Ok, Here goes.....
Nov 2007, My Girlfriend and I arrive at all-star movies around 1am for a 10 day trip with our friends that are arriving the next day(afternoon). We go to epcot for the morning and enjoy the food and wine festival for a little bit before heading back to the resort to meet up with our friends. On our way back to our room we figured that we would stop by the front desk to find out what room our friends were staying in and if we could move our room closer. No problem....done. So we go back to the room clean up whatever and pack anything we might have taken out. We were told that someone will be by to pick up our luggage to move it to our new room. Im thinking, Geez, i have a bad feeling about this lets just move it ourselves. She was like no, our friends are waiting for us, lets go. OOOOOOkkkkkkkkk i said. So we go to a park (Cant remeber which one) enjoy the time, and head back to the resort. We get back to our room to check our luggage to find that my girlfriends wallet was stolen from her backpack. she had like 400.00 dollars cash, and ID, And ATM card. GREAT!!! So we call the everybody that works for disney, and basically all they could do for us was give her a $50.00 charge card and say that they arent responsible for stolen item. Im going what, your concierge steals stuff from our bags and all you can do is give us $50.00 and say your not responsible. I was very dissapointed in Disney at that moment.........
I also got a fever midway through this trip, so a whole day was wasted, pounding Nyquil and sleeping......
Oiy Vey......But needless to say....Never, and i mean never will i stay at a value resort AGAIN! The concierge employee looked like they belong in a fast food joint.....
I still love Disney World though
WOW. that scares me a bit! i stayed at all star movies last time; we didn't have anything stolen, thank God. but now i know i may never stay there again!