Amazingly dumb and sometimes funny things other guests say...

Yellow Shoes said:
I would respectfully suggest that the show at Enchanted Tiki Birds consists of sitting and watching talking birds.

(but I love it anyway...)

No. He thought the preshow outside where you stand watching the birds taking was the whole show.

Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
What I meant was that talking birds is pretty much all you get at that attraction--it isn't like there is a boat ride inside or anything.

Sitting or standing--pre-show or show's talking birds.


New Member
One of the most memorable comments that I've heard was while riding Test Track back during my CP. I was riding in the front of my car and there was a four or five-year old girl with her dad riding in the back row. As the ride progressed, the little girl started to become noticeably upset. Then, as we went through the twists and turn of the non-ABS/ABS comparison, she started to cry. Her dad then decided to comfort her with "Don't worry honey, it's just like mommy's driving!" The effort failed and the girl started to cry even more. Although I tend to keep my reactions to other people's conversations to myself, the dad's comment was too much and I just started laughing.


New Member
Ok, this didn't happen at Disney but it's still pretty funny. My boyfriend and I and some friends were over and we were watching Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. They got to the part where Hagrid brings home Norbert the dragon and my friend says to me "Dragons are extinct now, right?" :hammer:


New Member
ntn_haqqer said:
What's the funniest/dumbest thing overheard when you went to Disney?

When I was there in 2003, my friend and I were waiting at the hub in front of the Partner's statue for the fireworks. We hear rustling from behind us, then a really confused voice ask, "Where's the castle?"

We tried really hard to not laugh until the woman was gone.. but that became the catch phrase for 'obvious much?' of the rest of our trip. :hammer:

2 years later, we still ask, "Where's the castle?" and I am sure it will be brought up multiple times when we are in the World next month. :lol:
Yellow Shoes said:
What I meant was that talking birds is pretty much all you get at that attraction--it isn't like there is a boat ride inside or anything.

Sitting or standing--pre-show or show's talking birds.

True. lol


Active Member
A couple of trips back, we were stood in the holding area of Voyage of the Little Mermaid. There must have been a tech. problem as we seemed to have been waiting for about 30 minutes.

After a while we noticed a small group of English tourists (fellow countrymen!) - that consisted of 2 13-16 year olds and their parents. It must have been their first trip to WDW because they were talking complete rubbish! :hammer: My girlfriend and I exchanged several glances with each other, and made a point of listening in on what they were saying.

They began to get really impatient with the waiting, this is the part that made us really laugh - about 1 minute before the theatre doors opened, the father said "Come on let's p**s off and go to McDonald's!" :lol: :brick:

So in a nutshell, this family payed several thousands of pounds to travel half the way around the world to stand in a queue, and then leave one of the best themeparks in the world to buy a cheeseburger!:veryconfu

It was only about 11.30 am when this happened, so they would have only been on a few rides/shows before they decided to bail out! Fools!


Well-Known Member
I was talking to my husband and he asked me if I mentioned our little remarks so I thought I should add them as well.

On our big trip in Dec. the youngest kids were 3 & 4 and they kept hearing the older kids talking about SSE & CBJ & ToT just like that, in the acronym form, so all of a sudden our 4 yr old daughter started saying "I need to see EPT" and my oldest nephew was 15 & he looked at grandma and said "WHY does she need a pregnancy test???" but for the rest of the trip we were always headed for EPT no matter where we were going.

The second thing was my first use of a digital camera, we don't own one but my mother had just won a $400 model that was fairly straightforward to use. So I took the picture and it made the noise and without thinking I said "Wow, its just like a camera!" again the king of the nephew began saying little things throughout the trip drinking fountains he'd say "hey aunt carrie, its just like real water." needless to say hubby and nephew didn't let me live it down!


New Member
Not a Disney story, but my husband manages a coffee shop and one of his employees (a 16 year old rich girl) told him that she got a conterfeit penny, what should she do with it. He looked at it and told her that it wasn't counterfeit, it was a Canadian penny. She looked at him oddly and said, "They have different money??" He said, "Yes, they are a different county." She replied, "no they're not, they are connected to us." My husband says, "well what about Mexico? they're connected to us." The girl thinks about this for a second and says, "no, Mexico is a different country because they speak a different language."

I love this story. Though it makes me weep for the future of humanity...


Well-Known Member
I have been on Sovereign of the Seas as well. Here's what I remember:

Does this elevator run to the front or back of the ship?
Has this ship ever sunk?
Does the crew sleep onboard?
Is the water in the toliets fresh or salt water?
What do you do with the ice carvings after they have melted?
If the photos in the gallary aren't labled, how do we know which one is ours?
When is the midnight buffet?

As far as at disney goes...i've heard some real good ones.

My favorite was the guy who INSISTED that he met Walt Disney on opening day of Walt Disney World.

Confusions with Fastpass seem to be pretty good, but all the stories are the same.

As the fireworks are going off, a man turned to me and said "Did Wishes get canceled?"

I'll try to think of some more.


Well-Known Member
EchoOfOphelia said:
Not a Disney story, but my husband manages a coffee shop and one of his employees (a 16 year old rich girl) told him that she got a conterfeit penny, what should she do with it. He looked at it and told her that it wasn't counterfeit, it was a Canadian penny. She looked at him oddly and said, "They have different money??" He said, "Yes, they are a different county." She replied, "no they're not, they are connected to us." My husband says, "well what about Mexico? they're connected to us." The girl thinks about this for a second and says, "no, Mexico is a different country because they speak a different language."

