Another MK smoking area goes up in smoke

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Well-Known Member
I have no problem with smoking areas at all. I just would like the one at the Dole Whip counter to be moved so that all the smoke doesn't blow in our refreshments when we stop there to eat. Maybe put it on or nearer the bridge where there is better air circulation?


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
It's actually a good comaprison. It's about personal rights and companies trying to control them...
As opposed to the right of a company to determine what occurs within its borders? Disney is a private company that has the right to determine where people may smoke. Just as smokers have the right to visit (or not). Disney has the right to determine if alcohol will be served at its parks, just as people have the right whether to consume or not.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Same thing was said by a lot of people when they banned it inside bars. People came back.
They also still take plane trips, eat in restaurants, attend n/s sporting events, stay in n/s nice hotels, attend movies, work at n/s companies, visit n/s hospitals, and so on. The country has definitely changed. My daughter lives in a non smoking apartment community of several hundred units that makes her responsible for any of her visitors. Residents can not smoke on property or even in their autos while driving on property. The complex has a waiting list for units.

rael ramone

Well-Known Member
It's interesting how the 'designated areas' rule is worded.

'Smoking is not allowed at the theme parks, except in designated areas', not

'Smoking is allowed in designated areas only'.

The emphasis is on where smoking is forbidden, not where it's allowed.
The tilt is definitely towards the nonsmoker (as it should be). And the reduction of second-hand smoke from how it was in the past is one aspect of the park experience that has actually improved over how it was in the otherwise 'better' past.

Some do still smoke outside the areas (esp. World Showcase at night), but it would definitely be worse if smoking was allowed parkwide.

But I severely doubt they would ban smoking from property, because, as others said: the international tourist. A theory by another poster @MarkTwain on another thread that it's often the international tourist that's staying in the Deluxe Hotels, dropping major coin on merch, and liking the BRANDcentric direction of the offerings in the park.

How would they make the numbers they promised the Street over MM+ if they drive out many of their most profitable customers over smoking, when a properly enforced 'designated area' policy makes the vast majority of the parks nicotine free?


Premium Member
It's actually a good comaprison. It's about personal rights and companies trying to control them...

"companies" as you call them also have rights... including disallowing you from smoking on their property. Just like I can tell you "don't smoke while in my car". In both cases, your personal rights include not staying around if you don't like it. Your "personal rights" do not supercede anyone else's same rights.

Soarin' Over Pgh

Well-Known Member
Exactly. Hope the full park ban is around the corner.

I'm not going to touch on whether smoking is good or bad, yall have beat that horse enough.

I wanted to add that the Pittsburgh Zoo has banned smoking in the entire 'park' and it had no effect on sales or attendance. In fact, their attendance rates went up.

There was minor backlash from folks, but it quickly dissipated and now smokers get their fix in the vast parking lot, and before they reach the gates. I've yet to encounter anyone in the Zoo complaining about no smoking areas, or griping about needing a cigarette.


Resident Curmudgeon
As long as they continue to push non-US travel, it won't happen.

The rest of the world doesn't hate smoking as much as the US does yet. Yet.

Visit China - Smoking is not going away any time soon there, Korean colleague of mine used to smoke Clove cigarettes if you think tobacco is bad just try secondhand clove smoke.

Father was a pipe smoker, Love the smell of a tobacconist's shop - actually smoking just makes me choke (tried ONCE as a teen) go figure...
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Pixie VaVoom

Well-Known Member
Using death as the benchmark for being silly is a bit high on the threshold, isn't it? There are plenty of documented cases showing the negative effects on children within smoker's homes. My parents smoked. I was sick all the time from school. Now I am on my own and I am seldom sick. Maybe it was just a coincedence. Studies suggest it is not.

me too - my mom gave up the smokes and my dad took to only outside , because I developed recurring bronchitis as a 5 year old.


Well-Known Member
If Disney wanted to ban smoking, they would have already. For every non smoker who is ed about the smoking, there would be a smoker ed about the ban.

In the end, a non smoker will continue to go to the park and spend money as usual. However, if there was a ban, there is no doubt a smoker's family would spend less time at the park. With all the smoking laws around right now, Disney would have banned smoking a long time ago if they wanted to, but they don't want to.


Well-Known Member
Oh, well, another reason to go to Uni. They not only do not look down on people who have habits that are no longer socially acceptable, but they have made efforts to not only have many, easy to find smoking areas but they theme them as well.

Don't kid yourself about how it will not stop people from coming. A person from a less country might show up not knowing that they cannot smoke "anywhere" in the parks, but, you can bet they will never return. People who don't understand the habit and it's force, cannot even begin to figure out just how strong it is. Or maybe some should be made to not have a place to get coffee after entering the park. Can't even bring any with you! Maybe then a little understanding will set in.

If one cannot see the difference between not smoking in a restaurant for an hour or so and being asked to do that for a whole day will never be able to understand how much it enters into where one goes or doesn't go. I hate people that smoke out in the crowd (when I started going there you could smoke in the queue's), but, as long as people are recognized as having differing needs and accommodating for them, I have no problem. In fact I feel that constantly limiting the smoking areas will only lead to more open smoking, against the rules or not.

I would be willing to wager that people will return even if they can't smoke. NYC is the busiest city in the country. Smoking is banned and it is still the busiest city in the country. There was a lot of panic from smokers before the ban went into effect. Surprisingly everything went incredibly smoothly from day one. There was no rioting. No chaos. No smokers with pitchforks.

I understand that smoking is a strong addiction, as you've stated. You said "If one cannot see the difference between not smoking in a restaurant for an hour or so and being asked to do that for a whole day..." No one is asking you to stay inside of a park an entire day. If you choose to do that (and there is a ban and you choose not to give up smoking) then the patch is an option you might want to try. You will get your nicotine and no one else will breathe second hand smoke. It's a win win.

Disney is not taking away anyone's rights. They are a private company and it's your choice whether you want to play by their rules. If not, like you said, there is always Universal down the street.


Well-Known Member
As much as I'd like to see Magic Kingdom smoke-free/vapor-free, I realize that it could put quite a stress on guests who can't light up and cast who try to enforce it. The other question is if the guest areas are smoke-free, would the backstage cast areas also be smoke free?

Disney has officially stated that e-cigs and anything similar that is "smoked" and produces vapor should be used in the same designated smoking areas, but most people take a puff and put it away making them incredibly hard to enforce.

It's a tough battle backed by a combination of science and courtesy. It'll be interesting to see where things will be in 5 years.


Well-Known Member
Disney already made a statement on how they view smokers' rights when they put the smoking area where service animals have to poop. Funny, they don't make the dogs leave to poop and come back either.


OV 104
Premium Member
As opposed to the right of a company to determine what occurs within its borders? Disney is a private company that has the right to determine where people may smoke. Just as smokers have the right to visit (or not). Disney has the right to determine if alcohol will be served at its parks, just as people have the right whether to consume or not.

And Disney will continue to sell Cigars at their hotels and keep Sosa open at DtD. The cancer crap is a true risk but I find it rather comical at the same time studies are showing that animal meat makes those 50/60+ years of age at greater cancer risk than tobacco use! Let's ban the food too! Eventually everything will be proved as cancer risk with only some things a hair higher risk than others. Anti smoking crowd really is flat out laughable.

And you know me, I don't smoke, or any tobacco. But I always chuckle when I see a smokeless tobacco user standing beside someone mumbling under their breath about it. Not a thing they can do to change! Disney doesn't care about that one.
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