American Idol!


New Member
aim said:
:cry: :cry:

What on earth...Constantine is out...but Scott's still in!?!?!?!?! Something's REALLY wrong here! grrrrrrrrr :fork:

I don't get it either. That guy hasn't hit a good note in weeks, and he still hangs on. I just don't get it.


Well-Known Member
Dizknee_Phreek = I'm with you on this one. I for one will not be watching any more AI. I did not think Constantine would win, but I thought he would hang on a few more weeks.

To quote the teenagers in my house "How can a smack-daddy-gangsta-pimp wannabe still be in this competition?????" :hammer:

Tues night was not Constantine's best performance. In fact I knew he was in trouble.......until smack daddy came on and blew chunks.

Sorry to be so ugly, but I'm truly annoyed by this vote. I'll be watching the Dateline special next week - I'm beginning to wonder now IF there is indeed some sort of rigging going on. Fox needs to seriously limit the number of votes that each phone can make to 5 and leave it from there.

b/t/w - bought the PFTSOB cd from Amazon a few mins ago. What can I say, he appeals to me :slurp: and I happen to LOVE rock music.

I don't like Bo, something about him (besides his nose) bothers me.


New Member
I have thought they need to limit the number of votes since season 1. But unless something REALLLLLLY drastic happens, they won't. If they do, they won't be able to say "Last night we had 35 million votes!!!" and it's all about numbers. How anti-climactic to say "Last night we had 36 thousand votes!" after four years of numbers in the millions.

And I have to admit this was my reaction last night when he announced that Constantine was in the bottom three and Scott was in the top three. I turned to my roommate and said "The only thing that will make up for Scott being safe is if we can get rid of Constantine." So yeah, while I am flabergasted that Scott is still there, I guess I got a consolation prize. Sorry, all. Just wasn't a fan of Constantine. But he'll sell some records, so that's great for him and his career. I just don't think he has longevity in his career. But what do I know.


Yep...I'm through with AI this year.

Constantine out and Scott in?!?!?!?!!?

No thanks...Constantine was my pick and to see him go out before Scott just totally disgusts me...pathetic.

And Bo? Almost as bad as Scott...but with a coke conviction instead of battery. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
The part of the result show that made me REALLY get upset about everything, is to hear Constantine sing again.. He sang his song 30 times better than the night before! He got every note and I almost cried...

Scott - You won't be AI if my life is on the line...

Safari Giraffe

New Member
No doubt about it......SCOTT NEEDS TO GO HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!
Didn't really care that Constantine went home because the way he always stares into the camera during his songs always freaks me out. I think Carrie has a shot at winning if only she picked the right songs to sing and maybe relax a little more.


Good lord - I couldn't believe the track titles on Constantine's CD when I looked it up on Amazon. I cannot stand that kind of language. Now I'm glad I won't be hearing him on the radio.


Well-Known Member
Gucci65 said:
b/t/w - bought the PFTSOB cd from Amazon a few mins ago. What can I say, he appeals to me :slurp: and I happen to LOVE rock music.
You'll love it! I had it playing in my car for at least a month straight before I let a friend borrow it. I have a copied version of my sister's original, though, so I'm thinking about getting my own copy of the re-released version (especially since it has an extra song). She's going to get another copy too, when it's released. And we're both planning on joining the Betty Street Team. We're definately hooked on them!


Well-Known Member
The_CEO said:
The part of the result show that made me REALLY get upset about everything, is to hear Constantine sing again.. He sang his song 30 times better than the night before! He got every note and I almost cried...
Same here :-( He seemed to put more into it as well. It still hasn't really sunk in...I keep getting excited about next week, wondering what Con's gonna sing and how awesome he's going to be...then I remember he won't be there. It's like a really bad dream. It's all I've been able to think about all day.


Well-Known Member
Laura22 said:
Good lord - I couldn't believe the track titles on Constantine's CD when I looked it up on Amazon. I cannot stand that kind of language. Now I'm glad I won't be hearing him on the radio.
Yeah, but if he had won AI, you wouldn't be hearing that kind of stuff on the radio. You'd be hearing what AI wanted him to sing, pretty much. But, honestly...what were you expecting? He's a "rocker" after all. That kind of language comes with the rebel/rocker attitude. It's some pretty hard rock, too. To be honest, I was a bit shocked/disappointed to see some of the titles when I first looked it up, but the songs are awesome, regardless of the language.


Well-Known Member
1stStarIC2nite said:
Unbelievable :mad: This is just like last year with John Stevens, only he was nice and didn't beat up women :fork:

You beat me to it! :wave:

I was traveling all week for work, but wanteed to make that same point!

I have to tell ya's how things work up here!

Cleveland is a LOT like Buffalo in this respect: The radio stations here would get people voitng for a pile of twigs as their American Idol if they thought they could get the first interview with it!

It worked that way with Stevens, and its working that way with the woman beater. The radio stations have all night dial up parties for their listeners and open up phone banks and give out prizes and food just to keep their cities name in the public eye a bit longer.

We all know that as fewer contestants are around, this plot fails miserably, as one city cannot outvote and entire country of rabid fans! :lookaroun

My only reason to tune in now is out of curiousity to see how the Constantine fans will split their votes.

Lord knows the music aint getting any better!



Well-Known Member
Here's my theory...the more people who vote for other contestants, the better chance we have of Scott leaving. So I think everybody on here should at least try to vote once for somebody just to take a bunch of votes away from Scott. (Yes, you should vote for somebody even if your contestant is gone...b/c do you really want to see SCOTT there any longer?) The longer we continue to let Clevland give that fat slob votes, the more chance he has of beating a quality contestant!

So, who's with me???


Well-Known Member
The radio stations here would get people voitng for a pile of twigs as their American Idol if they thought they could get the first interview with it!
LMAO! :lol: Well, the pile of twigs would be better than Scott, anyway.


Well-Known Member
Erika said:
My apologies if this link was posted ealier- I have not had the time to follow these threads like I used to!

But, here's your answer: :rolleyes:
OMG! If this really is true these people are horrible! I hadn't even heard of this website before now...I am thinking some very bad words at this time!!!! :zipit:

And you've gotta wonder how somebody like Scott would feel about this. This is pretty degrading to him (and Mikalah...but we don't care about her)

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