American Idol!


Well-Known Member
Lil'mermaid said:
I'm not a huge fan of Bo's, but tonight man... he was amazing! Then again it might just be that I adore that song sooo much. He sang it so well though.
I'll be honest. I knew half of the songs and liked one...and that was Christina Aguilera's song. I like less and less songs from today, but most of the contestants sang it real well and made it work.


Well-Known Member
Computer Magic said:
5) Constantine: It thought he would have been different. Surviving on his look. I'st is a singing contest, so he didn't hold up that end. Ducks the tomotoes being thrown by the Duck Fan Regina.

6) Scott: Pack you bags, seeya!!
LMAO! It's ok! I'm not going to throw anything at you. I'd watch out for Diznee phreek though :lookaroun

I like Constantine because he's cute and he normally has good performances. But my favorites have always been Anwar :cry: and Bo, and now Vonzell, who impresses me more and more each week.

I think what you said of Constantine, the same goes for Carrie. Already so many people on this board have said "she's so hot!" this and that. I personally do not think Carrie is the best singer. That title should be reserved for Bo, Anwar :(, and Vonzell.

And what comments? I said what you said, except for Constantine :lol:


New Member
Carrie: As much as I adore her, I felt something lacking tonight. She sounded fine, and looked fine, but there was just something....lacking.

Bo: I have to admit I am not a fan of rock, so I never even really pay attention to him. Much like Simon with country music, I just don't get it. So regardless of how good or bad he is, it always bores me.

Vonzell: She's been getting so much better the past few weeks, but Simon was 100% correct. At the beginning of the song, she was most certainly flat. But once the chorus of the song started she found the key and sang much better. My only complaint was the final half of her performance was just throwing in riffs instead of singing the chorus, which is fine if we've heard the chorus a few times already (when you sing the entire song), but if you're only singing a verse and the chorus, we wanna hear the actual chorus. Or at least I do.

Anthony: I think I've figured him out. I've discovered if I listen and don't watch, he's very good. But when I look up, my opinion lowers. He is very affected as a performer. But, as far as the past two weeks go, if you listen without watching, he's great. Try it if you still have the shows available. Especially tonight's. His vocals were awesome.

Constantine: Eh. He can carry a tune, but gets by on his brooding and sexy looks (although I have to admit, I find him very unattractive). He was his normal self tonight, which is mediocre, in my opinion,

Scott: Let me get this straight....he beats his baby's mother, and his family calls him 'the sensitive one in the family'? I would HATE to meet the rest of the family if that's the case. He was certainly the weakest one of the night. There was no emotional journey or musicality to what he did tonight.


Well-Known Member
I only got to see Carrie and Bo because we were boiling crawfish. What did everyone else sing? I hope Scott goes tomarrow regardless.

Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
DDuckFan130 said:
LMAO! It's ok! I'm not going to throw anything at you. I'd watch out for Diznee phreek though :lookaroun

I like Constantine because he's cute and he normally has good performances. But my favorites have always been Anwar :cry: and Bo, and now Vonzell, who impresses me more and more each week.

I think what you said of Constantine, the same goes for Carrie. Already so many people on this board have said "she's so hot!" this and that. I personally do not think Carrie is the best singer. That title should be reserved for Bo, Anwar :(, and Vonzell.

And what comments? I said what you said, except for Constantine :lol:
I was directing my comments to all posts regarding today's performance. You mentioned Constantine and someone mentioned Carrie. I singled you out since we are "hugglers" :lol:

I agree with you about Constantine and Carrie. Many have already ruled them the winners since day one. I still think Carrie is one of the best(stated since day one) but song selection and performance is hurting her.

We kinda agree.

Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
nicholas said:
Carrie: As much as I adore her, I felt something lacking tonight. She sounded fine, and looked fine, but there was just something....lacking.

Bo: I have to admit I am not a fan of rock, so I never even really pay attention to him. Much like Simon with country music, I just don't get it. So regardless of how good or bad he is, it always bores me.

Vonzell: She's been getting so much better the past few weeks, but Simon was 100% correct. At the beginning of the song, she was most certainly flat. But once the chorus of the song started she found the key and sang much better. My only complaint was the final half of her performance was just throwing in riffs instead of singing the chorus, which is fine if we've heard the chorus a few times already (when you sing the entire song), but if you're only singing a verse and the chorus, we wanna hear the actual chorus. Or at least I do.

