American Idol!


Well-Known Member
SpongeScott said:
If Anwar received 3 million votes, those votes next week will be dispersed out, eventually and hopefully overtaking Scott.

My sister has voted hundreds of times each week for Anwar (she voted 515 times Tues...yeah...she actually kept a tally) I'm baffled to think any single person (other than family or friends) would actually vote that many times for Scott...I'm still completely confused as to how he's still staying in there.
Anyway, my sister said she will now devote her votes to Vonzell (as are several other Anwar fans that she knows).
I'm REALLY hoping next week will be Scott's downfall.


Well-Known Member
I really just don't understand what on earth is keeping Scott here! As mentioned in the article Regina posted, sure there are people who have skated by in the past, but those people had some sort of a gimmick. As they mentioned with John Stevens, he was a throwback to the Rat Pack and back when Jasmine Trias was there, she got a lot of support from the Hawaii crowd...but where on earth are the votes coming from for Scott? It just doesn't make sense.

I mean, sure I picked the bottom three too, but I always think it's going to be Scott...b/c he's technically the weakest of all of them. (Some may argue that it's Anthony...but that's another story) I mean I never hear anybody talking about how Scott performed...unless it's hoping that he goes away!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
515 times?????? That's INSANE. I know how Scott is staying in... It's probably his family voting 1000 times each or something.


Well-Known Member
:sohappy: Idol night, you all! Get your voting fingers limbered up!
Has anyone heard what the theme is? I've heard rumors claiming to be fact, but that's all.


New Member
Invero said:
515 times?????? That's INSANE. I know how Scott is staying in... It's probably his family voting 1000 times each or something.

:lol: :lol: :lol: Too funny, and probably true! My favorites is Constantine Maroulis and Anthony Fedorov! :D


Well-Known Member
I don't know if I'm going to watch yet. I might just watch the re-cap in the end, because I can't sit through this again knowing Anwar and other people have left before that...guy.


Well-Known Member
I might be watching depends how fast class goes or if he lets me go at all, its pretty bad when your mom has to take you to class :lol:


Well-Known Member
Atta83 said:
I might be watching depends how fast class goes or if he lets me go at all, its pretty bad when your mom has to take you to class :lol:
You have nooo idea. We have two cars for three drivers so we have to make arrangements. Today, for example, I do the drop off/ pick up thing. Some days I take my dad/my car to school or to substitute teach and then pick up my mom. I'm not complaining too much though. I have my license (after not having it for a long time) and I have a car that's pretty much mine :lol:


Well-Known Member
Ok here I go...

1) Carrie: Horrible. Sorry Carrie fans. That was just painful to my ears. Unfortunately she has many fans so she's not going home. Not that I want her to go home anyway before Scott...maybe after :D

2) Bo: Keep rockin' Bo! Awesome!

3) Vonzell: Loved it! Loved it! Loved it! She looked beautiful and she sang beautiful!

4) Anthony: Very nice performance.

5) Constantine: Very good performance and he looked good too.

6) Scott: Can his horrible singing be any more clear?! Even Simon told him to pack his bags. I hope he's right :D


Well-Known Member
Carrie: Was OK not her best.

Bo: Way to go Bo!!!

Vonzell: Another good performance.

Anothony: Sorry I just dont like ya. It was ok not great.

Constantine: Another good performance.

Scott: OUCH my ears hurt from that! Hes going or should I say hes got to go tomorrow.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Okay, that was an interesting show tonite. Now for my review:

Carrie: Awesome! One of her best performances. I liked seeing the farm that she lived on too. She looked even hotter when she was holding the baby bunnies. AAAAWWWW......... :kiss: Grade: A+

Bo: Very nice. Another great performance. But, I agree, those sun glasses were pretty bad. :lol: A-

Vonzell: She just won't quit being good will she? Excelent! I never knew that she was into karate too. Grade: A

Constantine: Blegh. This was probably his worst performance yet. It was a boring uninteresting song, and he didn't display his vocals much. He may very well be in the bottom three for the first time. Grade: C-

Anthony: Better. He's still not my favourite, but he's steadily improving. I was laughing my butt off when his parents played a song he sung when he was little and they started crying. I couldn't help but crack up! :lol: It was so funny! Grade: B-

Scott: This is his last week. PERIOD. Simon is right, if I were him, I'd start packing my bags now. Very pitchy, very boring, just bad bad bad!!!! Grade: F-

My pick for bottom three:

Constantine, Anthony, and Scott leaving.


New Member
I'm not a huge fan of Bo's, but tonight man... he was amazing! Then again it might just be that I adore that song sooo much. He sang it so well though.

Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
I love all you American Idol fans on WDWMagic,, but I don't know about some of your comments. Maybe I missed somethingL

Ok here I go...

1) Carrie: Not her best tonight. She has been my favorite from the start, If she don't pick it up soon she won't make it past 3.

2) Bo: Very good,

3) Vonzell: Very good

4) Anthony: I'm not a fan, but did good.

5) Constantine: It thought he would have been different. Surviving on his look. I'st is a singing contest, so he didn't hold up that end. Ducks the tomotoes being thrown by the Duck Fan Regina.

6) Scott: Pack you bags, seeya!!

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