American Idol!

Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
SpongeScott said:
My top 3 tonight: Bo, Vonzell, Carrie in that order.

Bottom 3: Anwar, Constantine (eye liner?), Scott

Middle: Anthony (best he's done)

Scott or Anthony will go home.
I agree especially the eye liner. We mad the same comment....:eek: WHat the Hell is he wearing eye liner :veryconfu


Well-Known Member
I do not like Carrie's hair!!!!!!! It worked for 80's night, but geez! She looks like she's getting one of those old Glamour Shots done!

Vonzell ROCKED! #1 according to me!
Bo #2
Anwar #3

(i missed Constantine & Carrie's performance.)

Scott or Anthony should go as we all have stated before. :)


Well-Known Member
I think that tonight's show proves just how hard it is to predict who is going to be the next American Idol.

Constanstine: I thought he actually did a very good job. I was also wondering about the eye liner though.

Carrie: Once again, an amazing vocal performance.

Scott: it was no comparison to Clay's version...which is who I was judging it based off of, but it wasn't a bad performance for him, like they have been recently.

Anthony: I actually didn't like his performance that much tonight. I thought he did an ok job. It was definitely not his worst though.

Vonzell: She was amazing. I can't believe she even tried that song, not only succeeded with it!

Anwar: man did he have fun with that song! I really enjoyed watching him perform tonight.

Bo: I thought Bo rocked! His performance was awesome!

So who's going home...I think it's going to be a tough fight...but I'm really hoping it will be Scott.


Well-Known Member
Did anyone remember Trenyce from the second season doing "I'm Every Woman" also? I remembered that as I watched Vonzell. I definitely preferred Vonzell though.


Well-Known Member
STR8FAN2005 said:
Scott Savol, you are the Weakest Link...Goodbye!!!!!!!!
Yeah, but Scott has been the weakest link for the past 3 weeks...and somehow he keeps getting saved. (I mean he was safe before Bo last week! That says something!)


New Member
Tonight, I liked Bo and Anthony, I was not impressed by Carrie at all! That dress was horrendous on her and made her look "hippy" (as in her hips). Her hair looks the best when it is down and straight.. I don't like it when it is all curled out. Like someone mentioned before, it worked on 80's night, but not tonight. I love Carrie but I hated her tonight.


New Member
Carries hot and has a good voice, Anwar has freaky hair and freaky eyes(good singer though, just not AI type) Bo-Awesome, Constatine-good at times, Scott-To Ghetto, Anthony-Should have been gone weeks ago but 12 year old girls think he's hot so the vote like 300 times for him, Vonzell Gettin better


Well-Known Member
ditzeechick02 said:
Tonight, I liked Bo and Anthony, I was not impressed by Carrie at all! That dress was horrendous on her and made her look "hippy" (as in her hips). Her hair looks the best when it is down and straight.. I don't like it when it is all curled out. Like someone mentioned before, it worked on 80's night, but not tonight. I love Carrie but I hated her tonight.
Funny. To each his own because I thought she was great tonight, but was awful last week. At any rate, she'll still be around next Tuesday.


New Member
SpongeScott said:
Funny. To each his own because I thought she was great tonight, but was awful last week. At any rate, she'll still be around next Tuesday.

I agree totally with you that she'll be around next week. She is my favorite.. I just did not like her tonight, maybe it was because I didn't know the song.. but that dress didn't look very good on her either! lol.. she's a beautiful girl though, have to give her props!


Well-Known Member
Constantine - I thought it was boring compared to his other performances the first time I watched it. But I liked it a lot more the 2nd time around. I don't really know what was going on with the eyeliner...the girls at the Constantine LiveJournal Community I'm in have ALWAYS wanted to see him in eyeliner (I haven't checked there yet, but I'm sure they're all *fan girl*ing over there) and they actually doctored up a few pictures of him and digitally put eyeliner on him. It actually kind of looked good in the pics, but it wasn't really working for him tonight, I didn't think. He's still my favorite, though! :) My heart really wasn't into voting, though, so I only got in around 50.

