American Idol!


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Oh yeah? Well, *I* have a Nick Carter shaped CD!


imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Tonite was a good night. Here's my review:

Anthony song 1: Terrible. Simply terrible. Out of tune, flat, just horrendouse. Grade: D

Anthony Song 2: Much better than his first one. Still not the best though. Grade: C

Scott song 1: I love this song, but it was rather out of tune, and flat sounding. Better than last week's though. Grade: D+

Scott song 2: A bit better than the first one, but he is just so boring sounding! Grade: C-

Vonzell song 1: Fantastic! So up beat and great. Grade: A-

Vonzell song 2: Her best yet! She just keeps on getting better and better! So beautiful! Astounding! Grade: A+

Bo song 1: He did a wonderful rendition of stand by me. Loved it! Grade: A+

Bo song 2: Great! But not as good as stand by me though. Grade: B+

Carrie song 1: I'll come right out and say it, SHE ROCKED!!!!! That was one of her best yet! Fantastic! Grade: A++++++

Carrie song 2: Even better! So beautiful! I love her! Grade: A++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Is there a bottom three in the top five? If not, I'll just simply do a bottom two. And my bottom two? Scott and Anthony. I want Scott to go so bad, but I have a feeling that it will be Anthony no thanks to those worst Idol voters :mad:


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Original Poster
Okay everyone, MAKE SURE TO VOTE FOR VONZELL TONIGHT!!! She better not end up in the bottom 3 tomorrow, or I will be NOT HAPPY.

Okay, so here's my question... Randy and Paula RAVE about Vonzell, and perfect vocals, yet Simon says she had a very off night.... wazzup wit dat?


Well-Known Member
Invero said:
Okay everyone, MAKE SURE TO VOTE FOR VONZELL TONIGHT!!! She better not end up in the bottom 3 tomorrow, or I will be NOT HAPPY.

Okay, so here's my question... Randy and Paula RAVE about Vonzell, and perfect vocals, yet Simon says she had a very off night.... wazzup wit dat?
More often than not I'll agree with Simon, but I think he was off the mark with his comments on Vonzell tonight.

My rankings for tonight:
1. Carrie--simply outstanding.
2. Vonzell--still gets better every week.
3. Bo--I'm not a fan, but he nailed the first song.
4. Scott--don't like him, his attitude is crap, but this was his best night. Maybe the irony of that will send him home.
5. Anthony--not good at all.


Well-Known Member
I completely forgot about the show tonight (was more entertained by baseball :p). Can someone tell me what the theme was? Or it was a free for all?

And boo to BSB :rolleyes: Go *NSYNC :p


Well-Known Member
VONZELL ALL THE WAY! She has my vote!!!

By the way......Carrie looked better tonight.....with straight hair rather than the teased 80's glamour shot look! :)


Well-Known Member
DDuckFan130 said:
And boo to BSB :rolleyes: Go *NSYNC :p
:sohappy: woo! Another NSync fan! But I actually like BSB's new song. And where the heck is NSync these days? Have they ever officially split?

Anyway, on to Idol. It seems like a completely different show without Constantine. :-( It was just so...boring tonight. Maybe I'm biased, but even my sister agrees, and Constantine was never her #1 favorite (more like her 3rd).

Anthony - 1st song was pretty terrible. 2nd was better, but definately some flat notes in there.

Meatwad - 1st song was actually halfway decent, I'll admit. 2nd was dreadfully boring...and horrible.

Vonzell - 1st song was good, even though I had never heard it before. 2nd was really nice...I thought it was kind of cheap that she picked a song she had already sung, though (even though it was a group performance). She did really good tonight, but somehow I felt like the performances lacked something...I dunno.

Bo - 1st was good. I thought it was a surprisingly good song choice for him. 2nd was one of my favorite songs from last summer...Bo's version was alright...I prefer the Los Lonely Boys original.

Carrie - 1st was really good! Best of the night, I'd say...I would've liked it better if she had kept the country sound out of it. Something about her performance made me think of Constantine, though, how she kicked the microphone stand and everything. 2nd was ok. I was rather bored with it, though.

Constantine on Ellen yesterday - mesmerizing! He's still my American Idol! He said he was going to sing a ballad this week on Idol, so I'm terribly sorry we'll never know what ballad it was going to be, or how wonderful a performance he would've given us. But seeing him on all these talk shows has been really nice, so that kind of makes up for AI's screwed up voting system.

