Ahsoka D+ Show (Spoiler Thread)

Disney Irish

Premium Member
On EP7, enjoyed seeing 3PO and some classic Jedi vs storm trooper battle.

Ahsoka's reaction to seeing Ezra is probably a bit more what some were expecting how Sabine would react. But thinking about it, she was acting coy as she was hiding both her feelings plus the fact she thought Aksoka had died and the trying to cover up her "guilt" on betraying her in order to get to Ezra.

Anyways, another good episode. Overall I would put the whole series tied with Andor but slightly below Mando.


Well-Known Member
I've seen people debating where Ahsoka falls in the timeline with some saying that it's after Mandalorian season 3 because the Mando-verse shows are shown in chronological order and others arguing that it's taking place between seasons 2 & 3.

This episode definitively answers that question since Carson Teva mentions the "conflict" with Moff Gideon on Mandalore, establishing that Ahsoka is after Mando season 3, and that the shows (so far) are in chronological order.


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
Thus far they've shown him unable to find Ezra for 15 years... while Ezra has just been hanging out down the street with a bunch of caravaning crickets and their beat up Winnebagos. Also the first actual engagement we see him partake in, against said Winnebago riding crickets and their jedi friends, he is defeated with little effort.
I find Thrawn's decisions to be perfectly logical. While other characters want to run around to follow their emotions finding and killing enemies, Thrawn remains completely focused on being rescued from a distant galaxy, leaving those possible enemies themselves stranded. If it wasn't for his deal with the witches, he'd be outta there already.

And all the while Ezra showed no intention of hunting and killing Thrawn, it was wise to let him be. Why would Thrawn expend resources to kill someone who just stayed in hiding?

Thrawn isn't a mustache twirling victim who screams EZRA!!! in the middle of the night for stranding him. His one goal: get un-stranded.


Well-Known Member
I think i've about settled on this series being completely meh.

If Thrawn is supposed to be some kind of genius mastermind, i'm not seeing it. So far all that has happened is him letting Ahsoka get away and thinking it was brilliant, only to have it backfire on him. Then when that Morgan whatsherface witch rightfully calls him out on having failed, he pulls the "nuh uh, see ackshually we really won when you twist things to make me look cool and smart, here's a pseudo wise sounding line of dialog so you totally believe me".

Sabine and especially Ahsoka are boring and have really poor dialog and acting. While I was never the biggest fan of Sabine or Rebels itself, she at least had personality and emotion in it. Ahsoka is particularly baffling though, she had a ton of charisma in Clone Wars. And while she matured quite a bit, she always remained lively and upbeat, even in Rebels. I literally don't get what happened to the character in Mando and this series. She's just so wooden and her one personality trait seems to be speaking with an aloof or bored snooty tone. I almost even prefer her obnoxious and bratty personality from the early Clone Wars era before she became an actually good character. Can't believe I'm saying that either because she was terrible back then...

Ahsoka also seems to have been nerfed since the tail end of Clone Wars and Rebels. Beforehand she fought and managed to defeat Darth Maul, a literal Sith lord who actually managed to put up a decent fight for a bit against Sidious himself earlier. She consistently made fools of every Inquisitor she faced, beating one of them with ease while completely unarmed in Tales of the Jedi and also making fools out of the others in Rebels. The culmination of her feats was her duel with Vader. He did outmatch her, but the duel lasted a long while and she gave him the fight of his life and even damaged his helmet badly.

This series is something like a decade or more after Rebels, so you would figure Ahsoka would be even stronger, yet she takes a lot longer to beat that nobody Inquisitor Marrok (that all the fans were laughably thinking would be important). And so far she has yet to be able to best Baylon, whom she seemingly admits she can't win against. Despite it making little sense given her prior feats. I can't fathom that Baylon is remotely on the same level of power as Vader. He doesn't seem particularly confident in his own power either, given that he's trying to seek out Thrawn to become the new Emperor instead of just doing so himself.

I find Thrawn's decisions to be perfectly logical. While other characters want to run around to follow their emotions finding and killing enemies, Thrawn remains completely focused on being rescued from a distant galaxy, leaving those possible enemies themselves stranded. If it wasn't for his deal with the witches, he'd be outta there already.

And all the while Ezra showed no intention of hunting and killing Thrawn, it was wise to let him be. Why would Thrawn expend resources to kill someone who just stayed in hiding?

Thrawn isn't a mustache twirling victim who screams EZRA!!! in the middle of the night for stranding him. His one goal: get un-stranded.
Because he should not be taking ANY chances with allowing even one Jedi to live. It is the epitome of extreme foolishness. There is great precedent in this franchise to demonstrate what the consequences are for doing so. Thrawn of all people should realize that, given that Ezra was the one who stranded him there in the first place. And he'll have been informed by those who came to rescue him of the events that happened with the empire in his absence.

