Any un-magical moments happen to you?


Active Member
Out of control, cranky and overheated Granny!

We have always had great trips to WDW, all of them very magical no complaints. The last trip we just took this past April we had a run in with a foul mouthed older woman, who was obviously overheated and exhausted, try to pop my 1 1/2yr old daughter's balloon while we waited for Spectromagic to begin. We are very responsible balloon owners, we keep a " ring" of respect around our stroller (where the balloon was neatly tied so it wouldn't bump anyone) but it wasn't good enough for this woman. She had a hissy fit on it then took a pen out of her purse and tried to pop it. I kept my composure (it was difficult) and told her stop, then was told by her "to get that Fn balloon away from me NOW!" I told her not to stand there and she clenched her fists and belted out "I'll FN pop your FN balloon if you don't FN move out of my way!" It killed me not to take her pen and poke her eyeballs out with it because not only was my little girl was watching and listening but there were other children around doing the same! My Husband is so calm about these things and said "Tell ya what, give me the $10.00 I paid for the balloon and do what you want with it!" and was sort of shaking his head at her, then added "There is no need to be so upset, there are children around." Well that set her off again! The poison that poured from her rotten mouth just got worse, so I started looking for a CM or security to help flush her out, but there was enough of people around that everyone sort of got her to move on. (with her totally embarressed family that never said a word!) So, yeah, I'll never forget the balloon lady, oh the sunshine she must spread around must be lovely!


Active Member
We did have a run in with a woman from a Latin American Country who ran into my best friend with her stroller when we went for my 21st birthday trip. Once she hit her and we realized she had given her a large cut on the back of her heel, a CM sat Blair down and I went after the woman. Mind you we had just finished dinner at CRT, and so we were dressed nicely, not in park clothes but not in something fancy either, and went to go ride POTC after wishes. Long story short I found the woman in line for POTC and asked her in a calm manner why she felt it necessary to hurt my friend and not apologize, she claimed to speak only spanish! Ha! She messed with the wrong FLA girl, I took spanish throughtout middle school, high school, and was taking it then while in college, so I asked her the same question in spanish she was dumbfounded, and then suddenly remembered she did speak english, shocking! O what this woman said to me will stick with me because I couldn't believe hurting someone, I mean physically hurting them to get into a line before someone was necessary. The woman says, "she got in my way." :eek: And that was when I informed her that I realized it was hot, and I realized that maybe things are different here in the states than over there, but no matter where you are hurting someone so you can get ahead of them is just wrong!

O and Kelsybelle, I cannot believe someone would even threaten to pop a childs ballon! I mean that's just wrong on so many levels!


Well-Known Member
On one trip to Disney in January, it was quite icy and snowy here so our plane kept getting delayed and delayed until the airport finally cancelled all flights. We left the next day at the same time and Disney was great about extending our trip an extra day to make it up.

In 06 on our second day we went to Epcot. We parked our stroller under an overhang near MS because it was pouring and a CM moved it into the middle of the area in the rain. There was no official stroller parking there. It was also 11 pm and we were tired and wanted to go back to our resort to sleep. My son could not sit in the stroller without getting wet. At least he had on a poncho. Disney rented us a stroller the next day because our stroller was still wet.


Active Member
We did have a run in with a woman from a Latin American Country who ran into my best friend with her stroller when we went for my 21st birthday trip. Once she hit her and we realized she had given her a large cut on the back of her heel, a CM sat Blair down and I went after the woman. Mind you we had just finished dinner at CRT, and so we were dressed nicely, not in park clothes but not in something fancy either, and went to go ride POTC after wishes. Long story short I found the woman in line for POTC and asked her in a calm manner why she felt it necessary to hurt my friend and not apologize, she claimed to speak only spanish! Ha! She messed with the wrong FLA girl, I took spanish throughtout middle school, high school, and was taking it then while in college, so I asked her the same question in spanish she was dumbfounded, and then suddenly remembered she did speak english, shocking! O what this woman said to me will stick with me because I couldn't believe hurting someone, I mean physically hurting them to get into a line before someone was necessary. The woman says, "she got in my way." :eek: And that was when I informed her that I realized it was hot, and I realized that maybe things are different here in the states than over there, but no matter where you are hurting someone so you can get ahead of them is just wrong!

