Ahsoka D+ Show (Spoiler Thread)

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
It’s just that there were no stories…it was a cynical crap on the originals…and ended up be overall a train wrecking into a dumpster on fire on a sinking ship…

But other than that…how was the play, Mrs. Lincoln?
Agreed. That's why I say a matter of distance. Far enough down the line, the sequels won't matter. A good creative can take the character and bring it back to the light side. Just look at Ashoka. I have to say, I don't know many that didn't start off either hating the character or just being just annoyed with her. Just because the introduction was a train wreck, doesn't necessarily mean the character is irredeemable. That said, under this regimen? No chance. Kennedy and crew need to be a blip in the rearview mirror for there to be a chance.


Well-Known Member
At some point in the future, whether its the ones announced or to be announced they will make another film. I know you don't believe it'll happen, but you don't have to stomp down every post that brings up the idea of a potential future movie.
Also, the difference this time around is that all 3 had directors and specific concepts announced. All the others that had been cancelled were just "such and such is working on a new Star Wars movie". And Daisy Ridley was announced to be back on board.

Tying the three would not be too terribly difficult, but the order of the films would have to be different.

Filoni: Have Thrawn tap into/unleash/utilize something ancient that he wants to use against the heroes to bring back the Empire
Dawn: Have a story that fleshes out said ancient mysterious entity
Rey: That entity had been subdued but only temporarily and comes back to the surface due to whoever Rey is training.


Premium Member
At some point in the future, whether its the ones announced or to be announced they will make another film. I know you don't believe it'll happen, but you don't have to stomp down every post that brings up the idea of a potential future movie.
..you’d think they’d make another movie..

But seem to have trouble getting out of the blocks…

In order for a movie to get made…it has to make some sense?
Almost nothing has

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
In order for a movie to get made…it has to make some sense?
Almost nothing has
That's just it, almost none of their strategy has made any sense. From the rollout of the sequels with zero plan, till now, they haven't had any sort of consistent direction. Jon came along and gave us mando and it seemed like they had some direction. But even that's gone a bit sideways with the whole Gina fiasco and rangers of the republic cancelation. And that hurt mando season 3 in my opinion. Ashokas been good and I hope they stick this landing. But when you look at the future, what makes sense? Not a lot. It's just a hodgepodge of ideas all being thrown about. The mando-verse film at least ties into what's going on right now. But everything else is just all over the place. A Rey sequel to dawn of the jedi to a film set in the universe of the worst performing star wars movie? It's all very strange.


Premium Member
But when you look at the future, what makes sense?
I think you are discounting that before they dis mando… no one considered that a viable option either.

Or rogue one…

And the content in later rebels/clone wars was great too. Leaning on more olde lore than the OT

They have had a good run of topics that aren’t luke/leia/han - don’t short them


Premium Member
I think you are discounting that before they dis mando… no one considered that a viable option either.

Or rogue one…

And the content in later rebels/clone wars was great too. Leaning on more olde lore than the OT

They have had a good run of topics that aren’t luke/leia/han - don’t short them

Rogue one was John knoll

Mando and Ahsoka are Dave filoni

Those are Lucas people.

So what have we learned about Disney?

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
I think you are discounting that before they dis mando… no one considered that a viable option either.

Or rogue one…

And the content in later rebels/clone wars was great too. Leaning on more olde lore than the OT

They have had a good run of topics that aren’t luke/leia/han - don’t short them
When Mando released, we were in the thick of the sequels. Remember it released about a month before 9. So that was the direction, ep7, 8 & 9 and another saga after that was the thought. I'm not saying they shouldn't do things like Ashoka, rogue one, Clone wars, mando... That's all great. The point was we have no zero direction now. At least when they announced they were making more star wars when Disney purchased it, they said 3 sequels with movies in-between the saga films.

There isn't that throughput with what's going on now. You have 4 very different films with basically no connection outside of, they're star wars. It just seems like an odd way to restart your cinematic presence. Don't mistake what I'm saying as I'm against these films. I'm just not a fan of the plan. It seems like it's a throw stuff at the wall, and see if anything sticks. But that's not what star wars needs right now. I hate that Ashokas been good and I still have no one in my circles talking about it.


Premium Member
There isn't that throughput with what's going on now. You have 4 very different films with basically no connection outside of, they're star wars. It just seems like an odd way to restart your cinematic presence
Star wars is a universe- not a single story arc.

Having more than one thread going and isn’t necessarily directly tied to the OT is the strength of what they are doing now.

It was disney’s stupid attempt to swap the OT characters 1:1 in the sequels in some sort of handoff that blew up so badly. Same reason every hates on them for not doing the old republic etc. they didn’t need han’s baby, etc.

Getting away from that is what will create a strong base


Premium Member
When Mando released, we were in the thick of the sequels. Remember it released about a month before 9. So that was the direction, ep7, 8 & 9 and another saga after that was the thought. I'm not saying they shouldn't do things like Ashoka, rogue one, Clone wars, mando... That's all great. The point was we have no zero direction now. At least when they announced they were making more star wars when Disney purchased it, they said 3 sequels with movies in-between the saga films.

