Amazingly dumb and sometimes funny things other guests say...


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DisneyWales said:
Well we did mention that its one of the best 3D Shows we had ever seen so, unless she's got limited sight, or Fantasmic in California hand out 3D Glasses before its starts, i think she was a bit loopy.

Aaahhhh! Well in that case, it makes more sense. Hard to imagine anyone confusing Fantasmic for a 3D movie. :lol:


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edwardtc said:
There have been several more stories about people mispronouncing the name of rides, attractions, shows and parades - and again, I don't think I'd consider these people idiots or stupid. They're just not Disney freaks like all of us. If you go to a Universal Studios internet forum (if there indeed are any), or to the park itself, and start calling rides by incorrect names - in front of a Universal Studios freak - they'd be irritated with you as well, but I don't think that you'd consider yourself an idiot, eh?

Agreed! Some years back, I was at a Six Flags park waiting in line for one of the coasters and I was telling my girlfriend about an episode of Star Trek that I had just seen and had really enjoyed. Within earshot were some hardcore Trekkies, who interrupted our conversation to ridicule me (someone they didn't even know) because I had gotten some inconsequential detail wrong in my recap of the episode (I think I had gotten a character's name or rank incorrect). They strongly implied that I was someone who needed to be "removed from the gene pool" simply because I had this detail wrong, and talked as though I had no right to even enjoy the episode for that same reason. The very last thing on my mind was to feel appreciative of them "educating" me on Star Trek. Instead, I was left with a VERY bad overall impression of "Trekkies" and started to feel that everything I'd heard about them was true.


Well-Known Member
Guests sometimes asked me if I were there working from a different country (I guess since it's so diverse, and maybe I talk funny, I don't know), anyway when I'd say "No, I'm from Michigan" most people would just be like "oh okay" or something like that, well these one people asked me and I told them that I wasn't. They were so confused here's how the conversation went:

Guest: "Are You here working from a different country"
Me: "No, I'm from Michigan"
Guest: *looks at me funny* "you can't be, are you really?"
Me: "Yes I really"
Guest: "why aren't you telling me the truth, are you ashamed of where your from"

At that point I just really didn't know what to say, I think I just explained to them again that I was here on the college program from michigan, and they looked at me like they still didn't believe me and finally left.


Beta Return
pluto77 said:
Guests sometimes asked me if I were there working from a different country (I guess since it's so diverse, and maybe I talk funny, I don't know), anyway when I'd say "No, I'm from Michigan" most people would just be like "oh okay" or something like that, well these one people asked me and I told them that I wasn't. They were so confused here's how the conversation went:

Guest: "Are You here working from a different country"
Me: "No, I'm from Michigan"
Guest: *looks at me funny* "you can't be, are you really?"
Me: "Yes I really"
Guest: "why aren't you telling me the truth, are you ashamed of where your from"

At that point I just really didn't know what to say, I think I just explained to them again that I was here on the college program from michigan, and they looked at me like they still didn't believe me and finally left.

I guess I need to see a picture of you to fully understand this one :lol: Are you of another race (black, hispanic, asian, middle eastern)? Or do you just have a dark complection or unique features? I just find it so funny that some people will ARUGE with you about your race or background! It's like those idiots that argued with the Japanese girl about being in "Japan".


Well-Known Member
I remember having to go to the front desk at Beach Club a couple of years ago and I overheard a younger mother ask the CM "You still just have the Magic Kingdom right?" The CM and I just made eye contact.


Active Member

Thats llike asking if the sun or moon is still there, WDW neds to give like a anti wdw ignorance class to all 1st time guests,.......sheeesh.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
My cousin, her boyfriend, another friend anr I went to WDW in 1996... We went to see Voyage of the Little Mermaid.. After the show was over, my cousin's friend turned to us and said THAT GIRL ONLY PLAYS ARIEL BECAUSE SHE HAS RED HAIR.. When we tried to explain it was only a wig, she was like NOO IT IS HER REAL HAIR....


New Member

I love overhearring guests dicuss they "think it works" and theres always one person in their group that yells out wrong answers. So then I have to go over there and help them out lols.

This is my personal fave...A guest will come up to you and say "Excuse me Miss, Can I ask you a question?" ...Can I honestly say no you cant?It's like what do you expect me to say? haha... One time I said, "No, I just operate the rides in Tomorrowland, I don't answer questions I'm sorry". :) Luckily they knew I was being sarcastic and laughed along with me.

Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
Merlin said:
Agreed! Some years back, I was at a Six Flags park waiting in line for one of the coasters and I was telling my girlfriend about an episode of Star Trek that I had just seen and had really enjoyed. Within earshot were some hardcore Trekkies, who interrupted our conversation to ridicule me (someone they didn't even know) because I had gotten some inconsequential detail wrong in my recap of the episode (I think I had gotten a character's name or rank incorrect). They strongly implied that I was someone who needed to be "removed from the gene pool" simply because I had this detail wrong, and talked as though I had no right to even enjoy the episode for that same reason. The very last thing on my mind was to feel appreciative of them "educating" me on Star Trek. Instead, I was left with a VERY bad overall impression of "Trekkies" and started to feel that everything I'd heard about them was true.