Anthony: I think I've figured him out. I've discovered if I listen and don't watch, he's very good. But when I look up, my opinion lowers. He is very affected as a performer. But, as far as the past two weeks go, if you listen without watching, he's great. Try it if you still have the shows available. Especially tonight's. His vocals were awesome.

Constantine: Eh. He can carry a tune, but gets by on his brooding and sexy looks (although I have to admit, I find him very unattractive). He was his normal self tonight, which is mediocre, in my opinion,

Scott: Let me get this straight....he beats his baby's mother, and his family calls him 'the sensitive one in the family'? I would HATE to meet the rest of the family if that's the case. He was certainly the weakest one of the night. There was no emotional journey or musicality to what he did tonight.
You are right on...especially the Scott part.


Well-Known Member
Computer Magic said:
I was directing my comments to all posts regarding today's performance. You mentioned Constantine and someone mentioned Carrie. I singled you out since we are "hugglers" :lol:

I agree with you about Constantine and Carrie. Many have already ruled them the winners since day one. I still think Carrie is one of the best(stated since day one) but song selection and performance is hurting her.

We kinda agree.
Ok, just checking :)

*HUGGLES* :lol:


Active Member
Hmm.. I guess I'll do my little review :D

Carrie: I <3 her! Not her best, but still great. I wish she would sing "Alone" again...

Bo: I am not at all a Bo fan, but he rocked that song. He did very well with it....

Vonzell: My favorite! I'm blown away by her powerful voice every week. She did an amazing job tonight :D

Anthony: Wow! I was scared for him in the beginning, but I think he really pulled it off. He did a great job tonight..

Constantine: I didn't really like it... NOTHING compared to "Bohemian Rhapsody"...

Scott: Please go :D :wave:


Well-Known Member
nicholas said:
Carrie: As much as I adore her, I felt something lacking tonight. She sounded fine, and looked fine, but there was just something....lacking.

Bo: I have to admit I am not a fan of rock, so I never even really pay attention to him. Much like Simon with country music, I just don't get it. So regardless of how good or bad he is, it always bores me.

Vonzell: She's been getting so much better the past few weeks, but Simon was 100% correct. At the beginning of the song, she was most certainly flat. But once the chorus of the song started she found the key and sang much better. My only complaint was the final half of her performance was just throwing in riffs instead of singing the chorus, which is fine if we've heard the chorus a few times already (when you sing the entire song), but if you're only singing a verse and the chorus, we wanna hear the actual chorus. Or at least I do.

Anthony: I think I've figured him out. I've discovered if I listen and don't watch, he's very good. But when I look up, my opinion lowers. He is very affected as a performer. But, as far as the past two weeks go, if you listen without watching, he's great. Try it if you still have the shows available. Especially tonight's. His vocals were awesome.

Constantine: Eh. He can carry a tune, but gets by on his brooding and sexy looks (although I have to admit, I find him very unattractive). He was his normal self tonight, which is mediocre, in my opinion,

Scott: Let me get this straight....he beats his baby's mother, and his family calls him 'the sensitive one in the family'? I would HATE to meet the rest of the family if that's the case. He was certainly the weakest one of the night. There was no emotional journey or musicality to what he did tonight.
Great assessment all the way around.

Bottom three for me: Constantine, Scott, and Carrie.
Going home: Scott. Finally.


I am actually shocked at Anthony. I actually LIKED him tonight! For the first time EVER! I only heard him miss 2 notes the whole song!

So here's how i'd rank tonight's performaces...
1. Bo - he's awesome, always been my favorite!
2. Vonzell - consistently amazing
3. Anthony - did very good tonight, but I think he just got lucky! He's not consistent
4. Carrie - Blah. Wasn't impressed tonight.
5. Constantine - Loved the song choice, didn't like how he sang it.
6. Scott - was just plain awful. Ouch.


Well-Known Member
nicholas said:
Carrie: As much as I adore her, I felt something lacking tonight. She sounded fine, and looked fine, but there was just something....lacking.