O and Kelsybelle, I cannot believe someone would even threaten to pop a childs ballon! I mean that's just wrong on so many levels!

:eek: What?!! I'm glad you went after that woman and outsmarted her!!!
Oh, I know, that balloon lady was something else! I never encountered anything like that before!


I landed at OIA on Feb 13th and everything was fine. Got on the ME bus and met my boyfriend at POP century (he drove out before me so that he could spend time with his mom alone). The morning of v-day I went to the Magic Kingdom alone (boyfriend had a Drs appt). By 1pm that afternoon I had somehow lost my voice, and I was sneezing up a storm. I couldn't blame loosing my voice on rides since I hadn't rode any rides that morning. I was bummed out since we had and ADR at 1900 Park Faire and I was looking forward to meeting Prince Charming for the 1st time. That night I couldn't talk and my nose was all red. Thankfully you couldn't tell in the picture that I got with Prince Charming. I finally got my voice back the day before we were supposed ot leave. Needless to say that I went the entire trip whispering and using hand signals when I wanted to talk to anyone.

You're doing VERY well if this is your only unmagical moment. EVERY SINGLE trip I catch a cold and lose my voice for at least 2 days. I'm not talking, maybe 1 or 2 times, I'm talking 14 trips, I try to take anti-cold meds, echinacea, vitamins whatever I can before i go but I have yet to have one Disney vacation where I did not get sick and lose my I just roll with it...the whisperng and hand signals are fun aren't they. Actually the worst part is when you're whipsering to someone and they keep going "What?...WHAT?"


New Member
We have always had great trips to WDW, all of them very magical no complaints. The last trip we just took this past April we had a run in with a foul mouthed older woman, who was obviously overheated and exhausted, try to pop my 1 1/2yr old daughter's balloon while we waited for Spectromagic to begin. We are very responsible balloon owners, we keep a " ring" of respect around our stroller (where the balloon was neatly tied so it wouldn't bump anyone) but it wasn't good enough for this woman. She had a hissy fit on it then took a pen out of her purse and tried to pop it. I kept my composure (it was difficult) and told her stop, then was told by her "to get that Fn balloon away from me NOW!" I told her not to stand there and she clenched her fists and belted out "I'll FN pop your FN balloon if you don't FN move out of my way!" It killed me not to take her pen and poke her eyeballs out with it because not only was my little girl was watching and listening but there were other children around doing the same! My Husband is so calm about these things and said "Tell ya what, give me the $10.00 I paid for the balloon and do what you want with it!" and was sort of shaking his head at her, then added "There is no need to be so upset, there are children around." Well that set her off again! The poison that poured from her rotten mouth just got worse, so I started looking for a CM or security to help flush her out, but there was enough of people around that everyone sort of got her to move on. (with her totally embarressed family that never said a word!) So, yeah, I'll never forget the balloon lady, oh the sunshine she must spread around must be lovely!

My unmagical moment happened when some family with a stroller got in my way so i tried to pop the balloon attached to the stroller and they flipped out

:D:D:lol::lol::ROFLOL::ROFLOL:I am SOOOOO Kidding...that woman sounds awful and I swear it wasn't me


Well-Known Member
when i was 14, we did a 4 day disney cruise. (14, sigh, to be young again, now im 21) anyways, on castaway cay, i wound up getting sun poisoning, after the cruise we were doing disney world for 5 days, but by the time we got to disney world, i was in so much pain. i dont know if this happens to everyone who gets sun poisoning, but all i wanted to do was sleep. that year, we stayed at gf. it just so happens that those were the nights they were having grad night there and they blast music all night. Hardly slept a wink that entire trip :mad:


New Member
actually...probably my most unmagical moment occured on my first day at work when i went backstage and saw Mickey's head on the ground and a girl in a Mickey suit screaming into a cell phone, telling her boyfriend off and smoking a cigarette.