So the only redeeming factor of Fox's tv line-up for tonight was the excellent episode of House! Man, I love that show! :)


Well-Known Member
Dizknee_Phreek said:
:sohappy: woo! Another NSync fan! But I actually like BSB's new song. And where the heck is NSync these days? Have they ever officially split?

I have no idea, but I'm glad there's another *NSYNC fan :D. I have to listen to BSB's song because I hardly listen to radio so I haven't had a chance to listen.

Sorry for thread drift...continue... :hammer:


Premium Member
So what was that "vote for the worst" website? It's not working anymore and I didn't get a chance to see it.

Anyway, I'm fed up with Scott's attitude. It's getting old, as is Anthony's horrible pitch problems. Man he was just terrible.

I mean I can't imagine there's anyone who would put Scott or Anthony above Carrie, Bo, or Vonzell.

Bo - I find him the most enjoyable to watch. I love his deep voice. I would like him to win.

Carrie - She always nails the beginning of her songs, which is something the other contestants have trouble with. The other contestants start off bad and get better and end on a good note, where Carrie always gets it right from the beginning. But the thing with Carrie is she doesn't do anything extra ordinary with her voice. She just maintains excellence, and doesn't really go above that (does that make sense?).

Vonzell - I think she starts off most of the songs pretty rough with some missed notes, but she gets better and better as the song goes on and does all kinds of neat things with her voice....reminds me a little of Whitney Houston.


Well-Known Member
My thoughts:

Anthony - Boring as always, but he's got a good voice
Vonzell - Mangled "Treat Me Nice", but did a great job on the second song. Also, she looked fabulous on the second number.
Scott - Reasonably good job with "On Broadway", though nowhere near as good as the George Benson version (what are you thinking, Paula?), which to me is inferior to the Drifters version. Second song sucked.
Bo - Did great on both numbers, though neither required much vocal range. He is, by far, the most comfortable on stage of the remaining contestants.
Carrie - Vocally, she has no peer. She's getting better at the performance aspect, but she still seems tentative. When she kicked the microphone stand down, it looked practiced but not natural. That's how most of her performances look. However, in her interview, she mentioned she'd be singing Elvis, then did the lip sneer. That was hilarious. If she had more confidence in her movements on stage, she'd win this thing easy.

Prediction for tomorrow: Adios, Scott. Your anti-fans won't be enough this time.


Laura22 said:
So what was that "vote for the worst" website? It's not working anymore and I didn't get a chance to see it.

Exactly what it sounds like (unfortunately)... there is a poll on the site for the worst Idol, which Scott has won overwhelmingly. They have his mugshot at the top of the page and they are pushing for everybody to vote for him just to screw with the whole process. I found it in the paper last week and yesterday it looked like they had a segment on Fox about the same thing.


Well-Known Member
nibblesandbits said:
I would rather vote for a druggie who can sing instead of an abuser who can't!

Easy kids! Let's not get carried away.

The comment was not meant to ignite a Scott VS. Bo drift. I just thought it was interesting how it kind of slipped by the boards....

As for last night's show, here's how I heard it:

(Is anyone else thinking they are runing out of song themes????)

Anthony - Looked and sounded AWFUL. Poor song choice. Redeemed himself during the second song, but it's not gonna be enough. May be gone tonite if the Savol juggernaut cannot be derailed.

Vonzell - AWFUL version of a classic Elvis tune performed surprisingly well, though barely recognizable! She has come to be the standard bearer for quality each week. Good for her. She should be in the final two if her town has a radio station that can rouse her local troops to vote

Scott - Paula is a nut. George Benson deserves a public apology!!! I like the song, and Scott did OK, but I've certainly heard better down at the local Karaoke bar. Second song was apparently forgettable..... :lol: :veryconfu

Bo - GENERATION X said it best above: "Did great on both numbers, though neither required much vocal range. He is, by far, the most comfortable on stage of the remaining contestants." I will add this. His song selections are the best of all the contestants. He knows his considerable liimitiations and is smart enough to work within them. Not sure He will win this thing, though, as a lot of Bo sounds the same when played back to back.

Carrie - All she really needs is a dance coach! :lol: Simon hit it on the head. Carrie would be great on the radio, but she could never do a live show, as the audience would be bored to tears. GREAT vocals, but she really needs to work on not "country-fying" every song. Pop radio might not play it.


Anthony, Scott, and Bo in bottom three.

Anthony goes home.


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