Actual quote from Guest...


New Member
What great stories here! LOL! I now have a smile on my face that will last the rest of the day. Thanks everyone for sharing. I will put on my listening ears on our next trip to WDW in May and maybe I will hear something funny as well.:ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
there are so mant i have heard but this is my fav. "if i do the drinking around the world game, am i going to get drunk and a hangover". i said to my is beer....and to be quite honest people shouldnt drink excessively at epcot, or anywhere for that matter. you can get really sick

or a little girl that asked her mom are ariels....shells....real
there are so many...appropriate and well as really dumb and funny ones
i think disney should publish a book on this topic


Well-Known Member
My favorite comment was from our children about Ellen's Energy Adventure.
They knew she is a lesbian because at the time, the news was plastered all over the place. They loved the ride so much that the next time we went to Epcot, they begged to go on "the ride with the lesbian in jeopardy... with dinosaurs!"

Ever since, the idea of Ellen being a damsel in distress just cracks us up.


Well-Known Member
My favorite comment was from our children about Ellen's Energy Adventure.
They knew she is a lesbian because at the time, the news was plastered all over the place. They loved the ride so much that the next time we went to Epcot, they begged to go on "the ride with the lesbian in jeopardy... with dinosaurs!"

Ever since, the idea of Ellen being a damsel in distress just cracks us up.



New Member
In January 2005 my DH and I made our first trip back to the World since 1995. It was our DD's (8 at the time) first trip ever. We knew about Fast Pass but didn't realize the attractions in Fantasyland made use of them. Well, after waiting in line for 1-1/2 times the length posted at Peter Pan we made our way to Winnie the Pooh. My DD sees the Fast Pass lane continually moving and asks why we can't get in that line. I told her we had to have a Fast Pass to do that and that we didn't have them. She said, "Well, what did we get then, the Slow Pass?"
Ok, I work at DHS and a confused guest brought a park map to me looking for an attraction. I gave her directions and pointed out that it was in Animation Courtyard. She looked at the map and said, "O, that's NOT water?" I then had to explain that Animation Courtyard is shaded a light blue color to help with mapping the park.


New Member
The stupidest question I ever got when I was a cast member was when someone asked me if the TTA went to Universal.

I had no clue how to react because it's not like you see little blue cars running around everywhere.

:ROFLOL::ROFLOL:That is too funny!

You may think of things in your mind when you are sitting there being a friend of a character but you can't be all smiles all the time when you are being felt up or being insulted by people too. Talk about ruining it for the other guests. We take it because we are professionals.

This just makes me sad! :cry:

Don't judge a CM until you've walked down Main Street in their uniform.

Amen, amen! Been there, done that!

Can it be a different costume? I don't like the Main Street one- too uncomfortable.:lookaroun

What do you mean uncomfortable?! :lookaroun Those are the best costumes on the planet!! ;)

I can't begin to tell you how many people I've heard not wanting to ride Summit Plummet because they "don't want to fly off the end of the ski jump". :lol:

WOW! The power of advertising.


Well-Known Member
...Leaving the EPCOT parkinglot "Let's play a game, it's called find the car and get the hell home". :ROFLOL:

Not an SG story, but funny: Last trip, we were at evening EMH at MK until the very end. When we took the tram to our car, there were two very tired families (including us) on the tram, and when he got to our section, there were only two cars left, WAAAAAAY out over sorta in the middle and toward the other side of the lot!

The CM couldn't help chuckling as he went through the part of his standard spiel "If you have trouble locating your car...":lol:

A digression: also not a SG story, but rather a "thank you fabulous CMs" story. That same night, we had jogged over to SM at like 1:58 AM for a last ride and it was 101. After we all went "awww!", the CM at the entrance told everyone to just wait a minute, she might have some news.

She talked on the radio (or was it a phone?) a few times, and then told us that they were bringing it back upa nd if we didn't mind waiting 5-10 min, that if it came up OK right away they were going to let us all ride (anyone who was on line at that time - then it was closing) - we just had to wait outside just until it was up, just in case something else went wrong and they couldn't bring it up right away.

So we said "yay!" and crossed our fingers, and it came up in a few more minutes, and the let us in. There was about a dozen and a half of us then, and when we got all the way down to the load point, there was about two dozen more that had been inside when it went down. The WHOLE CREW of CMs stayed extra late, even though it was already after 2 AM, to make sure we got to ride.

We thanked every single CM we saw profusely for staying late for us, and they all had the same attitude: glad you are happy about it - don't be silly, this is our job to make sure you have as good a time as possible. Right down to the CMs at the exit - still smiling and very happy to be thanked.

Sorry to make such a long post - but this is what it is all about. This is what makes the magic! Thanks, CMs everywhere!

My uncle and I were at biergarten in the german pavilion (about 3 years ago) and the people sitting next to us were commenting on the decore . The one woman said "oh you can see the Earth from here" her daughter just gave her this look like "are you for real" and my uncle looked at the daughter and then at the mother , then at the THE MOON she was referring to and everyone at the table just started laughing. The mother was like what is so funny and the daughter said ... that is the moon ... it is supposed to be night time in here... and then the mother started laughing too.

Germans... in ... spaaaaaace ... it is the new ride for the german pavilion.

the best part was we saw her the next day at the soda machine in the pop century food court and my uncle came up behind her and said glad to see you made it back to earth. She started laughing and said she was never gonna live that down.

