American Idol!


Well-Known Member
JBSLJames said:
Based on the song last night alone (not past performances) I would put Scott, Constantine, and Anwar in the bottom three - but again, I only saw the flash highlight at the end of the show.
Great minds think alike. You saw all you needed to see then. Anwar had horrible pitch problems in the beginning of the song.


New Member
I still think that Bo is a good singer BUT he ALWAYS gets away with a theme that he can sing a rock-ish song!! I wish he would just get voted out or sing ANYTHING else but rock, he is getting so boring! Vonzell is the best contestant on this season, but LaToya London was the best last year and she lost, so I don't know if Veonzell will win.


Well-Known Member
tmcherok said:
I still think that Bo is a good singer BUT he ALWAYS gets away with a theme that he can sing a rock-ish song!! I wish he would just get voted out or sing ANYTHING else but rock, he is getting so boring! Vonzell is the best contestant on this season, but LaToya London was the best last year and she lost, so I don't know if Veonzell will win.
Well, I don't think there is anything wrong with the fact that Bo keeps singing rocker songs. That's who he is...he's a rocker. And he knows who he is. After watching this show for the past 3 years...I have to say it's extremely cool to have a rocker in there who knows who he is. (No offense to Constantine fans...he's more theatrical than he is rocker). I say this as someone who has no interest in rock music whatsoever, but I am actually a fan of Bo's despite that fact. As Simon has said in the past, there are only 3 people who really know who they are in this competition...and Bo is one of them, which is not a bad thing at all.


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Original Poster
Okay... they did this two group thing last year... and the group that we all thought was the top 3, turned out to be the bottom. I sure hope it's not like that this year.


Premium Member
Well, at least what happened last year when they were separated into two groups didn't happen. . .but still, how can Anwar go home when Scott and Anthony are still there?

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Wow. I wasn't expecting that. The bottom three turned out exactly as I thought it would be, but I didn't think it would be Anwar. :( Oh well. SCOT NEEDS TO GO!!!!!!!! I am sick of looking at that human sausage dancing on the stage.


Well-Known Member
So did I just read that correctly? Anwar got sent home?!? And Scott is still safe?!? :brick:

That's what I get for missing this weeks shows.


Well-Known Member
I'm not watching anymore. I am extremely disappointed. I'd like to know who are the...I'd better keep my mouth shut. Anyway, Anwar was technically the best singer according to Randy, and even Simon got up and clapped for him. And Scott is still there?

:cry: Screw that damn show.


Well-Known Member
I'm wondering just how far Scott can get on sympathy votes...when will this madness end? Anwar was certainly not the best, but he deserves to be there more than Scott (at least...maybe Anthony too). *heavy sigh* I just don't get it.

I was REALLY scared when they seperated them into two was a traumatic experience last season when they did that. Thank God the right people were in the bottom 3 this time, though.


Well-Known Member

OH MY GOSH! I forgot to watch tonight - focused on Sixers playoff position instead.


I need a recap!!!!!!!!! Who was in the bottom 3???????????

WHY ANWAR!!!!!!! WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I voted so many times for him last night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had a feeling I had to..........weird.


Well-Known Member
That was my bottom 3, but not the correct order. Anwar should have been last to go of the three. In case anyone was wondering, I'm an offical member of Scott Savol Not-a-Fan Club!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I think your Top 4 last night will be your Final 4. As each person gets voted off and Scott remains in the bottom 3, numbers alone will tell you that Scott's time is due to come. If Anwar received 3 million votes, those votes next week will be dispersed out, eventually and hopefully overtaking Scott.


Well-Known Member

Staying power
How does Scott Savol keep his spot each week on ‘American Idol’?
By Craig Berman
MSNBC contributor
Updated: 10:37 p.m. ET April 20, 2005

There are two inexplicable events that have occurred to people involved in "American Idol" this season. The first is Ryan Seacrest's getting a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. The second is the staying power of Scott Savol, who has more lives than Wile E. Coyote.

Seacrest, at least, earned his star through his radio work and not his gig as the "Idol" host — his honor is due to work not associated with the show. Savol's success is even tougher to figure. Every week he's in serious trouble on Tuesday night, every Wednesday he's in the bottom three … and every week he manages to survive.

This week was no exception. Once again, Savol was among the lower trio, along with Anthony Fedorov and Anwar Robinson. And once again, Savol got to make the hurried walk back to safety as Robinson became the sixth finalist to be sent packing.

Robinson's ouster wasn't too much of a shock. He's consistently won praise for his vocals, and Paula Abdul and Randy Jackson have called him "technically" the best singer in the competition. But for some reason he never really connected with the audience, and it's seemed for weeks like it was only a matter of time before he faded away.

He was arguably the most composed of the singers eliminated thus far, accepting his fate with his trademark smile and a final Earth, Wind & Fire tune. Savol gets to continue his personal rendition of Flirting With Disaster for another week.