Leaving just a single jedi alive can topple an empire. An empire infinitely larger and stronger than Thrawn's tiny remnant of troops. One led by a man who was himself far more powerful, intelligent and intuitive than Thrawn.

As much as I hate the sequel trilogy, especially Last Jedi, even Kylo Ren knew the massive threat just a single jedi was. Despite no one around him taking it seriously.


The sad thing is that Thrawn does start out taking the threat seriously. Especially when he's warned by Baylon and also the nightsisters. But he abruptly changes his mind and decides to not put the maximum effort in. And then after the jedi demonstrate that they are indeed a serious threat to him, he goes into denial and thinks he's already won anyway because "time".

It's also impossible to care or be concerned about his return because the sequel trilogy already exists. We know he's not going to have any real impact on anything, no one ever brings him up in any of those movies. Unless they make it so that his influence isn't felt until post Episode 9, whatever he ends up doing is going to be completely inconsequential to the franchise.


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
Then why did he send two squads of stormtroopers to get slaughtered by Shellbo Baggins crickets and their jedi friends?
Elsabeth wanted more, he limited it to two. That would have been sufficient, if Baylen didn't bail and if Ahsoka didn't show up.

They same way he limited the hunt for Sabine and Ezra with just 'the mercenaries.' He was guarding his resource and stated whether they were found or not didn't really matter compared with getting un-stranded.


Well-Known Member
Then why did he send two squads of stormtroopers to get slaughtered by Shellbo Baggins crickets and their jedi friends?
He was expecting Baylan to be there. Also unlike a lot of villains, he didn't just blindly keep after them. Once Ahsoka showed up, and it was clear that his troops were outmatched, he called a tactical retreat, understanding that slowing them down enough that they can't stop him from leaving and they miss the only bus out of Peridea was practically as good as killing or capturing them.

He's been pretty clear about his strategy. In the previous episode, he mentioned that it doesn't matter if his enemies are dead or just left stranded, so even though he lost troops, it still ultimately serviced his objective by keeping them out of his hair long enough for him to get out of Dodge.


Well-Known Member
He was expecting Baylan to be there. Also unlike a lot of villains, he didn't just blindly keep after them. Once Ahsoka showed up, and it was clear that his troops were outmatched, he called a tactical retreat, understanding that slowing them down enough that they can't stop him from leaving and they miss the only bus out of Peridea was practically as good as killing or capturing them.

He's been pretty clear about his strategy. In the previous episode, he mentioned that it doesn't matter if his enemies are dead or just left stranded, so even though he lost troops, it still ultimately serviced his objective by keeping them out of his hair long enough for him to get out of Dodge.
It's a bad strategy for a would-be new supposedly brilliant emperor to leave jedi alive. Sidious and especially Vader had actual sense and realized they needed to be proactive about trying to locate and wipe out every single jedi they could. Even as arrogant as Sidious was about his power, he still knew they were the greatest threat to his plans. Missing only a couple of them was their downfall. And again (not to give praise to the sequels), even Kylo Ren knew what a threat they were and didn't mess around.

Thrawn himself should already know better than to disregard them just from his own experiences. A jedi padawan, still young and very inexperienced with his training very incomplete, was responsible for stranding him in another galaxy for over a decade. Presumably Morgan and Baylan also informed Thrawn on how the empire fell and the individuals who were responsible for killing the Emperor. So he should have taken them as a threat much more seriously and gone full scorched earth on dealing with them.


Well-Known Member
Thrawn himself should already know better than to disregard them just from his own experiences. A jedi padawan, still young and very inexperienced with his training very incomplete, was responsible for stranding him in another galaxy for over a decade. Presumably Morgan and Baylan also informed Thrawn on how the empire fell and the individuals who were responsible for killing the Emperor. So he should have taken them as a threat much more seriously and gone full scorched earth on dealing with them.
He's not disregarding them. He just realizes that it doesn't matter how dangerous they are if he leaves before they get there (the purgill nope'd out, so they have no way to follow). Marooned or dead are essentially the same to him, so he's taking the path of least resistance and conserving his resources.


Well-Known Member
He's not disregarding them. He just realizes that it doesn't matter how dangerous they are if he leaves before they get there (the purgill nope'd out, so they have no way to follow). Marooned or dead are essentially the same to him, so he's taking the path of least resistance and conserving his resources.

But the whales always show up when needed. I suppose the minefield may keep them away but there's a pretty big hole in that.

Tha Realest

Well-Known Member
I feel like the finale will result in Ahsoka and friends being stranded on the planet, with Baylan and Manic Pixie Jedi Girl realizing they too have been abandoned, and that they must team up if they have any hope of surviving and getting off the planet in a future installment of the Rebels/Mando/Ahsoka-verse*

*perhaps Skeleton Crew, Ahsoka S2, or the Filoni film?