Bo: I have to admit I am not a fan of rock, so I never even really pay attention to him. Much like Simon with country music, I just don't get it. So regardless of how good or bad he is, it always bores me.

Vonzell: She's been getting so much better the past few weeks, but Simon was 100% correct. At the beginning of the song, she was most certainly flat. But once the chorus of the song started she found the key and sang much better. My only complaint was the final half of her performance was just throwing in riffs instead of singing the chorus, which is fine if we've heard the chorus a few times already (when you sing the entire song), but if you're only singing a verse and the chorus, we wanna hear the actual chorus. Or at least I do.

Anthony: I think I've figured him out. I've discovered if I listen and don't watch, he's very good. But when I look up, my opinion lowers. He is very affected as a performer. But, as far as the past two weeks go, if you listen without watching, he's great. Try it if you still have the shows available. Especially tonight's. His vocals were awesome.

Constantine: Eh. He can carry a tune, but gets by on his brooding and sexy looks (although I have to admit, I find him very unattractive). He was his normal self tonight, which is mediocre, in my opinion,

Scott: Let me get this straight....he beats his baby's mother, and his family calls him 'the sensitive one in the family'? I would HATE to meet the rest of the family if that's the case. He was certainly the weakest one of the night. There was no emotional journey or musicality to what he did tonight.

I have to agree with you on a lot of what you said...but of course I do have a few differing opinions. :p

Carrie: I think that the reason that you felt something lacking is that the song is lacking. If anyone knows country music, you know that while Martina McBride sang that song well (as did Carrie tonight by the way) it just never really connected with the audience. It's actually the song that sucks...not the singers. I don't think that this was the "doom" of Carrie, b/c she is one of the best singers in the competition, but with the way that Scott has been staying around...I just don't know what's going to happen. (I'm hoping for the best anyway)

Bo: I'm becoming a big fan of his...and I don't really care for rock. But he is always so fun to watch on stage and he actually can sing. If I was to go to the AI concert they always have, he would be one of the reasons.

Vonzell: Man that girl can sing! I have always loved that song and she did an amazing job with it. I didn't even care that she didn't sing the chorus the second time. (Plus, if you watch, lately I've noticed Anthony is getting all riffy too.)

Anthony: Awful ambitious of him to sing a Celine Dion song...I think he did ok with it...not great. Girls will swoon though like Simon said.

Constantine: I agree with what you said 100%! That kid keeps getting voted for b/c girls think he's hot and the fact that he always plays to the audience by trying the flirt with them...I am sick of it! I also agree that his performance was mediocre and I also think that he really is not the most attractive of guys.

Scott: Wow...what can I say? That had to be one of the worst performances I've ever seen. If he doesn't go home tomorrow, I have no idea what is wrong with this world!

So who would I pick for the bottom 3? Scott, Anthony, and sorry to say it, Constantine in that order. (or possibly Carrie in place of Constantine, since the song wasn't that great of a choice.)

My big problem though is just how much effect these teenage girls (and I'm not talking about the ones here on this site) who vote entirely based off looks have on the process. The people who think...oh...Anthony is so cute...I'm gonna vote for him and then they vote like 1000 times in a night. Those are the ones that make me angry. Not the ones that believe that their contestant is "cute" and the best singer, like Disney_Phreek.

That's all,
nibblesandbits...out :lol:


New Member
Okay... my favorites tonight were Bo and Anthony! Suprised I didn't say Carrie... she's been my favorite forever.. but she was horrible tonight. I couldn't even understand her! :( Too bad.. I think Scott is going home.. FINALLY!!!


Well-Known Member
DDuckFan130 said:
Wow, were we watching the same show? :veryconfu

Even Simon criticized Carrie and said it wasn't that good. I'd give it a D+ :D

Somehow, I don't remember it being that way. He said that she'd be fine and that she is delivering the music that her fans expect. In fact, he said it was a great improvement over last week. Then he said that he doesn't get Country Music because he's English. Bottom line is, Carrie Underwood will either win American Idol or receive a record deal the day she gets voted off. She will be very popular and successful.

Bo-didn't get the outfit. Not my type of music.

