Any rides or attractions make you cry?


Well-Known Member
I cry alot at WDW! I cry during Voyage of the Little Mermaid because I think back at DS's first trip. He had the biggest crush on Ariel, and he wanted to see that show over and over. Now he is a teenager and growing up on me. When we went last year I looked at him as the show was starting and I lost it. He saw me getting all emotional and he reached over and held my hand the rest of the show.. Then I got really tore up. Watching your kids grow up at Disney is so wonderful but bittersweet at the same time when you think back about when they were little. :cry:


Well-Known Member
This may sound crazy but Sorin made me cry. I got married in Dec of 07. My wife and I go to Disney every year for the last 5 years. I was never able to ride to many ride because i weighed nearly 600lbs. I had to ride a scooter around the park. At the age of 33 that was quite embarrasing. Our last trip was 2006 and I tried to ride Sorin and was unable to ride after being line for nearly 2 hours. I could not fit!!! After that I decided to do something about it. Nearly a year and a half later I lost 340lbs and for the first time in MANY years I was able to ride ALL the ride for my honeymoon. But when we got to Sorin, all those feelings of being unable to ride the one ride I wanted to ride with my wife came pouring back. As i sat in that seat and took off holding her hand I cried like a baby. That was the one time I cried at Disney.
wow congrads....that is a major accomplishment!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I'm not one to cry, but I always get goosebumps during Illuminations as well as the movie at the end of the American Adventure.


New Member
I cry at just about everything :cry:
I was listening to my Disney ipod at work (yes, I have an entire ipod just dedicated to Disney music, video, & podcasts) and I was just having a little sniffly, teardrop-rolling-down-cheek moment to one of the songs (illuminations, I think) and got busted by 2 of my co-worker buddies who walked into my office. :lol: They already think I'm a Disney nut so this was the icing on the cake!:ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
I can't watch WISHES. Every time I hear the narrator start, I get teary eyed and I can't watch the fireworks. Also when I walk under the train station onto Main Street USA for the first time during the trip and when I walk off of Main Street for the last time during the trip. All these things make me cry.


Active Member

I love it, but it's basically torture for me. I'm afraid of heights.

But, I have teared up once during Illuminations, just watching my group's faces.


New Member
leaving disneyworld makes me cry. hahaaa.

FANTASMIC is the killer for me. oh my gosh. especially the finale. horrible.

i didn't get to see wishes the last time i was there. the one night we were planning on seeing it, they had that damn pirate/princess party.

Norm The Skull

New Member
Yes even us skulls cry

My sister told me that there was going to be at least once on our trip that we (Wife & I) would cry.

She said she could not resist the tears at the opening of Animal Kingdom.

We just laugh and said "Yeah Sure"

Well during out trip my wife lost it during Spectromagic And Wishes got to me.



Premium Member
Wishes makes me misty eyed, only because I saw it with someone very special right before she left and moved halfway across the country.

Also I have quite a feeling that when I FINALLY get to see DisneySea in person I'll probably be crying


New Member
I was just saying in another thread how I cry every time I see the American Adventure!

Any other crybabies out there? :wave:

My wife at the forementioned American Adventure. Me, everytime I see a WDW special on the Travel Channel and I exclaim in despair and anticipation "I WANT TO GO NOW!" :cry:


Always the first moment I step through the tunnel to the entrance of MK, onto Main Street and see the castle.

WISHES!!! (I even watch it at work on Youtube when I need my Disney fix and cry at my desk)

The entrance music at Epcot and walking through the countries, especially when I get to the romantic ones.


New Member
I get teary at the Imagination pavilion fountains. I was a Disney VoluntEar (yes, that's the way we spell it) for the Give Kids the World foundation. I would go spend time with the kids during Parents Night Out. Later some of the kids would visit me at the Canadian Pavilion. One little boy (age 4) who was ill and his sister (age 6) came to my work just as I was about to be off for the day. I got changed and met them at Imagination and we played in the water fountains. The boy was so lively, running around and splashing that it was hard to imagine he was sick.

About 3 weeks later I got a letter from them with a picture of us playing in the fountains...he was in the hospital at home and not expected to leave. Two days after I got the letter his uncle called and told he he was gone.

That was my first family I met through the VoluntEars and it was really hard but I kept going back every week to meet new families. I haven't worked there in over 10 years and I know that pretty much everyone of those kids I played with are probably gone now. I have special memories of them all but the Imagination Fountains seem to really get to me...I try not to cry and picture the kids as I knew them...happy and playing but it's hard

This story is so sad! Another day and I'm welling up in work:lol:. It must be a really rewarding job to be able to work with children there.


New Member
OK guys this took a couple of quick searches but I found what I regard as the ultimate story of Disney magic and if it does not cause you to well up just a bit check yourself into a cemetery because you are dead inside.:lol:

Here is the link.

That’s me totally gone! :cry:I can’t believe this! CM's or even staff that work in this field need some sort of award you truly have a heart of gold.


New Member
Well Wishes is great.

But the music that comes AFTER wishes is over, makes me very upset :(
Everyone is leaving and that music is playing.. oohh boy.

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