Okay, I wrote down stuff as I read so I wouldn't forget. First, thank you to your Mom!
I’ve had the Mickey bowls 5 years I’m pretty sure. Just the bowls, nothing else.
Isn’t that first view of the ship so exciting! We all burst into applause whenever we see it. Or maybe that’s just me…:lookaroun
Our impression of Vibe and Edge was the same as Chandler’s. Vibe is so much cooler!
I am cracking up that you took a picture under the bed. Genius!!
You had the most awesome Fish Extender gifts!! Wow!! I want to be in your group next time!
You answering the door in the towel cracked me up!! I’m sure they’ve seen much worse too.
Your pedicure story was horrible!! Oh my word! I get my nails done all the time but I am terrified of pedicures and that is exactly why!! I’m so afraid they will hurt!! Now, after reading your story, I know I will never ever try one. Uh uh. No way. And I can’t believe she was still giving you the sales pitch after making you bleed!! Crazy!!
I have always read that you should ask for “No sales pitch” right when you check in. Your story reinforces that.
I’ve definitely had emotional breakdowns on even the most perfect of vacations.
Yes! Nigel is back by the elevators and Cabanas on deck 11.
Your story about the 5K and Brian’s excitement was so neat.
I felt so sad for Chandler!! Did he try to call you on the wave phones? I’m sorry! I’m glad you got to play golf with him later.
You and Guy – best picture ever!! Shout out to the Girl’s cruise!! Your trip report is getting me so excited about it again!! Woo hoo!!! :sohappy:
I desperately want those butter knives. Why oh why won’t they sell them to us?
I agree, Animators on the Dream is about my favorite restaurant on the planet. I’m anxious to see if the Fantasy’s version will be as awesome. It sounds promising!
Shutter's rules are always crazy. That place is a cash cow though. The shops are hardly ever open on 3 night cruises. They can’t open in port so it really is hard to spend enough time in there sometimes!
Ah man, I want to see the whole dress after that story!! :lol: That cake is beautiful!
And I’m so glad you got a picture of the Newfies!! :sohappy:
Ooohh...good info on the bowls. 5 years, huh? That's pretty good. Must be better quality than the stuff off Disneystore.com.
Isn't it amazing how much space is under that bed?! Tracey had a total moment when I ran into the room and flung myself on the floor to get a good look underneath. I'd read how much space is there so I was itching to see it. LOL! I also totally love that the nightstands are attached to the wall so you can still store stuff underneath there, too. I actually kept my box I shipped my stuff in under my nightstand so I could put all our incoming FE treats inside it. I'm telling you, for the most part those staterooms are pure genius with all the storage solutions that make the most of the space.
See?! I guess I'm just not as savvy as some folks! I had noooo clue you could make the "no sales" thing known up front without looking like a total class-less idiot. That's great info!
Aw man! I didn't mean to put you off to having your toes done, Tammy! I've had mine done more times than I can count over the years. Until recently I always kept up my pedis at salons because I ruined an expensive duvet and messed up our carpet with nail polish several years ago doing my own. Tracey has a "thing" about my nails looking pretty. I have never ever eeeever had anything like the toe-hacking happen to me. Not even close. I'm not one of those that goes all gaga over having my toes done and rave about how relaxing it is. It's something I sit thru to get to the end product: pretty toes without ruining stuff. If you've never done it you should try it. If the cuticle trimming or any aspect scares you just tell them up front not to do that. I always specify not to rub or massage my shins or calves. I hate that!
The thing with Chandler was really sad. I felt so bad for him. We didn't take the Wave phone out on the beach because we were trying not to take any valuables. I was afraid it'd get messed up and I'd be out $250. We took for granted that we'd have no problems that we would've needed the phones for. Oh well. Stuff happens. I made it up to him in the end the best I could. He understands.
I want the entire place settings for Animator's! AND the butter knives! That place is just amazing from floor to ceiling. The food is da bomb! I think I'm with you: favorite restaurant in the whole wide world!