There isn't that throughput with what's going on now. You have 4 very different films with basically no connection outside of, they're star wars. It just seems like an odd way to restart your cinematic presence. Don't mistake what I'm saying as I'm against these films. I'm just not a fan of the plan. It seems like it's a throw stuff at the wall, and see if anything sticks. But that's not what star wars needs right now. I hate that Ashokas been good and I still have no one in my circles talking about it.
They tanked the sequels…so since it’s been the biggest case of damage control In Hollywood history


Premium Member
Star wars is a universe- not a single story arc.

Having more than one thread going and isn’t necessarily directly tied to the OT is the strength of what they are doing now.

It was disney’s stupid attempt to swap the OT characters 1:1 in the sequels in some sort of handoff that blew up so badly. Same reason every hates on them for not doing the old republic etc. they didn’t need han’s baby, etc.

Getting away from that is what will create a strong base

The entire core audience wanted “after Jedi” for 30 years

So that wasn’t “wrong”…what they did was completely wrong and obtuse

You don’t reboot

What in the actual hell was that?

Disney Irish

Premium Member
..you’d think they’d make another movie..
Technically they have already, all the D+ shows are basically movies in episodic form.

But eventually they will make another one that releases in theaters too. And hopefully its the 3 announced at Celebration as they appears to be moving in the right direction.

Point is you don't have to trying to squash down any talk about any of the announced movies just because you don't believe they will get made. As we all like to say, its a discussion forum so let posters post about the movies if they wish.

But seem to have trouble getting out of the blocks…
And with at least the Filoni movie that hopes to be alleviated. Just need to strikes to be over so they can get started with production.

In order for a movie to get made…it has to make some sense?
Almost nothing has
Its a franchise about space wizards, why does any of it have to make sense.


Well-Known Member
Obsessing about what has been made isn't going to make anything better. And just because some movies from a few years ago fell flat on the audience doesn't mean there isn't any hope for future products, especially when we've already seen a few shining stars. Not all of Mando was great, but much of it has been. Not all of Andor satisfied fans, but it was overall very well received. Ahsoka started off a bit slow, but the last couple of episodes have made people feel like they are back in the SW universe. We still don't know what Skeleton Crew and Acolyte will bring and there are movies on the horizon. Sit back and, instead of complaining about the past, look hopeful to the future based on recent successes and high moments.

A lack of oversight was the biggest and most glaring problem with the ST. That has been well documented and fans screamed it from the rooftops. Filoni and Favreau are heavily involved now and know that complaint very very well.

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
Star wars is a universe- not a single story arc.

Having more than one thread going and isn’t necessarily directly tied to the OT is the strength of what they are doing now.
I agree, that's why I said all the stuff like rogue one, Ashoka, mando... All good. My point was you should have an anchor point in my opinion. Something like knights of the old republic could be the anchor saga, then you have your one offs.
Getting away from that is what will create a strong base
Exactly. But it shouldn't just be willy nilly all over the place. Pick an era, and get a story people can invest in. Once you have that, you then do side stories. I think rogue one was very much helped by the hype of ep7 and the promise of the sequels as a whole.


Well-Known Member
I agree, that's why I said all the stuff like rogue one, Ashoka, mando... All good. My point was you should have an anchor point in my opinion. Something like knights of the old republic could be the anchor saga, then you have your one offs.

Exactly. But it shouldn't just be willy nilly all over the place. Pick an era, and get a story people can invest in. Once you have that, you then do side stories. I think rogue one was very much helped by the hype of ep7 and the promise of the sequels as a whole.
When you look at Rogue One, it is kind of a mess. Sure it was fun but they jump all over the place and the Rebellion does some pretty stupid things. The story could have been better. It is saved by the grace of the Force Awakens and the banter of the two jedi temple guys.

I remember seeing The Force Awakens and having a great time until that third act where they are all meeting on how to destroy Starkiller base. Then I groaned and realized they are just redoing A New Hope. It was a complete let down. The Last Jedi made no sense and was painful to watch. When they brought back the Emperor, I was thinking why didn't they just make a movie trilogy version of Dark Empire in the first place.



Premium Member
When you look at Rogue One, it is kind of a mess. Sure it was fun but they jump all over the place and the Rebellion does some pretty stupid things. The story could have been better. It is saved by the grace of the Force Awakens and the banter of the two jedi temple guys.

I remember seeing The Force Awakens and having a great time until that third act where they are all meeting on how to destroy Starkiller base. Then I groaned and realized they are just redoing A New Hope. It was a complete let down. The Last Jedi made no sense and was painful to watch. When they brought back the Emperor, I was thinking why didn't they just make a movie trilogy version of Dark Empire in the first place.

R1 was “ok” at the time…but at least It felt like Star Wars.

We had NO idea what they were doing after…so in retrospect it looks like Citizen Kane…

The “high point”

What a “failure to Launch”…all of it.

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
The story could have been better. It is saved by the grace of the Force Awakens and the banter of the two jedi temple guys.
And don't forget the epic Darth Vader scene. The big problem with rogue one is the same problem that Disney has had since owning the ip. They can't seem to find a direction. They asked for a gritty war movie, then said oh crap, this might be too much. Then proceeded to re-shoot most of the film. Just like Solo. Unfortunately Solo had the honor of coming after last jedi. So it didn't get that excitement bump that rogue one got.

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