American Idol!

Computer Magic

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wannab@dis said:
I'm going to stop watching this nonsense...

Either Amwar or Scott should have been gone, not Jessica... I don't get the fascination with Amwar. His vocals usually suck with the exception of the the last note of the song and he may hit that ONE note. I swear, people must be tone deaf. Another example of this... the "Nanny" chick should never had gotten so far.

It kinda goes back to what MagicalMonorail stated
MagicalMonorail said:
I can't believe what Randy said. He said this is a singing competition, but it isn't. It's a popularity contest and he knows it.

People vote based on popularity instead of talent. That has happened from day one. It's unfair but happens everywhere. You could tell the judges and Ryan was trying to lead the viewers to vote based on talent. They do that every year.


Well-Known Member
I think Anwar is an original and great vocalist. He has lost his stuff lately, I'll admit. But do you remember "What a wonderful world?" That was his best vocals and he needs to get back to that.

Carrie, Nikko, Nadia, Vonzell, and Jessica are all good singers, but we have so many of them already it's hard to take them seriously. That is why my vote is for Anwar, Bo, and Constantine who are all original.

My 2 cents :wave:


Well-Known Member
DDuckFan130 said:
I thought she was better than Carrie :rolleyes: but oh's a popularity contest, which explains Anthony still being there.

You seriously think that Jessica is better than Carrie? I thought that Carrie was the best one since I first heard her sing! To me, there is no comparison. Carrie beats Jess hands down. I do agree that Anthony's "looks" has gotten him further along in the competition b/c girls think he's cute.

Although I also think that a lot of who wins has to do with who Paula, Randy, and Simon are on board for. If you have watched previous episodes, both Ruben and Fantasia won and the judges were in awe over them, hence people voted for them more b/c the judges swayed their opinion.


Well-Known Member
nibblesandbits said:
You seriously think that Jessica is better than Carrie? I thought that Carrie was the best one since I first heard her sing! To me, there is no comparison. Carrie beats Jess hands down.
I don't really know :lol: The thing with Carrie is that she seems "too perfect." She sings well, she's pretty, and she seems to have a nice personality. It's almost "Stepford" like. I think they're both talented but I could care less for either one of them actually :lol: Like I've said before and will say again, originality does it for me, and neither one of them is original. Simon knows that if Carrie wins she will sell more records. Why? Because she's cuter than Kelly, Ruben, and Fantasia, and she has a likeable personality. Oh yeah, and she can sing too :rolleyes:

I've even noticed in some posts about her here, the first thing said about her is "She's hot." Simon knows that's going to play a big role in her selling records. It'd be a lie to say this isn't a popularity contest, because it is. Otherwise, Anthony would've left a long time ago.


Well-Known Member
I wish they'd change the voting so that you vote the worst off instead of voting to keep the best. It'd be a lot easier to vote. Plus, it'd be easier to get rid of the weakest/worst singer. Scott would probably be gone if you could vote the worst off, IMO.


tigger248 said:
I wish they'd change the voting so that you vote the worst off instead of voting to keep the best. It'd be a lot easier to vote. Plus, it'd be easier to get rid of the weakest/worst singer. Scott would probably be gone if you could vote the worst off, IMO.

YES exactly. I don't understand why they do the voting the way they do. I think it would all be tons more accurate if they switched it around.

Here's what I don't get - if it's such a popularity contest why is Scott still in the running? I honestly can't even fathom picking up a phone and voting for Scott Savol LOL. WHO is voting for him? What makes him popular? He's not attractive and doesn't sing up to par and has no charisma. All I can think of is that "unpopular crowd" in our country is dying to see an unattractive, atypical guy made into a star, so they keep voting him through regardless of his performance.

I will agree that Carrie is the best female vocalist in the competition, but what I don't understand is how will she be the best "pop star" if all she sings is country music? Why didn't she go on Nashville star instead? I also agree with whoever said she was "too" perfect. That is why I preferred Jessica over her, Jessica is more down to earth.

Bo is my top pick for the guys - I highly enjoy all of his performances. He can sing anything well. I don't get the hype about Constantine, he sings out of tune and I can't stand his facial expressions. How tall is he anyway? Like 7 feet or something? He looks like a giant!


Well-Known Member
D-Boi, I'm in no way a John Stevens fan, but calling him a "freak" is over doing it a bit, don't you think?