I love this story. Though it makes me weep for the future of humanity...

I like that story (I have my reasons)... OMG! That means that France floated across the Atlantic! That's why there's French-speakers in Canada! :eek: :lookaroun


Active Member
luckyeye13 said:
One of the most memorable comments that I've heard was while riding Test Track back during my CP. I was riding in the front of my car and there was a four or five-year old girl with her dad riding in the back row. As the ride progressed, the little girl started to become noticeably upset. Then, as we went through the twists and turn of the non-ABS/ABS comparison, she started to cry. Her dad then decided to comfort her with "Don't worry honey, it's just like mommy's driving!" The effort failed and the girl started to cry even more. Although I tend to keep my reactions to other people's conversations to myself, the dad's comment was too much and I just started laughing.

We were waiting in line for rock n roller coaster just behind a woman with her son, age about 7 or 8. The son was afraid to go on the roller coaster. His mother said "You liked It's a Small World, didn't you? This is just like that ride."


New Member
A couple off the top of my head are:

People who ask about that "fantasmo" show, or "fast magic"...

My [future] mother in law (even though she's been to Epcot MANY times) continues to refer to Test Track as "Fast Track".

And then there was that woman in MGM walking through the Walt Disney: One Man's Dream tour and insisting that Michael Eisner was Walt Disney's nephew. I tried explaining the family tree to her, but she was insistent, so I just walked away. :::shudder:::


Well-Known Member
I hope I can do this story justice....Was standing in line at Rock and Roller Coaster and this guy was pushing his wife in a wheelchair (with a neck brace on). He just had to get to the front of the line because his wife's back was hurting so bad and they just had to get on the ride. The CM definately handled this better than I would have he just told the man nicely that his wife really shouldn't be riding the ride if her back was hurt. I'm hoping the man just didn't know what kind of ride he was getting into. But of course my first thoughts were he was just trying to cut in line and I found it absurd he would even bring a wheelchair bound person wearing a neck brace on the ride.


New Member
When I was in Disneyland a few years back I noticed this Lady and her kids sitting on the curb on Main Street. Her kids were throwing popcorn all over the ground on purpose. Then a CM came by and started sweeping it up. She looks at the CM and goes "I guess my kids are making a mess for yah" and starts to laugh. and then lets her kids keep on throwing popcorn around and never telling them to stop!! If I was that CM I would have hit her with my broom!

Rude stupid people


Well-Known Member
In line for the Great Movie says "this is it?!"....looking at preshow trailers while the doors to the tram were open visibly loading guests. :D


New Member
Ive got one that just blew my mind away.

Im a CM on main street working at one of the outside carts watching Wishes. The show concludes and the lights come back on and a guy who was standing in the middle of the street for the entire show, approachs me and seriously asks me "what time do the fireworks start?".

I told him those were the fireworks and he was still confused.
The parade is for everyone :kiss:

Back in October of 2000, my husband and I were at Epcot and decided to begin waiting for the ToN parade, which wasn't going to start for about 15 minutes. We found an empty spot next to a a little fence and decided to stand there. Up a little ways from us was a man with a video camera, his wife and 2 small children on a bench. The man began yelling us to move, that we were blcoking his shot. We are from Arkansas and were shocked that someone was screaming at us so at first we just stared at him. Then his wife said we needed to "get lost" so I decided we weren't moving. :mad: He began to yell in a foreign language, I believe it was Spanish, but since I didn't speak Spanish I was not moved by whatever was said. So we both just stood there and stared some more. :p He finally got the attention of some other folks that were looking for a place to stand for the parade and a CM that was getting in place to direct traffic and as he started over to get right in our faces a couple of "tourists" and a different CM appeared and took him for a walk. Why would he think he would get a shot of the parade without any guests in it? :hammer:


Beta Return
themack618 said:
Ive got one that just blew my mind away.

Im a CM on main street working at one of the outside carts watching Wishes. The show concludes and the lights come back on and a guy who was standing in the middle of the street for the entire show, approachs me and seriously asks me "what time do the fireworks start?".

I told him those were the fireworks and he was still confused.

Ok.....yeah.....that guy should be removed from the gene pool, for sure!!!

There have been several more stories about people mispronouncing the name of rides, attractions, shows and parades - and again, I don't think I'd consider these people idiots or stupid. They're just not Disney freaks like all of us. If you go to a Universal Studios internet forum (if there indeed are any), or to the park itself, and start calling rides by incorrect names - in front of a Universal Studios freak - they'd be irritated with you as well, but I don't think that you'd consider yourself an idiot, eh?

But incident like the one above, where an upright walking human being can't identify fireworks.....whew, that's scary. Or others who can't identify a castle that's standing nearly 200' high right in front of them - yikes!
About the Tiki Room post:
Whether the man was refering to the preshow or the real show, it was still rude of him to leave the atraction and tell people not to ride an atraction because of his personal opinion. There are people who don't ride "trill" rides that wouldn't even think of riding thae ride then step out telling people it was crap. The rides are meant to be enjoyed by all. If this guy doesn't like it then he can shove it up his a**. anywho. Lets stop arguing over stuff that don't matter. I mean why wast the space telling someone else they where wrong for what they heard. It's not only rude of you to say what did or did not take place but it makes the posts very boring. then others have jto make posts much like this one and take up more space and time telling you to stop. so just tell your stories and enjoy the rest. don't B**** about the others.

Sry. to those wanting to here a story but I don't have anything other than wrong names, or bad directions/advice from other guests.

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