American Idol!


Well-Known Member
Well in regards to voting....let's look at FL....and someone wrote in to the local paper here about voting a couple weeks ago for the school board, mayor and stuff like that. Only 24% or something turned out to vote for it, yet 34.6 million people are voting for Idol. And even those voters have no idea what they are voting for. Something needs to be done about that.


New Member
WDWScottieBoy said:
Well in regards to voting....let's look at FL....and someone wrote in to the local paper here about voting a couple weeks ago for the school board, mayor and stuff like that. Only 24% or something turned out to vote for it, yet 34.6 million people are voting for Idol. And even those voters have no idea what they are voting for. Something needs to be done about that.
Yes, and no.

While that many votes were cast, that doesn't reflect the number of people voting, since you are allowed to vote more than once. I think Diznee Chick said she votes near 500 times a week. So, it's hard to say exactly how many people are voting.

But yeah, I agree.


Well-Known Member
Well then I think everyone should get a limited amount of times they can vote and use your system about how they were.

The girls that vote for the guys because of how they look is rediculous. Just look at the ones in the audience there...I mean I'd love to go to a taping sometime but with all the screaming girls that go crazy in there, it'd drive me crazy.


New Member

They shouldn't show what the contestants look like til toward the very end. That way a contestant can get votes and fan based on talent...which is what the program is "supposedly" looking for.


Well-Known Member
You mean people are supposed to vote on talent and not looks. :hammer:

Now, to get the word out to everyone else so they know that as well.


Well-Known Member
nicholas said:

They shouldn't show what the contestants look like til toward the very end. That way a contestant can get votes and fan based on talent...which is what the program is "supposedly" looking for.

lol, I'd probably vote for Constantine anyway. I love his voice...and I love rockers.

*edit* but remember, you all, they're not looking for JUST a good voice...they're looking for good performance and stage presence as well...these days, singers have to have the whole package.


New Member
Dizknee_Phreek said:
lol, I'd probably vote for Constantine anyway. I love his voice...and I love rockers.
Ooops. It's Dizknee Phreek. Sorry, I called you Disney Chick a few posts ago. This is what I get for saying "I'm too lazy to go back and check. I'm sure 'chick' is right" :brick:


Well-Known Member
nicholas said:
Ooops. It's Dizknee Phreek. Sorry, I called you Disney Chick a few posts ago. This is what I get for saying "I'm too lazy to go back and check. I'm sure 'chick' is right" :brick:

LOL! It's ok. I noticed it, but I didn't really think anything of it. But hey, at least I AM really a 'chick' and not a 'dude' :animwink:


Well-Known Member

It's Tuesday again already!?!?!?!

Thank goodness for TiVO, as the weather here has finally turned warmer! Soon it will be too nice to sit inside and watch TV!

Should be interesting tonight. Can't wait to see what the theme is!

I'll be watching to see who suffers from a poor song choice this time around!


Well-Known Member
Too much hair Carrie :rolleyes:

I can see how she sang that last note "well," but that just gave me a headache. No go for me :lol:

Constantine's was better :D


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Clay's "Everlasting Love" was soooooooooooooooooo much better than this karaoke version. BOOO!!!!


Well-Known Member
Invero said:
Clay's "Everlasting Love" was soooooooooooooooooo much better than this karaoke version. BOOO!!!!
I love Simon. He really does keep it "real" :lol:. If Scott does not go home, I will not watch this show anymore because this is getting ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
Here's my two cents:

Constantine: Great as always. A bit pitchy, but a bonafide performer.

Carrie: I said my piece about her. She gave me a headache and her high notes tended to be pitchy. And that hair :brick:...sorry, I still don't like her.

Scott: Ugh. Go. Home.

Anthony: Has been redeeming himself.

Vonzell: Love that song. Loved the performance!

Anwar: He was having fun, and it showed. Awesome performance.

Bo: Definitely a great performance.


Well-Known Member
Constantine: Great job.

Carrie: I loved it!

Scott: UMmm his voice was bland....blah

Anthony: Im sorry I dont like you, it all seems like you wanna be like Clay, im sorry.

Vonzell: Another good performance.

Anwar: There is just something about his performace I dont know.

Bo: That was just awesome!!!

Theres my two cents for the week.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Tonight was interesting. No big train wrecks. Here's my review:

Constantine: Not that great tonite. The song wasn't very exciting and it was a little pitchy. BTW, am I the only one who thinks that he looked VERY pale? He was starting to look like Michael Jackson! Grade: B

Carrie: Very good job with the song. A little pitchy, but overall, very good. I agree with simon though, I didn't like her look tonite. She looked way too much like Dolly. Grade: A-

Scott: If you don't go home now, I'm going to beat you over the head with a telephone. And it was not pretty watching him try to dance. Grade: C-

Anthony: Definately redeemed himself tonite. Much better, but still not his best. Grade: B

Vonzell: I loved her tonite! Very fun to watch, and can sing pretty good. Grade: A-

Anwar: Wasn't crazy about the song, but he sure did the best dancing of all the contestants so far. Grade: B+

Bo: He dared to ROCK! He was awesome! Much better than the last three weeks. Grade: A+

Great show tonite! I wasn't expecting much really.


Well-Known Member
My top 3 tonight: Bo, Vonzell, Carrie in that order.

Bottom 3: Anwar, Constantine (eye liner?), Scott

Middle: Anthony (best he's done)

Scott or Anthony will go home.

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