Well-Known Member
I feel like the finale will result in Ahsoka and friends being stranded on the planet, with Baylan and Manic Pixie Jedi Girl realizing they too have been abandoned, and that they must team up if they have any hope of surviving and getting off the planet in a future installment of the Rebels/Mando/Ahsoka-verse*

*perhaps Skeleton Crew, Ahsoka S2, or the Filoni film?
They get on Ahsoka's ship, dodge the mine field and hitch a ride with a space whale.
Ahsoka goes back between worlds and finds a portal to get them back home.
They tie the huts together during a hurricane that washes them into the shipping lanes to be rescued after fifteen years of being castaways.


Well-Known Member
But the whales always show up when needed. I suppose the minefield may keep them away but there's a pretty big hole in that.
That's totally a possibility; even the best tactical strategy would be no match for a deus ex machina. 😏

Although purgill have never just shown up out of nowhere before. Ezra went back to the mining planet to get them in 'Rebels', and they were already there at Seatos before anyone showed up, so they've always known where to find a pod of purgill to ask for help, but now they have no idea where the purgill went, and the minefield might have them skittish to return to Peridea. And yet, it still feels like a real possibility.

I feel like the finale will result in Ahsoka and friends being stranded on the planet, with Baylan and Manic Pixie Jedi Girl realizing they too have been abandoned, and that they must team up if they have any hope of surviving and getting off the planet in a future installment of the Rebels/Mando/Ahsoka-verse*

*perhaps Skeleton Crew, Ahsoka S2, or the Filoni film?
I could see this happening, too with season 2 going full Star Trek: Voyager and being about exploring the planets of this strange new galaxy as they search for the purgill or another way to get home. So many new merchandise opportuni.... I mean new alien species to discover.


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
Although purgill have never just shown up out of nowhere before. Ezra went back to the mining planet to get them in 'Rebels', and they were already there at Seatos before anyone showed up, so they've always known where to find a pod of purgill to ask for help, but now they have no idea where the purgill went, and the minefield might have them skittish to return to Peridea. And yet, it still feels like a real possibility.
Plus one was spotted by Grogu while hyperspacing.

And all the lore established so far in Ahsoka is that the purgill were regularly used by ancient civilizations to hyperspace around before Force users and computers took over for hyperspace guidance.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Plus one was spotted by Grogu while hyperspacing.

And all the lore established so far in Ahsoka is that the purgill were regularly used by ancient civilizations to hyperspace around before Force users and computers took over for hyperspace guidance.
Also for the Starcruiser haters… the Halcyon is a MPO-1400 Purgill class Starcruiser. Its name comes from the ancient Purgill who were as you just mentioned used regularly for Hyperspace travel.


Well-Known Member
And all the lore established so far in Ahsoka is that the purgill were regularly used by ancient civilizations to hyperspace around before Force users and computers took over for hyperspace guidance.
This reminds me of a question that crossed my mind. If the Dathomiri were the first civilization to use the purgill for space travel, why didn't the Great Mothers just wrangle some purgill to take Thrawn home instead of placing a long-distance call to Morgan Elsbeth and having her spend (presumably) years building an intergalactic hyperspace ring?

I suppose Ezra could have communicated that Thrawn was bad, and word got around purgill social media, but still, you have to at least wonder.


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
This reminds me of a question that crossed my mind. If the Dathomiri were the first civilization to use the purgill for space travel, why didn't the Great Mothers just wrangle some purgill to take Thrawn home instead of placing a long-distance call to Morgan Elsbeth and having her spend (presumably) years building an intergalactic hyperspace ring?

I suppose Ezra could have communicated that Thrawn was bad, and word got around purgill social media, but still, you have to at least wonder.
Maybe the purgill don't take Dark Force hitchhikers?


Premium Member
This reminds me of a question that crossed my mind. If the Dathomiri were the first civilization to use the purgill for space travel, why didn't the Great Mothers just wrangle some purgill to take Thrawn home instead of placing a long-distance call to Morgan Elsbeth and having her spend (presumably) years building an intergalactic hyperspace ring?

Lost knowledge maybe? Missing resources?

It's still unsaid what is left of the Dathomiri on the planet now. It's inferred Thrawn is long hauling corpses for the mothers.. but we don't know why they need to be taken in this form if it's the same mothers that would resurrect them... why not just it there and ride some purgil to where ever?

All of this suggests the mothers on the planet are isolated or lacking things they need to rebuild their numbers. Could be knowledge, could be specific people, could be resources, etc.


Premium Member
some interesting theories in this video -

about how they tie this show into skeleton crew and mando.. specifically around who gets back or not. I found a lot of it plausible thinking...

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