate D23 want it to succeed... Yet, you won't join to help it succeed... Where is that logic???

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
Eh. Kate, it still seems like poor marketing.:shrug: I know they are loosing out on at least 100 customers (right now) because of it. If they even have plans in the works, they should let us know.
Kinda like the MK Club.

I think that's what most wanted out of this...a larger scale MKC.

They had a viral marketing campaign... I think it worked wonders.. got thousands, maybe millions of Disney fans buzzing on the internet and listening on podcasts.. I think marketing hit a home run on this... They are loosing people who who claim to want it to succeed but because they aren't giving them what they want, they refuse to join... Not bad marketing on their part but a selfish, me first fanboy attitude on theirs... Also, why do they have to tell you what MAY be in store? Cause others want them to? There is that selfish attitude again... :)

Like gothmickey said, you and others would complain if they announced something more and it didnt 1) meet YOUR standards and 2) never got off the ground..


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the boards.. I like the name :)

I read that the people who hate D23 want it to succeed... Yet, you won't join to help it succeed... Where is that logic???

Well, joining requires the $75. That's the issue.

I want AIE to succeed too, but I don't like it. However, if it does succeed that is one more thing others can enjoy at DHS while I stay on ToT. :)


Well-Known Member
They had a viral marketing campaign... I think it worked wonders.. got thousands, maybe millions of Disney fans buzzing on the internet and listening on podcasts.. I think marketing hit a home run on this... They are loosing peopel liek who who claim to want it to succeed but because they aren't giving what YOU want, you refuse to join... Not bad marketing on their part but a selfish, me first fanboy attitude on yours... Also, why do they have to tell you what MAY be in store? Cause YOU want to? There is that selfish attitude again... And yes, it is elitest :)

Like gothmickey said, you and others would complain if they announced something more and it didnt 1) meet YOUR standards and 2) never got off the ground..

Wow, apparently you missed the last five pages when I told you and others how wrong and juvenile that argument is. It's back there, I'm not even willing to go find it.

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