Anyone win anything yet?


Account Suspended
Original Poster
BITTER BITTER BITTER!!! Seriously man, to you they might not be the offical dreams but who says no one can think of them as dreams. It sounds like you're getting mad at the fact that people are getting awarded magical moments. o_O Calm down....who gives a Mickeys Butt that they're not "offical" Hell, if I won family of the day or something similar, it'd sure be a freaking DREAM TO ME!! Jeez!! Who cares if we're confusing YOAMD Dreams and YOAMD Magical Momemts.....Is the world going to end???

Once again, who are we to say what are dreams.......calm....down....please =D

*hands him a mickey mouse premium ice cream bar*

So wanting people to have correct infromation makes me bitter?

Just because someone "feels" something or has an opinion does not make it the truth. Accurate information is important. People spouting off that they feel that the Magic Moments count as dreams or their opinions is that they count as dreams is well - worthless.

It's not true, wont ever be true, and people need to stop spreading misinformation.

Accuracy is important despite anyone feelings about the subject to the contrary.

By your logic - who is Canada to say what a country is? I don't beleive in Canada! It's not real! There's no such thing as Canada! It's a great white lie!
So wanting people to have correct infromation makes me bitter?

Just because someone "feels" something or has an opinion does not make it the truth. Accurate information is important. People spouting off that they feel that the Magic Moments count as dreams or their opinions is that they count as dreams is well - worthless.

It's not true, wont ever be true, and people need to stop spreading misinformation.

Accuracy is important despite anyone feelings about the subject to the contrary.

By your logic - who is Canada to say what a country is? I don't beleive in Canada! It's not real! There's no such thing as Canada! It's a great white lie!

I'm sure that most of us are aware of the "offical" prizes but some of us really don't care. =/ We're just stating what "dreams" we've gotten so far in the parks. So maybe you should change your thread to: "HAS ANYONE WON ANY OFFICAL YOAMD PRIZES?"

Because as far as we're concerned, we're all just listing the magical moments we've been recieving. And to us, some of those magical moments are our dreams for the most part. We're sorry if we're busting your bubble and saying what we've won unoffically. =/ Didn't think it would bother anyone so damn much.....

And sure, you're right, accuracy is important, but no need to have a cow. To us, offically or not, we're just glad we're at Disney winning the big or small things. =/


Account Suspended
Original Poster
I never said i had an issue with anyone saying what they had gotten in the parks, magic moment or otherwise.

I do take an issue with the folks who have stated the magic moments are the official prizes (vehemently so), and then you stated that it didn't matter if people thought that - which i certainly don't agree with.


Well-Known Member
no need to get testy everyone. Let's all take a deep breath.

Merf, I'm sorry if people are not getting what you meant by your question, but the title of the thread is you can easily understand why people are getting confused. If you want to know if anyone has won official YOAMD prizes, start a new thread with that as the title. That way you can find out what you really want to know.

However, a lot of us like to hear about the Magical Moments. And even though they are not "officially" a part of the YOMD, they seem more prevalant than ever. And everyone likes to hear the "special" things Disney is doing to make trips even more memorable.

So because this thread's title is so vague, create another thread for Official Dreams and leave this one for Magical Moments. It may not be what you wanted to happen, but I think that's the best solution for this problem.


Well-Known Member
When we got out of the ride vehicle on ToT on Oct 12, they had a really young boy (age 2?) dressed up in the CM costume waving to us as we exited toward the photo review monitors. He was soooooo cute and obviously having a great time. The CM encouraged us to take pics, but I didn't have my camra.

I've seen lots of folks wearing the blue cloud dream ears and lots more lucky folks with the dream Fastpass cards around their necks. Nothing for me or my group the week of Oct 8-14, but no worries. I'm still trying via the online & mail-in options. Plus, I have 3 more trips planned before the end of 2007! But if I never win anything, that's fine too - visiting the magic is enough for me.


RunDisney Addict
During our trip a week ago, my brother-in-law and his wife got the special ears while standing in line for Everest. They said they had a ton of people inquiring about them. Prompted them to wear them everywhere they went for the rest of the trip.