Have I just ruined everything? :eek: I really don't want to ruin the magic for everyone...just do what I did, remind yourself that obviously some nut found a Mickey outfit somewhere and that the REAL Mickey would be very upset!

(*if this is going to really bother people...moderators...please feel free to delete it*)


Well-Known Member
One un-magical event (not bad considering how many trips we have taken to WDW)....
was with our first ME experience. We had a late flight from St.Louis to Orlando. We got to the resort around 11 PM and had packed essentials in a carry on. We requested that they specifically NOT bring our luggage to us at 2AM which was the est. time of arrival. We didn't want the children woken up...low and behold around 2:30 AM someone is banging on our door. It takes a few moments to figure out where I am, what is going on and getting to the's luggage...but not even ours. The guy was really sorry and it certainly didn't ruin the trip, but it was a bit unmagical!


This unmagical moment happened a few years ago at the MK. I am a pretty heavy smoker, but when I am at WDW I really do make an effort to curttail my habit. I understand that most people are non-smokers and for their comfort as well as for the well being of all the little ones running around I will usually only have one or two per day at the parks.

I had walked across the park to the most secluded smoking spot that I knew of. I waited for all the nonsmokers who were resting and eating to leave, and then i lit up.

A few moments later an onlder lady came over, practically sat on my lap, and the proceeded to read me the riot act. After yelling her head off at me, she dumped what was left of her frozen lemonade on my lap, trying to extinguish my cigarette.

I erupted, and madness ensued. A Disney security guard was summoned and upon seeing my lemon scented crotch, decided that the disagreement was this crazy womans fault. She was escorted away, I'm assuming out of the park. It was interesting to say the least. :lookaroun


Active Member
My unmagical moment happened when some family with a stroller got in my way so i tried to pop the balloon attached to the stroller and they flipped out

:D:D:lol::lol::ROFLOL::ROFLOL:I am SOOOOO Kidding...that woman sounds awful and I swear it wasn't me

FYI, not funny! Lets just say that the situation was very ugly and nearly broke my heart because I have never experienced anything like that in all the years I've gone to WDW and it makes me feel really sad that baby had to on her VERY first trip. Glad you got a good laugh out of it.......:lookaroun


New Member
FYI, not funny! Lets just say that the situation was very ugly and nearly broke my heart because I have never experienced anything like that in all the years I've gone to WDW and it makes me feel really sad that baby had to on her VERY first trip. Glad you got a good laugh out of it.......:lookaroun

wel, on a brighter note I'm sure your baby won't remember it. As long as you don't tell them, they'll never even know and FYI, maybe a sense of humour will help you get over it. It usually helps me when something like that happens.


Active Member
wel, on a brighter note I'm sure your baby won't remember it. As long as you don't tell them, they'll never even know and FYI, maybe a sense of humour will help you get over it. It usually helps me when something like that happens.

:eek:! Thats a little harsh and not necessary.


:eek:! Thats a little harsh and not necessary.

kesley...I wonder if you're reading into TigerLily's posts differently. I didn't think her little joke was that bad especially since she did say the woman was awful and I think she was kind of just saying that you have to laugh about stuff like this...that's what I took her post as.

as for me...I have a permanent scar on my leg from someone with a stroller at Disney and I might have been ticked at the time but when I got home I just told everyone that I was injured on the scariest, most dangerous ride at Disney world...the resort bus.:D

I'm in agreement that laughter is the best medicine :lol:


Well-Known Member
FYI, not funny! Lets just say that the situation was very ugly and nearly broke my heart because I have never experienced anything like that in all the years I've gone to WDW and it makes me feel really sad that baby had to on her VERY first trip. Glad you got a good laugh out of it.......:lookaroun

