Anyone win anything yet?


Well-Known Member
Well since I have a seasonal CM in the family I hope the dream squad avoids me, I would be so upset if I won something but couldnt get it because of that....I wonder if it only matters for the big prizes??
It only matters for the big prizes as long as you dont open your mouth and say "Hey Im related to a CM" it should not effect you.

I have a cupcake, a cookie, and a free soda.


New Member
We just got back today. My family won two things.

1. Family of the Day at the Boardwalk Inn on October 20th. We got out of our car service van. A nice man walked up to us and said he needed to speak to us. He took us over to a red carpet lined with cast members. They all had ballons and clappers. They announced us as the family of the day. My son and daughter were give 8 ballons each as we walked down the red carpet. People were cheering and clapping. Once we got to the end we took a picture will all the cast members out front. They then escorted us in for express check in with all the cast members following behind us clapping and cheering. They upgraded our room to a view of Illuminations. My wife was choked up and estatic. The only bummer was the system went down and they could not get us our picture. They left a frame in our room a day before check out that was supposed to contain our picture. It was still a great moment.

2. Bag of mickey preztels outside of the MK stroller rental area.


Account Suspended
Original Poster
Just wanted to comment...

Unless a person in a light blue polo shirt and khakis gave you the prize - it's not part of the Year of a Million Dreams.

Being family of the day or a button or such is not one of the real prizes, but rather the CM's doing a Magic Moment - which BTW - they were supposed to have been doing since the 100 Years of Magic, but everyone forget and they just sort of ended.


Well-Known Member
I was at AK earlier this month and received a "dream". A CM dressed in a typical Dinorama costume stopped me and my brother as we were walking past Dinorama and asked if we ever had been there before. I figured it was one of those "can I have your zip code" guys, so we stopped to quickly answer his question. Instead, he handed us each some pins, and escorted us to the back of Primeval Whirl past "the cast fridge ;) ". We then received 2 "limited edition" lithographs drawn by Don "Ducky" Williams with Donald and his nephews riding Primeval Whirl. We were then escorted in front of the line into our own ride vehicle and told we "could stay on for as many rides as we would like". It was pretty neat, even if it sounds simple. Primeval Whirl is far from my one of my favorites, but we rode it twice back to back because we could and it really is something we will remember for many years.


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to comment...

Unless a person in a light blue polo shirt and khakis gave you the prize - it's not part of the Year of a Million Dreams.

Not necessarily true. As I said above, we got a "dream" from a CM who was dressed in a typical Dinorama costume. Only after he escorted us to the front of the line at Primeval whirl did I notice his black dream bag. He told us this was part of the YOMD, explained that there are prizes ranging from a stay in the castle to a book of fastpasses to things like being escorted to the front of the line. We even received a "certificate" for it.


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Original Poster
That's a Magic Moment certificate.

The prizes for the Years of a Millions Dreams are outlined in the official rules.


Active Member
I went earlier in the month and saw a ton of people wearing ears/fastpasses/lanyards. Personally my mother and I got 3 different things:
- a dream fastpass at MGM our entire ride vehicle on Star Tours did actually. - We were picked to be in the family fun parade at MK, but i'm not sure if that's a prize really.
- On our last day two very nice dream squad ladies in Liberty Square (both of them also from New Jersey!) saw that we were wearing our birthday buttons and asked us if there were any rides we wanted to go on since it was our last day. We said the Jungle Cruise and we got to go on through the exit and load the boat before anyone else.


Well-Known Member
That's a Magic Moment certificate.

The prizes for the Years of a Millions Dreams are outlined in the official rules.

I stand corrected then. I guess they are including the Magical Moments under the heading of YOAMD though. I didn't bother to look at the rules until you mentioned it, but nothing that we technically received is outlined in the rules as a prize. However, he did lump our "prize" as one of the dreams being given out and I took his word for it. Either way, I never got anything like that before, and it was pretty neat. If this celebration increases those "magical moments", all the better.

I did though see a lot of people at AK that day with the Dream Fastpass badges. They seem to give a lot of those out on a daily basis.


New Member
We were eating lunch at Liberty Tree Tavern when our waiter brought over a cute little pink cake and announced that we were celebrating our unbirthdays! We thought is was great, then a member of the dream squad came over to ask if we liked it.

What a fun celebration! :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Mousemerf, I know you started this thread and I of course have no say in how you meant it to turn out, BUT I hope you aren't going to discourage people from posting their magical moments. I love reading those too!

Thanks for the thread though, I have been wondering what people are getting!


Active Member
I noticed that the (dark blue) Fastpass redemptions stubs are still attached to your 5 Dream Fastpasses for AK. So, you were awarded these Dreams, but have not used them yet?

