Another MK smoking area goes up in smoke

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Well-Known Member
By the way - many have asked why Disney would restrict or ban smoking for being unhealthy, but sell unhealthly foods. Recall Disney ended their contract with McDonalds for Disney Movie/Happy Meal tie ins. Disney now offers lunch bags through the Subway kids meal.

The difference is simple. Eating crap food is an option and not forced upon the guest. Walking through a cloud of stank and ingesting all those carcinogens and chemicals because you're trying to get to a section of a park located next to a smoking area sometimes is not an option.

The nanny state/lawyer overreach into our lives is appalling, and making something this simple to understand into something that needs a 500 page law is unecessary to say the least.


Well-Known Member
The difference is simple. Eating crap food is an option and not forced upon the guest. Walking through a cloud of stank and ingesting all those carcinogens and chemicals because you're trying to get to a section of a park located next to a smoking area sometimes is not an option.

The nanny state/lawyer overreach into our lives is appalling, and making something this simple to understand into something that needs a 500 page law is unecessary to say the least.
Exactly. I'm not directly affected by someone ingesting an atherosclerosis-inducing diet. I am directly affected by smoking. And it's not something I care to encounter in the Most Magical Place on Earth.
I think Disney's eliminating of the smoking sections has reached a tipping point. It used to be that it wasn't hard to stop by a smoking area during a typical walk through the park. But now they are becoming so hard to come by that I can see smokers feeling like it's too much a pain to play by the rules anymore even if they used to.

Let's face it, it is a tough thing to totally enforce in the first place and by making it harder to play by the rules Disney is almost encouraging people to ignore the rules.

Hyperspace Hoopla

Well-Known Member
The difference is simple. Eating crap food is an option and not forced upon the guest. Walking through a cloud of stank and ingesting all those carcinogens and chemicals because you're trying to get to a section of a park located next to a smoking area sometimes is not an option.

The nanny state/lawyer overreach into our lives is appalling, and making something this simple to understand into something that needs a 500 page law is unecessary to say the least.

You might have mistook my meaning. I just meant that Disney wasn't being hypocritical about restricting one unhealthly habit and not another. I think we're on the same side here.


Well-Known Member
You might have mistook my meaning. I just meant that Disney wasn't being hypocritical about restricting one unhealthly habit and not another. I think we're on the same side here.

Gotcha. I know it's important to try and accommodate all guests in some form/fashion, but a more tactical approach to where they put their smoke pits should be done, vice just throwing them on the side of major walkways.


Well-Known Member
Walt died as a result of his smoking habit.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Gotcha. I know it's important to try and accommodate all guests in some form/fashion, but a more tactical approach to where they put their smoke pits should be done, vice just throwing them on the side of major walkways.
How about a luxury smoking lounge in the Diamond Horse Shoe. ;) Have you seen it open the past several years? Not often. I don't smoke but I understand the addiction. I just want it away from those who are bothered by smoking.


Park History nut
Premium Member
As an ex smoker ( :) ) I can say this is a bad move. Like many other things, too much control or a total ban would just push people to break the rules.

Better to have smoking areas that those who want to avoid can do, rather than have even more guests lighting up anywhere and everywhere. Remember, many European countries still view smoking as normal as drinking alcohol. Or water.

You won't stop it. Better to control it.


Well-Known Member
For me...I could care less who chooses to smoke and who doesn't. If you want to disregard the warnings and take the's your choice.

I don't want a "right" taken away because once rights are taken away, it opens doors to other rights being taken away.

I'm not a smoker...and I think it's a horrible habit to have. I do not like the smoke and can't stand it when I come home from someplace and smell like smoke. (I live in MA so thankfully going out to a bar or restaurant is smokeless...but at the same time, I don't feel like it should be a law, but the choice of the owner of the establishment.)

If I had to choose to go to a restaurant that allows it...or doesn't...I would always choose to go to one that doesn't allow it.

That being said, it's up to Disney if they want to ban it resort-wide. Personally, I'm ok with it as it stands now. I hardly walk through a Smoking area.


Well-Known Member
As an ex smoker ( :) ) I can say this is a bad move. Like many other things, too much control or a total ban would just push people to break the rules.

Better to have smoking areas that those who want to avoid can do, rather than have even more guests lighting up anywhere and everywhere. Remember, many European countries still view smoking as normal as drinking alcohol. Or water.

You won't stop it. Better to control it.

I totally agree with you my man. I don't smoke....but I also don't have a problem with people who do. I understand the non smoking restaurants, and keeping it restricted in the parks, but some people need to smoke. Like I said, I don't smoke, I do drink beer, but that's about it. I understand beer and coffee don't let off any types of vapors into the air, but think about it, the same people that bash smoking are the ones drinking 3 cups of coffee, and 5 red bulls ... Talk about calling the kettle black.


Well-Known Member
Here's a thought... Whats the first thing smokers do when the get stressed out? Smoke. Disney can be quite stressful. Let the smoker release some stress with their ciggies... Imagine someone having a nicotine fix while waiting 60 mins+ for peter pan - things could get ugly. :rolleyes:

Also - do they have a policy about the new e-cigarettes. They are everywhere in NY right now and policies are still iffy here.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Here's a thought... Whats the first thing smokers do when the get stressed out? Smoke. Disney can be quite stressful. Let the smoker release some stress with their ciggies... Imagine someone having a nicotine fix while waiting 60 mins+ for peter pan - things could get ugly. :rolleyes:

Also - do they have a policy about the new e-cigarettes. They are everywhere in NY right now and policies are still iffy here.
Same as real smoke. Same restrictions.


Well-Known Member
I grew up with parents who smoked... needless to say, I become president of my school's non-smoking club and we helped promote/pass the New Jersey Smoke-Free Air Act.
I think people have the right to smoke, however, out of respect for others, I feel that smoking sections should be required to be a certain distance away from non-smoking areas. Having a smoking section 3 feet from a non-smoking walkway defeats the purpose.

And Disney will continue to sell Cigars at their hotels and keep Sosa open at DtD. The cancer crap is a true risk but I find it rather comical at the same time studies are showing that animal meat makes those 50/60+ years of age at greater cancer risk than tobacco use! Let's ban the food too! Eventually everything will be proved as cancer risk with only some things a hair higher risk than others. Anti smoking crowd really is flat out laughable.

And you know me, I don't smoke, or any tobacco. But I always chuckle when I see a smokeless tobacco user standing beside someone mumbling under their breath about it. Not a thing they can do to change! Disney doesn't care about that one.
Didn't they just close Sosa?
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Well-Known Member
I will continue to smoke ONLY in designated smoking areas... BUT, if they are removed? I will smoke in the old areas. That would be a statement - not a request for input. I believe in playing fair with others, until the day comes that they cease to play fair with me.

This has already been mentioned on this thread but if someone(s) decide they do not want to allow you to smoke on their property that does not mean they are not playing fair.


OV 104
Premium Member
I grew up with parents who smoked... needless to say, I become president of my school's non-smoking club and we helped promote/pass the New Jersey Smoke-Free Air Act.
I think people have the right to smoke, however, out of respect for others, I feel that smoking sections should be required to be a certain distance away from non-smoking areas. Having a smoking section 3 feet from a non-smoking walkway defeats the purpose.

Didn't they just close Sosa?

I know there was rent drama. I think it did shut up shop.Might send an email to get the real reason.

Meanwhile hotels still selling em like champs.
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