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
During our trip a week ago, my brother-in-law and his wife got the special ears while standing in line for Everest. They said they had a ton of people inquiring about them. Prompted them to wear them everywhere they went for the rest of the trip.
Dude! Brad, you were here and you didn't tell me?!?!?!?

Fine, next time (actually, the FIRST time) that I'm in Wisconsin or Minnesota, I'm so not telling you :lol:


Well-Known Member
I still have 79 days to go, so I haven't won anything yet, but I'd just like to let everyone know that so far (or as of currently) there are only three sets of the YOMD ears on ebay, none of those tinkerbell pins, but about 35 of the pins and/or lanyards. I think that's pretty good! People are keeping them, and not just turning around and making a quick buck.


Well-Known Member
I hope you didn't think I was accusing this person of counterfeiting. There was no accusation. I was just making an observation of how easy that would be.

I didn't think that you were at all.

I was just doubting the credibility of the winner.


New Member
:) hi everyone were going to the world on the first of November and im not bothered about winning i just hope to see the dream squad out and about on there mission of dreams:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
My brother actually won two things in one day. He was 'Kid Chef of the Hour' at Mama Melrose in Disney-MGM Studios. At the end of our lunch, a chef from the restaurant and a Dream Squad member came over to the table with a Create-Your-Own-Sundae platter, a kids' chef hat with his name on it, and a certificate commemorating the special moment. It was quite interesting, and I actually didn't realize that it was a Year of a Million Dreams happening until I read this thread... :eek:

Also, while my mom and I were riding ToT, my dad and my brother hung out around the exit area (where the photos are sold). There was a little area set up right in front of the store that resembled a single lane bowling alley. It was named 'Eyeball Bowling', and apparently, it was set up for kids that wait for their other family members while they are on the ToT. My brother played the game and received a Pinocchio pin and a certificate similar to the one he got at Mama Melrose.

Throughout the three days I was at WDW, I never saw any other members of the Dream Squad at any of the other parks. I saw one person with the Dream Fastpasses, and maybe 3 or 4 of the ears and that's it. I was disappointed that my parents or I didn't receive anything. Oh well, at least I'll be back there in two weeks to try again. :)

OH, and another thing... Can anyone tell me the criteria for a person to win anything? (Especially for an adult or teen). I know its probably easy for a child to win something, but I want to know what I have to do/know/wear/etc for me to get a Dream Fastpass or ears or whatever. Thanks! :wave:


New Member
For a few hours this afternoon, everyone who was standing in line for Kilimanjaro Safaris got wrist-banded by the dream squad as they were getting on the trucks.

Everyone who got a wristband had an extra hour to play in the park after regular park close! They called it "Extra Dream Hours."


The Mom

Premium Member
This thread is getting a little nasty, folks.

I'm especially upset by the nitpicking over semantics! Yes, to someone who is deeply involved with the whole issue, there is a difference between magic moments and magic deams...or whatever.

To most of us, the important thing is that guests are being GIVEN something a little extra during their stay...whether it be something tangible, such as lanyards and mousears, or something intangible, such as the memory of being in a parade, going to the head of the line, etc.

They're all magical, and I personally enjoy reading about ALL of them.

So let us all stop the bickering and get back to reporting ANY magical dreams/moments.
This thread is getting a little nasty, folks.

I'm especially upset by the nitpicking over semantics! Yes, to someone who is deeply involved with the whole issue, there is a difference between magic moments and magic deams...or whatever.

To most of us, the important thing is that guests are being GIVEN something a little extra during their stay...whether it be something tangible, such as lanyards and mousears, or something intangible, such as the memory of being in a parade, going to the head of the line, etc.

They're all magical, and I personally enjoy reading about ALL of them.

So let us all stop the bickering and get back to reporting ANY magical dreams/moments.

:sohappy: well said mom!!! Everyone have a great time with us over yonder! And report those dreams ASTAT!

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