Any rides or attractions make you cry?


Active Member
This came as a complete surprise to me when it happened.
My wife wanted to ride Dumbo in the worst way. In previous trips with and without me she had always wanted to but never was able to for whatever reason. This past trip to WDW we went for the first time with our kids, so Dumbo was a must to do, for sure. Throughout the day the wait for Dumbo was crazy, over an hour! We finally got in line later that evening. Just as we were about to board the ride broke down. We decided to stay in line and wait for them to fix the problem which took another 30 minutes. When we finally got on the ride, just as we lifted the elephant up to it's highest point, Wishes started, and fireworks erupted all around our heads and lasted for the entire ride! It was very magical, even for me, it was just like we were in a Magic Kingdom commercial. When the ride ended, we disembarked as Wishes was still going on, my wife sort of turned and walked away from us. I turned and walked toward her to see what the matter was. She was crying almost out of control, with her hands over her face. I wasn't sure what to make of it at first then I realized that she was so emotional over what we just experienced. I just hugged her and held her. Our kids came over and hugged me and her. There we were our little family, hugging all at the same time in the middle of Fantasyland. I can't help but tear up a little now as I type this, just thinking how beautiful that moment was for her and us.

Okay I am now crying at work! That story is just another reason that I love Disney! :cry:


New Member
The Lion King show. I hide my face behind my camera so no one can see that I am blubbering like an idiot. The music and everything just makes me lose it every time. My husband just laughs at me.

are you refering to the circle of life show in The Land? i get choked up when i see this, and im a guy. the music and the footage is so powerful and sad, especially when they start talking about the destruction of earth halfway through.


New Member
I think the apex of Spaceship Earth does it to me. It means so much in terms of Man's Progress with technology. No matter the era of SE, I think the dramatic music at that point always triggers my lacrimal glands to go nuts.

(Lacrimal glands make your tears!)


New Member

This may sound crazy but Sorin made me cry. I got married in Dec of 07. My wife and I go to Disney every year for the last 5 years. I was never able to ride to many ride because i weighed nearly 600lbs. I had to ride a scooter around the park. At the age of 33 that was quite embarrasing. Our last trip was 2006 and I tried to ride Sorin and was unable to ride after being line for nearly 2 hours. I could not fit!!! After that I decided to do something about it. Nearly a year and a half later I lost 340lbs and for the first time in MANY years I was able to ride ALL the ride for my honeymoon. But when we got to Sorin, all those feelings of being unable to ride the one ride I wanted to ride with my wife came pouring back. As i sat in that seat and took off holding her hand I cried like a baby. That was the one time I cried at Disney.


Well-Known Member
This may sound crazy but Sorin made me cry. I got married in Dec of 07. My wife and I go to Disney every year for the last 5 years. I was never able to ride to many ride because i weighed nearly 600lbs. I had to ride a scooter around the park. At the age of 33 that was quite embarrasing. Our last trip was 2006 and I tried to ride Sorin and was unable to ride after being line for nearly 2 hours. I could not fit!!! After that I decided to do something about it. Nearly a year and a half later I lost 340lbs and for the first time in MANY years I was able to ride ALL the ride for my honeymoon. But when we got to Sorin, all those feelings of being unable to ride the one ride I wanted to ride with my wife came pouring back. As i sat in that seat and took off holding her hand I cried like a baby. That was the one time I cried at Disney.

Awww...that must have been such a special moment for the two of you. I'm happy that you were able to ride is such an amazing attraction. :wave:

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
This may sound crazy but Sorin made me cry. I got married in Dec of 07. My wife and I go to Disney every year for the last 5 years. I was never able to ride to many ride because i weighed nearly 600lbs. I had to ride a scooter around the park. At the age of 33 that was quite embarrasing. Our last trip was 2006 and I tried to ride Sorin and was unable to ride after being line for nearly 2 hours. I could not fit!!! After that I decided to do something about it. Nearly a year and a half later I lost 340lbs and for the first time in MANY years I was able to ride ALL the ride for my honeymoon. But when we got to Sorin, all those feelings of being unable to ride the one ride I wanted to ride with my wife came pouring back. As i sat in that seat and took off holding her hand I cried like a baby. That was the one time I cried at Disney.
Simply freaking awesome story!


Active Member
[quote=gulfsouthllc;2959661]This may sound crazy but Sorin made me cry. I got married in Dec of 07. My wife and I go to Disney every year for the last 5 years. I was never able to ride to many ride because i weighed nearly 600lbs. I had to ride a scooter around the park. At the age of 33 that was quite embarrasing. Our last trip was 2006 and I tried to ride Sorin and was unable to ride after being line for nearly 2 hours. I could not fit!!! After that I decided to do something about it. Nearly a year and a half later I lost 340lbs and for the first time in MANY years I was able to ride ALL the ride for my honeymoon. But when we got to Sorin, all those feelings of being unable to ride the one ride I wanted to ride with my wife came pouring back. As i sat in that seat and took off holding her hand I cried like a baby. That was the one time I cried at Disney.[/quote]

YOU ARE AMAZING!!!! What an accomplishment!!! After reading your story I will never complain about the sneaky 20lbs of baby weight that just won't come off!!! You deserve a standing ovation!!!


