Cesar R M
Well-Known Member
I'd like to show you something. Hopefully, the time mark bit comes up, so you don't have to watch the whole thing (though you should; it's a cute video). If not, jump to about the 1:00 minute mark and wait a few seconds.
Back? Good. See that? I don't think you NEED to introduce children to Indy; if that little girl can fire off his name that easily, then I'm willing to bet other children are familiar with him. (Furthermore, it's kind of ironic that the kids know Indy and not Scrooge McDuck, as Spielberg and Lucas lovingly borrowed from Scrooge McDuck comics for the opening of Raiders.)
omg, thats awesome! XD
and I used to watch ducktales a long time ago. the episodes were very entertaining and has the most addictive song EVER.
Disney had incredible row of series back then (including Rescue Rangers, Tales spin..etc..)