Shutters was so annoying. I knew going in that they're a total cash cow (good way to describe it). Of course they weren't going to make buying an assortment of pics affordable. They really do push those photo cds. Looking back I regret not spending to buy the Captain Jack pic. I definitely cut off my nose to spite my face on that one. After I found out about the pricing structure I was hell-bent on not spending as much as I originally was going to.
Oh geez! I've packed on a few pounds since the trip. My killer dress might not be as killer. I'm afraid to even look! When I get home I'll give it a shot. It's the simplest dress, made out of a jersey material.
I'll be posting more tomorrow. I got like 3 hours sleep and have been going all day. I'm so sleep-deprived now it's hard to keep my mind focused enough to reply coherently. Not good. LOL!
Haven't been on for a week or so, and what a nice surprise to see your report! Just spent the last hour reading.
Things I remember:
~I am in total agreement that any/all professional photos in the World are well worth the dollars spent.
~Love the Dooney Cruise bag. I own zip, zilcho of any type of "fancy" bag...practicality always seems to win out. But, two of my boys and myself are headed down this weekend to the world and that might change.
~Your 5k experience was great, and congrats to your son as well. Just think, you ran a race on a Disney private island!
~When we stay in the World we are the Fort Wilderness RV type, and FW shares the Wilderness Lodge boat to MK. I totally agree, that is almost a "ride" in and of itself. It really gets you in the mood to pull up into MK on a boat instead of a bus.
~As a fellow woman that got married at 19 and suffered through the "Are you pregnant? You are making a mistake. You are too young....etc" I totally get you. We will be 20 years next June and I swear it seems just like yesterday it all started!
~Your dinner with fellow DISer's was great to read about!
~Girls cruise? Where exactly can I find out more about this?
Oh yeah! You totally have to join us on the cruise! Get busy!
I used to be Mrs. Practical to a fault. I never ever bought pricey bags. Finding them on sale is a must for me and I don't buy many at all. Oftentimes when I'm ready to buy another bag I'll clean up older ones I don't use anymore and resell them. That helps a LOT! I also tend to stay content with a bag longer if it's one I spent more on and truly love in a complete way. Check out some of the Dooney's on Disneystore.com, too. Several are on sale right now. I bought one a few months ago when I had a 25% off discount code and, because of the price, got free shipping. Not bad! I don't know if you like smaller bags but I'm selling my first Disney Dooney sketch tassel tote because it's too small for everything I carry. :animwink:
I'm so happy your TR is up!! I have finals next week but this weekend I was thinking I actually have time to read a TR if some good ones came up, and low and behold yours appeared! Yay!!
Ok, so like I do sometimes, I am replying in increments, otherwise I always seem to lose my place!
~You crack me up about how Tracey would say, "Upgrade this or that..." and you said you couldn't deny him thanks to his hard work! What a great wife you are! But seriously, why would youdeny an upgrade, right?!? That would be nuts! I'm thankful that while planning our upcoming trip, my DH has been meeting my ideas with, "Whatever you want honey *kiss*" :king:
Your Spanx ordeal had me LOL!!
We really like Hampton Inn, very nice!
LOL~your carwash pics!
Great behind-the-windshield pics! I guess you can thank your need to keep your car clean for those!
Annoying children...ugh I don't get it! My kids are really well behaved while at Disney, I mean they are loving life and so happy! They hardly fight because they are having the time of their lives!
Lastly, I hear your hair-washing chore...I am with you. My hair is very long these days and since it is winter and cold, I won't go outside while my hair is wet. I have a pretty good system going on where I only blow it dry every-other-day. Then the other day I can wear it "dirty" and it still looks great. But yes, such a chore! It takes me about an hour to do from dripping wet to styled finish. Who wants to spend that amount of time in front of the mirror? I usually read a magazine or something while I'm drying it.
Hey girl! OMG! The hair thing was nuts. I didn't even bother with it the majority of the trip. I kept it pulled up. Last week I had about 5 inches cut off and I feel like such a free woman now! It helped a LOT. Still, with that much gone it's weird. I'll prob'ly grow it back out just because I love when it's really long. So does my hunny!