New Member
Original Poster
This came as a complete surprise to me when it happened.
My wife wanted to ride Dumbo in the worst way. In previous trips with and without me she had always wanted to but never was able to for whatever reason. This past trip to WDW we went for the first time with our kids, so Dumbo was a must to do, for sure. Throughout the day the wait for Dumbo was crazy, over an hour! We finally got in line later that evening. Just as we were about to board the ride broke down. We decided to stay in line and wait for them to fix the problem which took another 30 minutes. When we finally got on the ride, just as we lifted the elephant up to it's highest point, Wishes started, and fireworks erupted all around our heads and lasted for the entire ride! It was very magical, even for me, it was just like we were in a Magic Kingdom commercial. When the ride ended, we disembarked as Wishes was still going on, my wife sort of turned and walked away from us. I turned and walked toward her to see what the matter was. She was crying almost out of control, with her hands over her face. I wasn't sure what to make of it at first then I realized that she was so emotional over what we just experienced. I just hugged her and held her. Our kids came over and hugged me and her. There we were our little family, hugging all at the same time in the middle of Fantasyland. I can't help but tear up a little now as I type this, just thinking how beautiful that moment was for her and us.

OMG I'm crying right now just reading you story!!!


I was just saying in another thread how I cry every time I see the American Adventure! It's so embarrassing - I have to wear my sunglasses out of there because I'm so emotional.

I get emotional at a lot of stuff at WDW. Sometimes I get teary riding Peter Pan because I remember riding it as a kid with my dad, who has passed. And COP, forget about it!

Any other crybabies out there? :wave:

Oh my gosh...I cry at the Peter Pan ride for the same reason. We can ride together, have a good cry, remember our Dads and not feel one bit embarrassed together :wave:


Active Member
This may sound crazy but Sorin made me cry. I got married in Dec of 07. My wife and I go to Disney every year for the last 5 years. I was never able to ride to many ride because i weighed nearly 600lbs. I had to ride a scooter around the park. At the age of 33 that was quite embarrasing. Our last trip was 2006 and I tried to ride Sorin and was unable to ride after being line for nearly 2 hours. I could not fit!!! After that I decided to do something about it. Nearly a year and a half later I lost 340lbs and for the first time in MANY years I was able to ride ALL the ride for my honeymoon. But when we got to Sorin, all those feelings of being unable to ride the one ride I wanted to ride with my wife came pouring back. As i sat in that seat and took off holding her hand I cried like a baby. That was the one time I cried at Disney.

WOW, Congratulations that is such an acomplishment!

Another one that gets me that hasn't been mentioned is the Dream Along with Mickey stage show! My BFF and I saw it for the first time January 07 and between the "animated faces" of the characters and the show itself we were both a wreck!


New Member
I get teary at the Imagination pavilion fountains. I was a Disney VoluntEar (yes, that's the way we spell it) for the Give Kids the World foundation. I would go spend time with the kids during Parents Night Out. Later some of the kids would visit me at the Canadian Pavilion. One little boy (age 4) who was ill and his sister (age 6) came to my work just as I was about to be off for the day. I got changed and met them at Imagination and we played in the water fountains. The boy was so lively, running around and splashing that it was hard to imagine he was sick.

About 3 weeks later I got a letter from them with a picture of us playing in the fountains...he was in the hospital at home and not expected to leave. Two days after I got the letter his uncle called and told he he was gone.

That was my first family I met through the VoluntEars and it was really hard but I kept going back every week to meet new families. I haven't worked there in over 10 years and I know that pretty much everyone of those kids I played with are probably gone now. I have special memories of them all but the Imagination Fountains seem to really get to me...I try not to cry and picture the kids as I knew them...happy and playing but it's hard


Well-Known Member
Tikki-Room makes me cry

Yes. The Tikki-Room with its "new management".:brick:

I could cry when I see how they spoiled a small but beautiful alltime favourite. They destroyed everything in the show that had to do with Tikki-style. Walt Disney would hate it, the Tikki-Room is rumored to have been his favourite and they took out its very soul.:cry:


Well-Known Member
I get teary at the Imagination pavilion fountains. I was a Disney VoluntEar (yes, that's the way we spell it) for the Give Kids the World foundation. I would go spend time with the kids during Parents Night Out. Later some of the kids would visit me at the Canadian Pavilion. One little boy (age 4) who was ill and his sister (age 6) came to my work just as I was about to be off for the day. I got changed and met them at Imagination and we played in the water fountains. The boy was so lively, running around and splashing that it was hard to imagine he was sick.

About 3 weeks later I got a letter from them with a picture of us playing in the fountains...he was in the hospital at home and not expected to leave. Two days after I got the letter his uncle called and told he he was gone.

That was my first family I met through the VoluntEars and it was really hard but I kept going back every week to meet new families. I haven't worked there in over 10 years and I know that pretty much everyone of those kids I played with are probably gone now. I have special memories of them all but the Imagination Fountains seem to really get to me...I try not to cry and picture the kids as I knew them...happy and playing but it's hard
im crying after reading this. when im a cm, i am going to do that. i love to volunteer.

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