This is an interesting cautionary tale.

Yes, as hard-core Disney folks, it makes us crazy for someone to call the GM-sponsored ride "Fast Track," or to swear that the monorail goes to Animal Kingdom (or that it ever will, for that matter), or to forget the names of the mice in Cinderella.

BUT, our primary focus (mine, at least) is to help people share our enthusiasm for WDW and to offer suggestions and help if asked. Belittling or making fun of minor mistakes leaves those less knowledgable folks with a bad feeling about Disney in general.

Like it or not, if we set ourselves up as "experts," we are representing the company. Our comments can sour a person's experience forever.

Out of earshot, in code only your family understands,* or in the privacy of your hotel room, feel free to bash away.

Just something to think about..............

*If we had heard the fireworks comment, my family would spend the rest of the trip saying things like, "Can you tell me where the bathroom is?" as we walk out of the restroom, "What do they serve at Waffle House?" as we finish a plate of waffles, etc.


New Member
As a long time lurker, I find this general topic amusing and enjoy discussions of "What's the dumbest thing...". However, I think we should keep in mind that many people (and myself) do take offense when we divert from amusement to the more vicious nature of some responses.

I find it helpful to keep in mind some of my more embarrassing moments -- my wife constantly teases me about some of my own examples.

I would like to add, though, that confusing names (TTA/monorail, Fast Track/Test Track) can actually be a symptom of dyslexia -- no, you don't have to be unable to read to be dyslexic. It's a continuum from mildly impaired to full-blown scrambling of words and numbers. One symptom of mild dyslexia is confusion of proper names: the brain can't retrive the right name, and comes up with the closest match. My mother and I both do it, and I've since learned that we have the mild case (even though we both read voraciously). I'll always remember my mother calling some fish-and-chips restaurant "Ship Ahoy" and as a child I could never understand why some places were advertised "Bar and Girl."

So keep posting the funny ones, but the next time you hear someone refer to the "Big Ball", smile, politely say "Oh, you mean Spaceship Earth" and don't forget that you, too, may someday have Whatshisnames Disease :).

(and since this is my first post -- signed rhampson aka Dr.Rob)


Active Member
SheenaXena said:
I live about an hour away from Pigeon Forge, TN. And of course that's where Dollywood is. I love it when people are all excited and call it "DollyWorld." It's classic. I'm sitting there thinking, Dollywood is nothing compared to Disney World!

Okay I am still laughing about this one, I live a short drive away from Dollywood and its hillarious to think of comparing it to DisneyWorld...especially rides like old Blazing Fury! LOL :lol:


Active Member
I work in a job where everything has to be exactly perfect, no typos, no misplaced names, all the information on all the documents has to match perfectly. WDW is my escape from that. If I felt compelled to know the EXACT name of every attraction in all the parks, and not just call it "the log ride" or "the Buzz Lightyear ride" or "the Ellen EnergyAdventure ride", or the "Little Mermaid show" I would go nuts. I need an escape from perfection. I get the big stuff right. I don't call WDW "Disney Land" and I know that the Magic Kingdom in one of 4 parks at WDW. I think a lot of other people who make "stupid mistakes" are at the parks to relax, like I am, and don't expect to be quizzed on their knowledge or made fun of if they aren't perfect.


New Member
Living Seas incident

In my travels, I've heard some amazingly funny favourite however, happened at The Living Seas.

A mother and son (approx. 8 yrs old) were looking into the aquarium and spotted a diver. The son asked "Is he real?"...wait for it...the mother replied "Honey, this is Disney. Who knows for sure?"

I'm not sure whether to laugh out loud or to applaud Disney for being able to create a strong enough illusion in all of the parks that could actually keep somebody guessing.


New Member
SheenaXena said:
I live about an hour away from Pigeon Forge, TN. And of course that's where Dollywood is. I love it when people are all excited and call it "DollyWorld." It's classic. I'm sitting there thinking, Dollywood is nothing compared to Disney World!

That is funny. I am from Knoxville, Tn. and I was thinking the same thing.


DragonJay said:
A mother and son (approx. 8 yrs old) were looking into the aquarium and spotted a diver. The son asked "Is he real?"...wait for it...the mother replied "Honey, this is Disney. Who knows for sure?"
My daughter and I had almost the same conversation about an armadillo that she saw one night waiting for the Hopp-Dee-Doo! But she said "Is it real or is it a Disney armadillo?" !!!