Oh, I hear ya... the food quality should be consistant!
Well, you're just speeding right along with this TR, aren't ya! I'm having a hard time keeping up. I got to hear a lot of these stories in person but it's so great to read them too and see the pictures that go along with it. You pretty much sold me on the cruise when you told me all about it but I'm even more excited now after reading this. Come on 2013!!!
You're so silly (yes, I was cracking up reading the part about us)! Thanks for respecting our privacy but you can use our names (Sarah and Pete). Oh, we are sooooo NOT "well-to-do" type people and I think it's funny that you or your hubby thought we might be. Just b/c Pete has more letters after his name than is in his name doesn't mean a darn thing. And I have to say (and I'm not just saying this to put it in your TR) we had a great night with you guys. Seriously, both Pete and I throughly enjoyed ourselves... I feel like we've known each other forever. It was such a break to have a night out with adult conversation. I would love to make plans in the future. Will you be visiting WDW again or are you a cruise snob now? :animwink: And when are you coming to Newfoundland???
Awwww, Sarah, y'all are too sweet! Thanks again for such a killer night out! I agree, it did feel like reconnecting with old friends you always knew. So cool. I'm not sure exactly when we'll be going back to WDW. Personally, I don't intend to go back there until 2013 at the earliest. Next year I want to go on the Eastern cruise and see Disneyland. If only 1 of those 2 happens we've already agreed it will be Disneyland. I wouldn't say I've made it to full cruise snob status but I sure wouldn't mind being there. I really hope when we go on our cruise you have the total earth-shifting feeling I did. It was such fun!
LOL, thanks Sweetpea, for answering my question about the photos!!
You're welcome! Anytime!:wave:
I was so excited when I saw that you had a TR up! I love reading all about your trips, they never disappoint!
A few things:
-You MUST show us a full length picture of you in that dress. You looked gorgeous!
-I also LOVE most Disney dishes, but I've also worried about the paint chipping in the dishwasher and I refuse to hand wash dishes.
-Love all of your pictures!
-Our next trip is in May, which is a time of year we have never been. So, I plan on re-reading your old May trip report so I can get some tips on the weather, crowds and such.
-My husband and I were married very young as well, and believe we are more an exception as well. You worded it perfectly. We've had times that are so wonderful and I know others that have been married longer haven't experienced the joy we have. On the flip side, we've had struggles I would never wish on anybody-but we got through it and that has made us appreciate each other and our marriage even more. I would discourage my son from getting married as young as we did, so he has more time to grow up, but I very much know I did the right thing by not listening to my parents! (My son doesn't have to know that!

Looking forward to reading more, and Happy Belated Anniversary!
I'll have to see about squeezing into my killer dress when I get home from my folks house. I quickly piled on about 10 lbs. after our vacation so there's no telling what the dress will look like on now. I'll have to see. Maybe if I do a 2nd or 3rd Spanx layer.... LOL!
We tend to be somewhat rough on the daily dinnerware. If Disney would just sell us the place settings from Animators I'd make the jump to "good dishes" for special occasions and daily use cheap-o stuff. Disneystore.com hasn't put any new dishes out in a while. The last several designs they had all looked pretty similar. I'm ready for something different!
I've been in May twice, actually! The earlier in May you can go the better. As far as the heat, my brother has been to WDW in May, June, July, and September. He swears the September trip was waaaay hotter than any of the others.
Oh yeah! I always say that I don't recommend getting married young. I really do hope my boys will wait a little longer than I did. My Gramma & Grampa (Gramma was in the pics with us) eloped when she was 17....like 9 days after she first met my grandfather. They were married almost 60 years when my grandfather passed. I guess sometimes you just know. Right?
Thanks for all the kind words. You made me feel all warm-n-fuzzy. I sure do miss Tracey. Him being away on business really blows. **sniffle sniffle**