Laura, I think the thing with Constantine is that...well, for one thing he's hot (at least some people, including myself, think so). Also, he may not have the best vocals (though I'd personally say Con's is better than Bo's) but he's got heaps of charisma (whereas Bo kinda doesn't). And I think it's because, even though they're about the same age, Bo seems older (like early to mid thirties) and seems to be the old school/southern rock kind of guy. Constantine seems younger (like early to mid twenties) and his style seems to appeal to a wider range of audience. That's just how I'd compare them. Oh and btw, Constantine is 6' 4" :animwink:

Now, as for the results...Anwar REALLY had me worried there for a bit. I did't want him to go that soon...I want him to come back and be Anwar again. But, I'm glad Jessica's gone. I've never liked her...she just seems fake to me and her vocals weren't nearly as good as the judges made them out to be. However, I really think it should've been Scott this time...I'm with you all, I don't see how he keeps getting by without even making the bottom 3. I can't stand his attitude, his vocals, his personality, or his looks...he doesn't deserve to even be this far in the game. I was looking at an AI community once and several girls on there had Scott as their #1 and they put *swoon* out beside his name....whyyyyy?! :hurl: Most of the people I hear from on the net keep saying Scott should go, so who the heck is voting for him? Did all of the John Stevens and/or Jasmine voters switch to him this season? Is he voting on himself?
Anyway, I too wish they would switch the voting. I've discussed this with my sister since last season when Jennifer Hudson was kicked off. Though, I came to the conclusion that it might be more harsh..."Scott...You had the most votes this week; America hates you." But I still think it'd be more accurate.


Well-Known Member
Laura22 said:
I will agree that Carrie is the best female vocalist in the competition, but what I don't understand is how will she be the best "pop star" if all she sings is country music? Why didn't she go on Nashville star instead? I also agree with whoever said she was "too" perfect. That is why I preferred Jessica over her, Jessica is more down to earth.

Bo is my top pick for the guys - I highly enjoy all of his performances. He can sing anything well. I don't get the hype about Constantine, he sings out of tune and I can't stand his facial expressions. How tall is he anyway? Like 7 feet or something? He looks like a giant!

Carrie didn't go on Nashville Star b/c that's not that big of a show. You gain more success by being on AI than you do on NS. (And personally, I don't like NS b/c I can't seem to like the people who win that competition!)

I do agree with you on the Constantine thing though. He really isn't that attractive and I'm not sure I understand all the hubub surrounding him. Although I guess I can't complain too much...I thought Clay Aiken was cute...but then again, I thought Clay was the best singer too.


nibblesandbits said:
Although I guess I can't complain too much...I thought Clay Aiken was cute...but then again, I thought Clay was the best singer too.

Haha - I thought he was/is cute too! I like the nerdy types. His voice always gave me goosebumps! :)


Well-Known Member
Was it just me or did the contestants not get as emotional over Jessica leaving as they had for previous contestants?

I know when they showed Carrie at first she wasn't crying, I think she's glad that her competition is now gone.

This is all Carrie's game now, she's going to win.


WDWScottieBoy said:
Was it just me or did the contestants not get as emotional over Jessica leaving as they had for previous contestants?

I know when they showed Carrie at first she wasn't crying, I think she's glad that her competition is now gone.

This is all Carrie's game now, she's going to win.

I noticed Carrie had a smug look on her face when Jessica was voted off. My personal theory is that Jessica was probably a big flirt and was stealing the attention of the guys and it made the other girls jealous. So they are glad to see her gone so they can get more male attention. :lol:

I still don't know if I think Carrie will win. Remember Josh Grayson? He was a good (and good looking) country singer but he wasn't suited to be a "pop" idol so he was eventually voted off. Carrie is good, but other contestants like Nikko Smith are creeping up on her.


Well-Known Member
Josh also had a hit single that I heard all the time on the country radio station. And as I've said before, I think Simon loves her so much that he would sign her no matter what.

If she doesn't win, it won't be the last we hear of her, that's for sure. Jessica was on Leno last night and she's already got an album coming out!


Well-Known Member
WDWScottieBoy said:
Josh also had a hit single that I heard all the time on the country radio station. And as I've said before, I think Simon loves her so much that he would sign her no matter what.

If she doesn't win, it won't be the last we hear of her, that's for sure. Jessica was on Leno last night and she's already got an album coming out!
Josh has another song out right now that's also doing pretty good. It's called Nothin' to Loose. It's really catchy!

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