Are you 23?


Well-Known Member
No. You lose. You missed the point entirely ... something that happens here a lot.

I don't want a club period. If Disney chooses to create one geared to its most loyal fans then that's its choice. What it has created gives me nothing but a large yawn.

I was simply making a point about the whole 'charter' deal as yet another move by Disney to pressure fanbois into signing up for a no-substance club/program.

And as to your point (or what you believe counts as one) about me being no more important than anyone else, I'll politely try and explain about loyalty programs ... have you heard of frequent flier programs or hotel loyalty programs? I fly First Class for free 75% of my flights because I have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on ONE airline and they reward me for my loyalty, which keeps me buying tix on said airline even when I can fly cheaper or direct on other carriers. Same thing with hotel chains, which give me free nights for my loyalty. I would think that even the simple-minded here could understand that someone who has had an AP since EPCOT Center debuted has been a very loyal consumer and has spent more than most guests (even those who buy into DVC) ... in Vegas terms I am a whale when it comes to Disney. But other than a 'huge' $72 discount, they offer absolutely no special perqs to us 'charter APers' ... none.

I think that's a very stupid way to treat your best customers.

And I am not bitter about it at all, disappointed long ago ... bitter, not at all. But thanks for the psycho-analysis.

Disney can and does decide what perqs to offer what groups.

~Fanbois Got It All Figured Out!~

I would have guessed you to have a private plane or at least charter. It must be tough for you having to mingle with the common folk. I remember when I has to suffer 1st Class Travel. I recommend staying in the lounge and having them page right before they close the doors.


Well-Known Member
I don't 'drop' names into a conversation unless they are pertinent.

And whether you care about something is of no moment to me at all.
I don't expect you to care. Just like I don't care about or believe you half the time. You are of no consequence to me once I shut off the computer. I'm sure you feel the same way about me.

I'd much rather deal in facts, but sometimes that isn't possible ... and this is a discussion forum ... opinions are the stock in trade.
Then why debate if you don't have facts. It's just a shouting match then.
I haven't said it's a failure because I am not privvy to what Disney expected/expects from it.

I will say from a PR standpoint, it hasn't gotten a positive response by and large.

I also don't see it lasting at all ... but that is an opinion.

~Marty Sklar grills a great burger!~
Again, it's not about you. If I have an issue with something you say in particular, I will address it to you personally. Also, nice baiting at the end of your post.

...I would think that even the simple-minded here could understand that someone who has had an AP since EPCOT Center debuted has been a very loyal consumer and has spent more than most guests (even those who buy into DVC) ... in Vegas terms I am a whale when it comes to Disney. But other than a 'huge' $72 discount, they offer absolutely no special perqs to us 'charter APers' ... none.

I think that's a very stupid way to treat your best customers.
It might be and if that is the case, why are you still giving them money? For all the belly aching and gnashing of teeth by you and others around here, why do you still purchase a product you are unhappy with?


Active Member
Just figured I'd throw in my two cents...

I bought the D23 Premier Issue yesterday, and that alone sold me. Considering the quality of the magazine (60 pages of nothing but Disney on high gloss pages), I look at it as more of a short book. It was $15 to purchase from Barnes and Nobles and was sealed in a safety bag to prevent bends and creases before sale, also preventing you from previewing it before you buy.

I opened the magazine in the car and my jaw dropped with the first turn of the page. For four issues (each valued at $15 at the store), you are already at $60 of your $75. To get an additional gift, plus a framable certificate and membership card, I see the value surpassing what you pay--but that's just me.

The magazine alone is reason enough for me to purchase my membership, and any additional benefits just push me further towards my decision to sign up. Sure, $75 isn't cheap, especially in this economy, but as a person that finds much happiness in the magazine alone, I figure that I'm justified in my purchase.

Please note, I'm not trying to add flames to the fire (that's why I stayed out of the discussion in the first place), but I just figured I'd post my reasons for essentially being "sold."


Active Member
I opened the magazine in the car and my jaw dropped with the first turn of the page. For four issues (each valued at $15 at the store), you are already at $60 of your $75. To get an additional gift, plus a framable certificate and membership card, I see the value surpassing what you pay--but that's just me.

You're right, but your assumption uses the full retail price. When you subscribe to a magazine, generally you don't pay face value for the magazine. Since they don't offer a separate subscription, we have no way, other than what you stated, of valuing the magazine. So, your numbers make sense, but the actual value is an unknown number. We would need to know how much of that $75 is allocated towards the magazine by Disney internally.