The new John Stevens?
Every year, it seems like there's a contestant who lasts a lot longer than talent or personality would seem to indicate.

Last year's beneficiary was John Stevens, the teenage crooner who brought the Rat Pack sound to an audience that tends to be aware of that musical era only when they're forced to listen to their parents' or grandparents' old record collection. Though he was certainly something different from the usual "Idol" finalist, it was obvious from the get-go that he had no chance to actually win the competition, and his detractors assumed every week would be his last. But Stevens kept on chugging along, finally becoming the seventh of the 12 finalists to fall.

But at least the reasons for Stevens’ extended stay made sense — he was young and earnest, and looked like he knew he was in way over his head but was gamely trying his best anyway. Some voters liked his effort, some teenagers liked his looks, and some Sinatra fans might have asked themselves that time-honored question: WWOBED (What Would Ol' Blue Eyes Do?) and voted accordingly. The point is, Stevens was likeable, and even when the judges criticized him, it was hard not to want to vote for him out of commiseration.

John Stevens was the boy next door, but Scott Savol's more like the guy two doors down who's always a lot of fun to have at the neighborhood barbecue, but not the person you want your kid hanging around with by the grill. For starters, that arrest on domestic violence charges — a 2001 count against the mother of his son that was pleaded down to misdemeanor disorderly conduct — would likely scare people away. Many thought that the release of that bit of news nearly a month ago would erode his support enough to force his exit.

Nope. He's still here.

That's particularly puzzling given his personality, which can charitably be called insular. He's not the type of guy who will easily glad hand people for the purpose of aimless conversation, and he stands out among the remaining contestants for his complete lack of star-quality exuberance. It's easy to imagine, say, Vonzell Solomon or Anthony Fedorov exchanging witty banter with the folks at "Access Hollywood," but far more difficult picturing Savol in the same role.

America's everyman?
While all the other contestants seem to at least make a pretense of team togetherness, Savol usually appears totally focused on his week-to-week survival. He's not doing this for kicks, like Bo Bice appears to be, or to gain exposure for what's sure to be a record deal win or lose, like Carrie Underwood. This week was one of the rare times he's really seemed to interact with anyone, exchanging a long and involved fist-tapping ritual with Fedorov in the we-all-knew-we'd-be-in-the-bottom-three handshake.

Simon probably hit the nail on the head Tuesday night when he said Savol's appeal stemmed from his position as the Ordinary Guy among the seven finalists. Savol definitely comes across as the closest thing to an Everyman candidate. Even looking at the already-eliminated finalists, he stands out as the one person on the show who would have never gotten a second look from a music producer if not for the opportunity presented by this show.

But even that's hard to figure. One of the first times Savol got extended camera time was in the group sing during the Hollywood auditions, where he at first petulantly refused to participate with the rest of the group. Of course, he eventually came through, but that's not exactly the stereotypical American can-do spirit in action.

In addition, after being criticized by Simon a couple of weeks ago, Savol pointed out that at least he was on stage while millions of others lacked even the courage to try out. Doesn't most of the audience at least believe that if they were onstage, they would have the common sense not to call out the voters?

Wanting it counts for something
What Savol has is two assets; his voice and his determination. To give him credit, he has known since day one that he can't afford a single awful performance, and he hasn't given one. He's never great, but he never gives any of his core fans a reason to skip a week's vote because of his performance.

And the one part of his personality that he puts on display every week is his sheer, raw, unadulterated hunger for a career in music. From the first time he met the judges in Cleveland, when he revealed that his father had told him he was never going to be anything, Savol has laid it all on the table.

He needs this competition badly. Nadia Turner, last week's victim, has enough talent and spark to be heard from again. If Carrie Underwood or Constantine Maroulis gets kicked off next week, they'll still get future shots at stardom. On Tuesday, Maroulis even responded to a Simon barb comparing his performance to a Vegas act with a quick "I'd take that gig."

Given Savol's personality and dour nature, it's easy to see that he doesn't feel like that option is going to be presented to him should he be the next to go. For Savol, it may well be a choice between a record deal and a descent to obscurity that would make Justin Guarini seem incandescent by comparison.

Savol kept that from happening once again this time around. He'll again be one of the favorites to be sent home next week, and each time out it becomes tougher to see a scenario where he hangs around much longer. Then again, if Ryan Seacrest can get his own Walk of Fame star, anything can happen.

Craig Berman is a writer in Washington, D.C.
© 2005 MSNBC Interactive

© 2005


New Member
SpongeScott said:
I think your Top 4 last night will be your Final 4. As each person gets voted off and Scott remains in the bottom 3, numbers alone will tell you that Scott's time is due to come. If Anwar received 3 million votes, those votes next week will be dispersed out, eventually and hopefully overtaking Scott.

Great Minds indeed :wave:

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