Y'know, she was not laughing at you, and to be perfectly honest, although the lady was WAY out of line, and most likely unbalanced, and would have pi**ed me off as well at the moment, it really isn't that big of a deal. I would have reacted the same and been really ticked off for a bit and probably rehashed it with the wife all day but it would go down as a "remember that one time...." unmagical moment kind of things not a traumatic heartbreaking experience.
And, someone going bats**t crazy over a perfectly secured balloon is to be laughed at. Tigerlily's comment was not out of line and rather funny.


New Member
:eek:! Thats a little harsh and not necessary.

:confused::confused::confused::confused::confused: I think we're on way different wavelenghths here...I wasn't being rude or anything I was just saying that things like this (and worse) happen and that I find it's healthier to laugh it off when you can. You may not be in that place, though so I won't reply again or anything because I think you're taking everything I say wrong and I don't want to exacerbate the situation.

To Elonwy & Sublimesting: thanks for seeing my intention, I'm glad someone understood :wave:


I will try not to be too graphic while describing what happened to me one year.
It was back in 2000. My wife and I decided to eat at Pecos Bill's. We both had the same thing: cheeseburger and fries. The only exception being that I loaded up on the pickle slices at the condiment bar. Later that evening back at the hotel, I began to have severe stomach cramps. The pain was so intense, I thought maybe it was my apendix. Then without any warning, it hit me. Here's where I'll try not to be too graphic. I had no control of my bowels. It literally started to just run out of me like water. The worst case I ever had. I was so thankful that I was in our hotel room because it would have been the most embarassing moment of my life if we had been in the park. It was so awful. :cry: I had to spend the entire night in the toilet for fear of ruining the bed. Hope I'm not grossing anybody out.
It had to be from the pickles. That was the only thing I had that my wife didn't and she had absolutely no signs of illness. I felt a little better in the morning, but my stomach was still making strange noises. I had to run to the restroom at least 25 times that day (no exagerating) for fear of having an accident.
After taking a lot of imodium and PeptoBismol, it finally faded away the second day. Looking back now, I probably should have reported this to Disney. I have always wondered if anyone else got sick. Needless to say, I now avoid the condiment bar at Pecos Bill's like the plague. That's my not-so-magical Disney moment.
In 2006, my family of three went on a 4 day Disney cruise then met my parents at WDW for Thanksgiving. The waves were so high they were splashing against our window on the fourth level on day three and the captain informed us that we couldn't dock at Castaway Cay because of the high winds (70 mph) and seas. Then I got the NORA virus and threw up all night of the last night. After holding my breath through customs, we arrived at the Poly around 10:00 am. Evidently lots of people were sick on the ship and they were made aware because our room right next to the Great Ceremonial House was ready. I threw up the remainder of that day and sent my DH and DS to the parks.

My parents arrived the next morning and my mom's makeup bag was stolen at the Dolphin between the time it left their car and was brought to their room. She had to go to Walgreen's and buy all new toiletries and makeup (which matters to a woman in her mid-sixties). Though she repeatedly asked for a claim to be filed, they gave her the run around about the hotel manager--who was never on site--being the only one who could complete a claim form. I felt really bad because I selected this hotel and paid for their room as their Christmas gift. To this day, no bag and no compensation.

We had lunch at Cinderella's Castle on Thanksgiving Day and had our pictures made with the princesses and a wonderful meal. About an hour later, my dad started feeling really really bad and ended up with the virus. His lasted about 48 hours as mine did and he missed the latter part of our trip. He was still feeling ill the morning they had to checkout.

On our final night, my son came down with a 102 fever at Downtown Disney so our night ended around 6:00 pm without doing the MK one final time as we normally did. I was very thankful since he never threw up.

All in all, we've had wonderful trips and I still love WDW. I just could have done without a few of these incidents with the amount of money we spent.

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