Edit: I have to admit. You're comments about the magazine are tempting me. :)


Well-Known Member
You're right, but your assumption uses the full retail price. When you subscribe to a magazine, generally you don't pay face value for the magazine. Since they don't offer a separate subscription, we have no way, other than what you stated, of valuing the magazine. So, your numbers make sense, but the actual value is an unknown number. We would need to know how much of that $75 is allocated towards the magazine by Disney internally.

There is no way to get it on subscription; the only other way to get it is at B&N. Therefore, the value is $16 an issue, or $64 total. That would be the cost of the magazine if you weren't a D23 member. It doesn't matter what Disney's 'value' of it is, because we're talking the customers cost of $75 for the D23 membership. Disney's 'cost' of a D23 membership is much lower than $75, and, you're right, the magazine is a lot lower than $16 an issue, too. But if you figure Disney is saying the mag has a value of $4 an issue, thats $16 total, and if the D23 memberships 'internal value' is half what we pay (so $37.50), thats still nearly 50%, even using the mag's value at 25% of newsstand.


Active Member
There is no way to get it on subscription; the only other way to get it is at B&N. Therefore, the value is $16 an issue, or $64 total. That would be the cost of the magazine if you weren't a D23 member. It doesn't matter what Disney's 'value' of it is, because we're talking the customers cost of $75 for the D23 membership.

I thought I said that. You're comparing an out-of-pocket cost (retail price) to a club membership that includes a subscription. You are not comparing apples-to-apples. The consumer is affected the way you state, but that's not the value. It's all a viewpoint. No worries.


Well-Known Member
Just figured I'd throw in my two cents...

I bought the D23 Premier Issue yesterday, and that alone sold me. Considering the quality of the magazine (60 pages of nothing but Disney on high gloss pages), I look at it as more of a short book. It was $15 to purchase from Barnes and Nobles and was sealed in a safety bag to prevent bends and creases before sale, also preventing you from previewing it before you buy.

I opened the magazine in the car and my jaw dropped with the first turn of the page. For four issues (each valued at $15 at the store), you are already at $60 of your $75. To get an additional gift, plus a framable certificate and membership card, I see the value surpassing what you pay--but that's just me.

The magazine alone is reason enough for me to purchase my membership, and any additional benefits just push me further towards my decision to sign up. Sure, $75 isn't cheap, especially in this economy, but as a person that finds much happiness in the magazine alone, I figure that I'm justified in my purchase.

Some counter points:

1. Will that really protect the magazine from getting bent and squished in your mailbox by Postman Pat?

2. It may be $15 an issue, but as already mentioned when do you pay full price at BaN?

3. With your price logic and Disney's shipping cost and exchange rate, that magazine gets doubled in price for me, so now I'm paying $120 CND for 4 magazines or $30 each. Not a good deal, regardless of how fancy it looks.


Well-Known Member
I don't expect you to care. Just like I don't care about or believe you half the time. You are of no consequence to me once I shut off the computer. I'm sure you feel the same way about me.

Wow! I'm batting .500 with you. Must be doing something right!

Look, I'm not trying to say your opinion doesn't matter or anyone's ... but I am going to put what I know to be fact and then hopefully reasoned opinions.

If someone chooses to not believe the facts, they're choosing ignorance, which is a town many people enjoy living in.

But if you don't like my opinions, that's cool with me. Clearly, you're reading them and that's the important thing.

Then why debate if you don't have facts. It's just a shouting match then.

C'mon, you do realize how dumb that sounds, don't you?

Debate is all about opinion ... sometimes you're lucky and get a few facts tossed in ... and there are people who still won't listen even if you put facts out there. They'd rather believe what a bus driver told them or what they saw on another fan forum.

Hell, where would politics be in this country if everyone truly debated facts?

Again, it's not about you. If I have an issue with something you say in particular, I will address it to you personally. Also, nice baiting at the end of your post.

When you accuse someone of namedropping and (or do what that UK poster did and ASSume that I was unhappy with D23 because Disney doesn't show loyalty to its best customers) then it certainly IS personal.

As to the baiting part, I have no idea what you are talking about.

If you have something to say, just say it.

It might be and if that is the case, why are you still giving them money? For all the belly aching and gnashing of teeth by you and others around here, why do you still purchase a product you are unhappy with?