Vonzelle-song was good, but I'm waiting for her put a little more variety into her reportoir. She suffers from Anwar-syndrom: when you sound the same every week because you sing slow songs. SHAKE IT UP!!!

Anthony-you'll go home next week!

Constantine-worst performance thusfar.

Scott- "If I were you, I'd pack my bags!"-Simon Cowell

Bottom three: Scott, Anthony, and Bo (maybe Vonzelle)


Well-Known Member
STR8FAN2005 said:
Somehow, I don't remember it being that way. He said that she'd be fine and that she is delivering the music that her fans expect. In fact, he said it was a great improvement over last week. Then he said that he doesn't get Country Music because he's English. Bottom line is, Carrie Underwood will either win American Idol or receive a record deal the day she gets voted off. She will be very popular and successful.

Bo-didn't get the outfit. Not my type of music.

Vonzelle-song was good, but I'm waiting for her put a little more variety into her reportoir. She suffers from Anwar-syndrom: when you sound the same every week because you sing slow songs. SHAKE IT UP!!!

Anthony-you'll go home next week!

Constantine-worst performance thusfar.

Scott- "If I were you, I'd pack my bags!"-Simon Cowell

Bottom three: Scott, Anthony, and Bo (maybe Vonzelle)
Allow me to disagree and maybe I'm wrong, but alll the judges criticized her performance, for whatever reason. She was pitchy, and it just sounded bad. Even Paula tried to sugar coat it. What Simon basically said is that whatever he said would not make a difference because the girl has a lot of fans. What I got from that is "you sucked tonight, but you're safe anyway."


Well-Known Member
nibblesandbits said:
Carrie: I think that the reason that you felt something lacking is that the song is lacking. If anyone knows country music, you know that while Martina McBride sang that song well (as did Carrie tonight by the way) it just never really connected with the audience. It's actually the song that sucks...not the singers. I don't think that this was the "doom" of Carrie, b/c she is one of the best singers in the competition, but with the way that Scott has been staying around...I just don't know what's going to happen. (I'm hoping for the best anyway)

See, you and I get this because we know country music. This has got to be one of my least favorite Martina McBride songs. If anyone knows Martina McBride, its hard for her not to have a good song. Carrie sang it well. Carrie's fans will understand this and continue to be a strong voting presence. Simon understands this as is obvious from his comments.

We have nothing to worry about nibblesandbits, Carrie will be there till the end.


Well-Known Member
DDuckFan130 said:
I'd watch out for Diznee phreek though :lookaroun
LMAO!!! :lol: You all might be really surprised at my review this here goes:

Carrie - competely boring. I actually think she sounds worse singing country than rock, so I wish she'd stick to songs outside of country.

Bo - I love that song, and he did a great job! Probably my favorite performance of his!

Vonzell - I was blown away by that high note! It was perfect! By far the best of the night!! I actually took a little time out of voting for Constantine to vote for her.

Anthony - his best! I agree with Randy - not great at first, but he really "brought it home". I literally laughed out loud, though, when Ryan said he was going to do a Celine Dion song.

Constantine - this is where it gets a little surprising. I love the song, but it was totally the wrong song for this competition and for Constantine. There's just not enough vocal range in that song, and it got really tiresome after a while. It was definately his worst performance and song choice (he even got the words wrong at one point, I'm pretty sure...he said "I've been down, I've been wrong" when it's supposed to be the other way around...then again, I could be wrong since no one else seemed to notice). I felt so horrible for him after that. I think he would've done MUCH better with Bo's song. I still voted for Connie, though (of course!)

Scott - ....since when have grown "men" danced with their fathers? What a strange song choice. I'm not going to make predictions this week, since I've been saying he's going home for weeks, and other people have been going instead...I don't want to jinx anybody.

Top 3 (in order from best to worst): Vonzell, Bo, Anthony
Bottom 3 (same order as above): Constantine (*gasp!*), Carrie, Scott


Well-Known Member
Wow, I'm shocked *faints*

I'm kidding. Constantine's performance definitely wasn't his best, but I enjoyed it. Not as much as Bo or Vonzell, but I enjoyed it. Maybe because I knew the song :p Who knows, but if there's some shred of humanity out there, Scott will go home tomorrow.

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