Carrie - Vocals were nice, performance was boring

Scott (aka Meat-wad) - ....

Anthony - definately one of his better nights. Good for him!

Vonzell - Still definately the top female of the season; she did great!

Anwar - I liked it. Upbeat, fun, and his best up-tempo performance yet!

Bo - *sigh* He sung the song well, there's no doubt about that. And his performance was ok, but...I dunno...I'm still bored by him.

That's my review for the week.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I'm glad I'm not the only one who found Carrie to be boring. It's funny how she started off as a top pick, and Vonzell was in the shadows... but each week, Carrie slips a bit more, and Vonzell steps up higher and higher. This week though, she kicked butt!


GO VONZELL! She was awesome. Bo too. Those 2 have consistently been awesome. I still gotta keep Anwar up there too.

Now the rest....
Carrie: I was a little bored by her this week
Scott: I was surprisingly entertained by him for the first time EVER
Constantine: Still not a big fan of his, but he's better than Scott & Anthony
Anthony: He misses about 25% of the notes he sings, it annoys me

1. Bo
2. Vonzell
3. Anwar
4. Carrie
5. Constantine
6. Scott
7. Anthony

I tell you what - once Constantine, Scott, and Anthony are gone I'm not going to be able to choose anymore!


Well-Known Member
Invero said:
I'm glad I'm not the only one who found Carrie to be boring. It's funny how she started off as a top pick, and Vonzell was in the shadows... but each week, Carrie slips a bit more, and Vonzell steps up higher and higher. This week though, she kicked butt!
I'm glad Carrie is slipping and Vonzell is gaining steam. I think she is a better singer :D

Originally Posted by ditzeechick02
I just did not like her tonight, maybe it was because I didn't know the song.

Too bad, it's a great song. Donna Summer is one of the greats. Unfortunately, Carrie did not do it justice.


OK...just to pass along some comment from our living room last night...

I'll preface this by saying my wife is a music teacher and was trained in, has performed and teaches vocal our HS. I'm not saying that what she thinks is right...just putting it out there from someone who is an excellent musician...

Constantine: he was fun tonight as usual, but it was no Bohemian Rhapsody (which was fresh in our minds for comarison). My wife thought the eye makeup worked for him.

Carrie: tough start, got stronger as the song went on. I believe she showing a bit of a weakness out of her genre (county). Vocally she was very good, but it just wasn't "right".

Scott: OK, I don't like him either, there's just something about him that bothers me. However, as a singer I don't think he's that bad, definitiely not the best, but surely not the worst. My wife said she feels he has the best sense of pitch on the show. EVERY time he perfoms she comments on his tone quality and his pitch. Last night she literally said "Wow" after he was done. She will be the first to admit he's not the best, but she doesn't agree that he should have gone "long ago". just being a little :fork: 's advocate posting insight from someone who has studied and teachs the technicalities of singing.

Anthony: Much better than in recent memory. He is pitchy, but not as bad in past weeks. My wife thought he was pretty good tonight, much improved.

Vonzell: She just get better and better. She's performing like a pro. Amazing.

Anwar: Not his best. My wife said he was pitchy, sharp on a bunch of his long tones. Still a pretty solid performance...

Bo: Simply the best...he was a big WOW! My wife said she really wants him to win. AND she said he was HOT! Thanks babe... :hammer:

We don't vote in crazy amounts but -

Bo - 3 votes
Vonzell - 1 vote
Scott -- 1 vote (yes we voted for him)

Bo & Vonzell should be safe....

Constantine, Carrie, Scott, Anthony & Anwar are all ripe for the bottom 3...


New Member
ditzeechick02 said:
made her look "hippy" (as in her hips).

:slurp: Nothing wrong with having curves in all the right places

I missed most of the show, only saw the recap at the end. All in all, a good night (okay my wife told me about the songs as well). Based on the little blurbs I saw, I would say Scott is on the block tonight. Based on the song last night alone (not past performances) I would put Scott, Constantine, and Anwar in the bottom three - but again, I only saw the flash highlight at the end of the show.

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