Active Member
hcswingfield said:
I work in a job where everything has to be exactly perfect, no typos, no misplaced names, all the information on all the documents has to match perfectly. WDW is my escape from that. If I felt compelled to know the EXACT name of every attraction in all the parks, and not just call it "the log ride" or "the Buzz Lightyear ride" or "the Ellen EnergyAdventure ride", or the "Little Mermaid show" I would go nuts. I need an escape from perfection. I get the big stuff right. I don't call WDW "Disney Land" and I know that the Magic Kingdom in one of 4 parks at WDW. I think a lot of other people who make "stupid mistakes" are at the parks to relax, like I am, and don't expect to be quizzed on their knowledge or made fun of if they aren't perfect.
when we talk on the boards, we tend to use acronyms in place of names (HISTA, PotC, IaSW, SSE, SGE) because it would take too long to type them out
in real life, while in the parks, i almost NEVER say the full name for an attraction, just shorthand like "Big Thunder, Pirates, Splash, Buzz Lightyear, Energy, Stitch, Imagination"

does anyone actually say "Ellen's Energy Adventure" or "Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin" in real life? it sounds kinds of corny


New Member
I used to work in a museum in DC and one day I was behind the info desk in uniform with a badge, name plate and walkie talkie. A woman approached the desk and asked if I worked there (seriously, I was wearing a polyester burgandy blazer in summer) after telling her I did she asked where the bathrooms were on the first floor. Well in this museum there are no public restrooms on the first floor. After telling her this she started to yell at me and demand that I tell her where they were! Like I was lying to her!
Once a volunteer gave information that was not the answer this person was looking for and the person cussed out the volunteer and left. 5 minutes later the person came back and asked the same volunteer for help! What is wrong with people?!
So whenever I go anywhere I will go to the ends of the earth to find something before I ask.


New Member
SpeedFigure said:
When I was in Disneyland a few years back I noticed this Lady and her kids sitting on the curb on Main Street. Her kids were throwing popcorn all over the ground on purpose. Then a CM came by and started sweeping it up. She looks at the CM and goes "I guess my kids are making a mess for yah" and starts to laugh. and then lets her kids keep on throwing popcorn around and never telling them to stop!!

I can't even count how many times that happened to me. For some reason, some people have that idea that it's okay to trash place because it's someone's job to clean it up. That is not quite the case. While we are there to keep the place clean, the place is only staffed enough to keep up with normal trash, not deliberate littering. Can you imagine if guest acted like that? We'd need thousands of custodial CMs!

Pirate/Custodian Jeff °o°


Active Member
DragonJay said:
In my travels, I've heard some amazingly funny favourite however, happened at The Living Seas.

A mother and son (approx. 8 yrs old) were looking into the aquarium and spotted a diver. The son asked "Is he real?"...wait for it...the mother replied "Honey, this is Disney. Who knows for sure?"

I'm not sure whether to laugh out loud or to applaud Disney for being able to create a strong enough illusion in all of the parks that could actually keep somebody guessing.

Hey, I think we need to give DIsney a long round of applause for that. Even I somtimes stop and think "Is it real?"


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rhampson said:
As a long time lurker, I find this general topic amusing and enjoy discussions of "What's the dumbest thing...". However, I think we should keep in mind that many people (and myself) do take offense when we divert from amusement to the more vicious nature of some responses.

I find it helpful to keep in mind some of my more embarrassing moments -- my wife constantly teases me about some of my own examples.

I would like to add, though, that confusing names (TTA/monorail, Fast Track/Test Track) can actually be a symptom of dyslexia -- no, you don't have to be unable to read to be dyslexic. It's a continuum from mildly impaired to full-blown scrambling of words and numbers. One symptom of mild dyslexia is confusion of proper names: the brain can't retrive the right name, and comes up with the closest match. My mother and I both do it, and I've since learned that we have the mild case (even though we both read voraciously). I'll always remember my mother calling some fish-and-chips restaurant "Ship Ahoy" and as a child I could never understand why some places were advertised "Bar and Girl."

So keep posting the funny ones, but the next time you hear someone refer to the "Big Ball", smile, politely say "Oh, you mean Spaceship Earth" and don't forget that you, too, may someday have Whatshisnames Disease :).

(and since this is my first post -- signed rhampson aka Dr.Rob)

My wife suffers from the same thing and she has been ridiculed and scolded her whole life by teachers, co-workers, etc. I think that when you are the subject of ridicule for something that you struggle with, and that may come easy for most people, it gives you a more open minded perspective when people make mistakes. On that note, I think it's great when we can poke fun harmlessly at silly comments people make. It's part of the fun, and truthfully, it's part of the magic too really. Where I think the "dark side" of this comes in is when hardcore Disney buffs, and even CMs, use it as an excuse to be mean or sarcastic to someone who has simply made an honest mistake. For example, in an earlier post on this thread, someone told a story about a woman who came to the turnstile at the entrance to MK and asked a CM where the Magic Kingdom was. The CM instructed this poor woman to take the ferry across the lagoon and hop on a monorail and take it to the MK. I'm sure the CM thought he/she was being really funny. And the person who wrote the post thought their friend (the CM) was being really clever and funny for doing that. But I personally think that was a really mean thing to do to the guest. And truthfully, I think it says a lot about the diminishing quality of many of the CMs these days.

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