I give Disney -- in Florida -- far less money than I did even 3-4 years ago. I have given them more money in Anaheim, Paris and Hong Kong (guess you could toss Hilton Head and the DCL in too) where I feel they are trying to earn/keep my business.

But WDW is getting less $$$ from me annually to the tune of thousands of dollars (mostly on the dining and merchandise end ... and some resort stays as well).

Even so, I am not 'unhappy' with the WDW product to the point where it would prevent me from going. That will be a very sad day if and when it happens.

Just because you have complaints with say a loved one ... it doesn't make you not love them anymore (or maybe in your case it does, I dunno).

I believe I receive a terrific 'value' in my WDW AP based upon both cost and what I get for my money ... of course if I were paying $500 for a new one, my opinion wouldn't be the same.

I've stated this many times, but I'll do it again so maybe you'll get it (or others who don't understand where I am coming from will).


I enjoy my trips there ... or most of them!

When I have had 'bad' trips they largely were the result of PEOPLE (sometimes cast, sometimes guests, and even sometimes traveling companions) ... but I honestly don't ever recall having a 'bad' trip due to the place itself ... even if there are regularly issues I have and notice with the way the place is being run.

~Mmmm ... 'tater salad!~


Well-Known Member
I thought I said that. You're comparing an out-of-pocket cost (retail price) to a club membership that includes a subscription. You are not comparing apples-to-apples. The consumer is affected the way you state, but that's not the value. It's all a viewpoint. No worries.

Apples to apples is to compare our cost with our cost. Not the company's cost with our cost, which is what you were trying to do.

On another note, why does every thread have to turn into an e-peen contest when you're involved, 74?


Well-Known Member
Just figured I'd throw in my two cents...

I bought the D23 Premier Issue yesterday, and that alone sold me. Considering the quality of the magazine (60 pages of nothing but Disney on high gloss pages), I look at it as more of a short book. It was $15 to purchase from Barnes and Nobles and was sealed in a safety bag to prevent bends and creases before sale, also preventing you from previewing it before you buy.

I opened the magazine in the car and my jaw dropped with the first turn of the page. For four issues (each valued at $15 at the store), you are already at $60 of your $75. To get an additional gift, plus a framable certificate and membership card, I see the value surpassing what you pay--but that's just me.

The magazine alone is reason enough for me to purchase my membership, and any additional benefits just push me further towards my decision to sign up. Sure, $75 isn't cheap, especially in this economy, but as a person that finds much happiness in the magazine alone, I figure that I'm justified in my purchase.

Please note, I'm not trying to add flames to the fire (that's why I stayed out of the discussion in the first place), but I just figured I'd post my reasons for essentially being "sold."

One question ... no ... two:

1.) Have you ever picked up a copy of Tales From the Laughing Place;

and if so ...

2.) Can you honestly say that Tales isn't a higher quality publication that covers a lot more territory and on a deeper and more intellectual level therefore offering a far better 'value' to fans?

~Hey, Leemac ... read that!~


Well-Known Member
Apples to apples is to compare our cost with our cost. Not the company's cost with our cost, which is what you were trying to do.

On another note, why does every thread have to turn into an e-peen contest when you're involved, 74?

It's not just his "threads" where it happens I hear.


Well-Known Member
On another note, why does every thread have to turn into an e-peen contest when you're involved, 74?


I guess I'm not hip enough to online lingo to get that, but I'm going to go out on a limb and assume you mean a __________________ contest?

I guess it's just because they love me, they really love me.

~Shout out to the Goddess~


Well-Known Member

I guess I'm not hip enough to online lingo to get that, but I'm going to go out on a limb and assume you mean a __________________ contest?

I guess it's just because they love me, they really love me.

~Shout out to the Goddess~

S'alright, I don't get what he meant at all either...

these kids my age today...BAH!


Well-Known Member

I guess I'm not hip enough to online lingo to get that, but I'm going to go out on a limb and assume you mean a __________________ contest?

I guess it's just because they love me, they really love me.

~Shout out to the Goddess~

That term has been used for a long, long time. Probably going on 10 years, at this point.


Active Member
Apples to apples is to compare our cost with our cost. Not the company's cost with our cost, which is what you were trying to do.

You're misunderstanding. I never mentioned the companies cost to produce the magazine. Apples-to-apples is to compare the retail cost with what portion of your club membership pays for the magazine and what portion pays for the rest of the club. We don't know the answer. We'll just have to disagree at this point as I'm not sure how to explain it to you beyond what I've already said.

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