Another MK smoking area goes up in smoke

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Well-Known Member
I don't think he is trying to stop anyone, just making it perfectly clear that there isn't a possible way that he cares what anyone thinks or threatens to do. :)


Well-Known Member
As an ex smoker ( :) ) I can say this is a bad move. Like many other things, too much control or a total ban would just push people to break the rules.

Better to have smoking areas that those who want to avoid can do, rather than have even more guests lighting up anywhere and everywhere. Remember, many European countries still view smoking as normal as drinking alcohol. Or water.

You won't stop it. Better to control it.

I think this hits the nail on the head of why Disney would be well advised to not push it out completely. While other businesses have been successful going smoke-free, how many of those other businesses have large European demographics like Disney does?

I'd just as soon there be no smoking in the parks, but the practical reality is that I don't see that happening. I'd much rather have it in a few areas I can avoid rather than, in the absence of those areas, people breaking rules and smoking wherever.


Well-Known Member
Oy. Another thread turns flame, the easy target, smokers.

And yet stupid guests sit by wood fireplaces and suck up the carcinogens. Sit around a campfire with their children. Guests will stand in a bay with 25 buses emitting diesel carcinogens and breathe all that into their lungs. Take a deep breath of fresh magic air when they go outside to catch the DME at MCO. Or waiting for their bus leaving the MK or any of the parks. Guests are likely to feel worse than the 2 seconds it takes to pass through a smoking section that can easily be avoided these days at Disney. All the 'other' smoke and vapors we will willingly suck in at Disney but Lord forbid a nicotine vapor in the parks. Comical. :rolleyes:

Up next the Peta People objecting having to smell the Turkey Legs roasting away in Frontierland?

Your post is dumb.


Well-Known Member
So no deodorant... no admission? Where does all this stop. Check your underwear on the way in to be sure they are clean? Stick their nose in your armpit to be sure it smells like roses. Crazy glue your butt shut to make sure no gas escapes. Have a crowd of workers around to push your car into the property so as not to pollute the air with all that nasty exhaust smell. The whole thing, even as a health issue, is knee jerk reaction at best and in the words of Mr. Spock, illogical, Captain.
I had a brutal ride on Star Tours the other day.

This lady smelled BRUTAL!


Well-Known Member
Could people be a little more specific about what they mean when referring to 'Europeans'. I'm not really sure what that quite means.

Some countries in Europe remain quite smoking friendly e.g. Greece and France, however Spain which was always seen as being friendly has introduced quite a few bans.

Britain has also pretty much banned it everywhere, through legislation and taxes - but hopefully you not including us when you say Europe or Europeans, right.


Well-Known Member
I will continue to smoke ONLY in designated smoking areas... BUT, if they are removed? I will smoke in the old areas. That would be a statement - not a request for input. I believe in playing fair with others, until the day comes that they cease to play fair with me.
My DH would do the same thing! He knows where the smoking areas are, and if they removed them, he'd probably still smoke there. His favorite is the waiting area in front of BTMRR.:D Many people still smoke. Yes it's sad. Yes it stinks, but it is reality, and those who are truly addicted, like my DH, will not be able to go to the Disney parks if they ban smoking altogether!:eek:


Well-Known Member
WDW is an addictive obsession. So is smoking. Perhaps all addictions should be "banned". This is a sensitive topic, and everyone has their own opinions. It's just amazing what 10-20 years can do to change our "unhealthy" bad habits! We all have them! I just recall in Mrs. Doubtfire in the beginning where Robin Williams loses his job over the cartoon that had a smoking character in it- actually he quit " Then I've got to do what I've got to do". I also recall Julia Roberts smoking away in My Best Friend's Wedding. No establishment should "encourage" smoking so to speak, but it would be very difficult to ban it altogether I think.;)


Well-Known Member
I grew up in a smoking household and while i have no opinion re: whether you smoke or not, i dont understand why a company cannot decide how they accomodate smoking. I guess they can, apparently? Im more concerned with the man telling me what i can and cannot do. Whats next, food over 250 calories cant be consumed onsite? Guess what? Alcohol only affects the one who imbibes it .. until that person gets behind the wheel of a car. Point being, no need for any more blanket health rules. Let me be responsible for deciding whats good for ME


Well-Known Member
I looked on google maps and all the places I hide out with my crack pipe seem to still exist, so I don't know what all the hubbub is about.
You know, sadly there are probably some that do that- maybe not at the parks though. And... don't get me started on legalizing marijuana. :eek:


Well-Known Member
I grew up in a smoking household and while i have no opinion re: whether you smoke or not, i dont understand why a company cannot decide how they accomodate smoking. I guess they can, apparently? Im more concerned with the man telling me what i can and cannot do. Whats next, food over 250 calories cant be consumed onsite? Guess what? Alcohol only affects the one who imbibes it .. until that person gets behind the wheel of a car. Point being, no need for any more blanket health rules. Let me be responsible for deciding whats good for ME


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
My DH would do the same thing! He knows where the smoking areas are, and if they removed them, he'd probably still smoke there. His favorite is the waiting area in front of BTMRR.:D Many people still smoke. Yes it's sad. Yes it stinks, but it is reality, and those who are truly addicted, like my DH, will not be able to go to the Disney parks if they ban smoking altogether!:eek:
Lucky for your DH. His favorite is one of the remaining five. The five still open are Aloha Isle, BTM RR, Space Mt, Tomorrowland walkway, and Fairytale Garden.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I still wish he'd stop smoking though.:(
I never smoked but I do have empathy. I have been to far to many funerals of friends and relatives that were killed by tobacco as far as I am concerned. I know it is not easy to quit. Give him a choice of programs to help him and love him through to success.


Well-Known Member
Before this thread gets locked. My $.02

As a former smoker (quit 2 years ago now!) I would love to see them eliminate smoking in the parks all together. I understand what the addiction is - it took 3x on Chantix before I was able to kick the habit and I still crave every now and then. I can not stand the smell of secondhand smoke anymore or even smelling it on other people's clothes makes me ill.

Also - a lot of people (not everyone) at WDW pay absolutely no attention to the "designated smoking areas" in the parks and light up wherever they want. Castmembers rarely do anything about it. I did NOT notice this when I went to DL last year - I don't specifically remember seeing/smelling smokers anywhere...odd.
Big congrats to you on kicking the habit and keeping it kicked. :)


Well-Known Member
I personally do not understand it myself but I am guessing its because it will keep Guests who smoke real cigarettes from complaining and turning it around that those that choose to use electronic cigarettes get to smoke freely around the park so they should be allowed to as well.

Money. When searching for a reason, follow the money trail.vv Disney sells cigarettes. They probably don't sell E-cigarrettes though. Have you noticed how the government is now looking into E-cigarrettes and their safety? It's because they aren't taxed. Uncle Sam is losing money as many people switch to E-cigarrettes. Uncle Same is like the mafia. They don't like it when someone messes with their money.
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