Did you happen to listen in on a radio scanner or something to win these? I thought I heard that Dream Squad members are notified by radio where to go when. If this is the case, a person with a radio scanner could listen in and go where they need to go to win.


Did you happen to listen in on a radio scanner or something to win these? I thought I heard that Dream Squad members are notified by radio where to go when. If this is the case, a person with a radio scanner could listen in and go where they need to go to win.

Anyone got the frequency? :p


Well-Known Member
That's a Magic Moment certificate.

The prizes for the Years of a Millions Dreams are outlined in the official rules.

Ok, while you are technically correct, regardless of whether they were supposed to be doing this before or not, its pretty clear that these Magical Moments are part of the larger picture for the Year of a Million Dreams. While they may not technically be prizes, its pretty clear that Disney is making a concerted effort to empower CMs to create these Magical Moments for the guests, which to me is just as cool as winning a pair of mouse ears or whatever...


Well-Known Member
I got a lanyard from a 2 DS members at the exit to the ToT library preshow.

FYI, this was def. apart of the YOMD because the guy said it.:animwink:


Active Member
Five Animal Kingdom FastPasses...

Each dated for the same day...

Picture taken at Animal Kingdom (evident by the CM's costume)...


Rob is one lucky guy...

I hope you didn't think I was accusing this person of counterfeiting. There was no accusation. I was just making an observation of how easy that would be.
Ok, while you are technically correct, regardless of whether they were supposed to be doing this before or not, its pretty clear that these Magical Moments are part of the larger picture for the Year of a Million Dreams. While they may not technically be prizes, its pretty clear that Disney is making a concerted effort to empower CMs to create these Magical Moments for the guests, which to me is just as cool as winning a pair of mouse ears or whatever...

BINGO!! We're doing magical moments all over the place and while they're not the offical prizes, they're DREAMS NONETHELESS!!!
As far as being sneaky about hearing frequencies, a big NO NO....
As far as winning the small prizes (dream fast passes, YOAMD Mickey Years and Lanyards, those are only rewarded randomly only 100 a day, each park. =D

I work at Innoventions and I've seen about 4 dreams just in innoventions itself. Mostly while in Fantastic Plastic works and House of Innoventions. One happened today as a matter of fact. And sadly, the people in the preshow where complaining on why they didn't win. :rolleyes:
Also, once the prizes are handed out, they run backstage asap to skip out on the nice friendly guest that have nice friendly questions. ~_~;

Over at UL, we choose a random child to be our Junior Safety Inspector.


Well-Known Member
CMs have been encouraged to give out Magical Moment certificates for a while now. Some people just dont have the initative unfortunately...hopefully this new celebration will change that.

One problem in some areas, like, say, the shops, guests seem to be in a hurry to get in and out of there quickly or to be left alone to do their shopping. I've seen CMs try to do magical moments with guests who just seem to not care. Once a CM gave a child a free balloon and a certificate at the stroller rental, but the parents seemed not to care much and just wanted to keep moving :(

Of course, I know many people would love a moment like this. Its just that some people seem to be in such a hurry at the parks to get in as much as they can.
CMs have been encouraged to give out Magical Moment certificates for a while now. Some people just dont have the initative unfortunately...hopefully this new celebration will change that.

One problem in some areas, like, say, the shops, guests seem to be in a hurry to get in and out of there quickly or to be left alone to do their shopping. I've seen CMs try to do magical moments with guests who just seem to not care. Once a CM gave a child a free balloon and a certificate at the stroller rental, but the parents seemed not to care much and just wanted to keep moving :(

Of course, I know many people would love a moment like this. Its just that some people seem to be in such a hurry at the parks to get in as much as they can.

I agree!! like I mentioned above, over at UL we ask a random child if they want to be our jr. safety inspector and their mom or dad always end up asking me..."DO THEY GET ANYTHING AT THE END??" "WHAT'S THIS FOR?" "WHAT A WASTE OF TIME IF THEY DON'T GET ANYTHING."

Ugh, all this makes me mad!!!

A freaking lady today was following me since I was holding a pad and she was like "aren't you going to be handing out those certificates you have there or what?" I was (in my mind thinking) NOT TO YOU!! JEEZ!! It's a random thing people.


Well-Known Member
I was in WDW Oct. 12-14. I only saw the dream squad once, in Epcot just outside of Living Seas. They were giving a couple directions, or at least I think they were, they were holding a map & pointing. My mom saw them standing there & kept saying "Hey, it's her birthday" She's was wanting to win something more that I was.

Dream Squad CMs aren't always giving prizes out when they're out in the parks. I believe there are times when they're assigned to just be general walk-around helpful CMs, perhaps doing a few "Magical Moments".


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