Nice family though. They had a pic of pinnochio that looked like her was running for his life from the kids


Well-Known Member
What do you mean uncomfortable?! :lookaroun Those are the best costumes on the planet!! ;)

I beg to differ. I would have to go with the character attendant costume.:D

A digression: also not a SG story, but rather a "thank you fabulous CMs" story. That same night, we had jogged over to SM at like 1:58 AM for a last ride and it was 101. After we all went "awww!", the CM at the entrance told everyone to just wait a minute, she might have some news.

She talked on the radio (or was it a phone?) a few times, and then told us that they were bringing it back upa nd if we didn't mind waiting 5-10 min, that if it came up OK right away they were going to let us all ride (anyone who was on line at that time - then it was closing) - we just had to wait outside just until it was up, just in case something else went wrong and they couldn't bring it up right away.

So we said "yay!" and crossed our fingers, and it came up in a few more minutes, and the let us in. There was about a dozen and a half of us then, and when we got all the way down to the load point, there was about two dozen more that had been inside when it went down. The WHOLE CREW of CMs stayed extra late, even though it was already after 2 AM, to make sure we got to ride.

We thanked every single CM we saw profusely for staying late for us, and they all had the same attitude: glad you are happy about it - don't be silly, this is our job to make sure you have as good a time as possible. Right down to the CMs at the exit - still smiling and very happy to be thanked.

Sorry to make such a long post - but this is what it is all about. This is what makes the magic! Thanks, CMs everywhere!

That's awsome! What a great story.


Well-Known Member
Now, now, y'all...everyone isn't a Disney freak like we are. Cut some of these people a break. Some things are just not knowing where things are. And just because you don't understand their thought process doesn't mean it wasn't a legitimate question. However, some are just silly.

At the tip board at the studios I observed a guest pondering the "NO FPs TODAY" sign. After a about 30 seconds his face lit up, he snapped his fingers and said "OH, NO FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY" and he went on his merry way.... what do you say to that?

Disney has an amazing ability to come up with the stupidest names for things and then shortening them to an anacronym and then wondering why people are confused. And there are CMs who love to use the anacronyms to make themselves look cool. Actual "conversation": CM: "I wasn't feeling great yesterday so I asked for an ER. The MOD wouldn't give me an ER and told me I would have to take an ROS. I feel better today and want to try to make up those hours. However the EHH isn't showing anything in our department. I might have to see if I can pick up a QSR shift or something." Now I've been on the job a little less than a month when I hear this conversation.

"I want to get you two in the same picture as the Epcot"!!:ROFLOL:

I guess she thought that was the name of SSE since that was the sign on top of it.

People ask me all of the time is I could take a photo of them with the Magic Kingdom (meaning the castle) behind them. I look confused and say "we are in the Magic Kingdom." Guest: I mean the castle.

Also, "can you get the whole castle in the photo?" Me: "What Castle?" kidding of course and turn around surprised to see a castle behind me.

Our other favorite saying from guests to Photopass when using their camera: "just push the button on the top."

inside was a surprise guest, Wendy.
I was so excited as I had never met her before and my cousin goes "oh look it's Belle!" :brick: :lol: I still tease her about that when we pull out the old pictures!

So many people don't know who the characters are. We have a photopass person that comes into a room in toon town to give someone a break. All her slip of paper says is to give XYZ person a break in Storybook A3. When you arrive at a new location you have to change the information on your PDA (mini computer attached to camera) so it can tag every photo with the Park, Location, and character name (if applicable). She walks into the room, sees that in Storybook A3 is a beautiful girl in a big yellow ball gown. She turns to me and says: "what is my character's name?" I said: "Are you kidding me?" She replies: "No, I don't know anything about Disney. I don't know who any of these characters are." And she is proud of the fact that she doesn't know anything about Disney characters.

i heard one woman in HM saying in discust "that ride was filthy,they should clean it out".i wasnt sure if she was joking or not.:lookaroun

A friend and I went on a cruise and walked into the gift shop and decided to have a little fun. I'm going to write it phonetically so you get the joke. Me: Oh my, look at these cool Madge-ee-orca pearls. Friend: They are lovely. Look over here though, they have beautiful Perry-dot earings. Me: Wow! Look at the size of those Lad-row figurines over there.

At this point, the sales clerk realizes we aren't idiots and are joking. She laughs saying: "Alright, that's enough!"

We were not in park mode at all..... I just finished up a 2 hour drive from fort lauderdale..

Jeesh, what speed do you drive?...100mph? When I am really speeding, I can get to Orlando from Ft. Laud in 3 hours.

Congrats to you as well. See you on the Mickey autograph line in a couple of years.

Well, for goodness sake, please have your autograph books open to the correct page, your pens ready, your cameras turned on and have your photopass out and hand it to our photographer. If you don't have a photopass, let us know and we will give you one. You take all the photos you want, we take them as well. Good back up in case anything happens to your camera. We put them on the internet for 30 days. Buy 'em only if you want. Have a magical day.

People ruin their own magic at WDW...I had people feel me up as a character and in front of other kids this brat shouted out "it is a girl!" like ....YOU AS____ HOLE

I can't believe how often that happens. At the end of a set, Donald said he was just felt up in the chest by a guest. I asked if the guest could really feel anything. Donald said he could feel it so probably the guest could as well.

My 7yo always calls Princess Aurora "That Pink Girl."

So many guests don't know who the princesses are. They even ask the girls to their faces "what's your name?" Most of the dresses girls wear are chosen for color, not because it is their favorite princess.

But I love it when a girl comes dressed up as Cinderella and tells Princess Aurora that she is her favorite princess. Or comes dressed as Snow White and tells Jasmine she is her favorite princess.

From guests in line waiting to meet the Incredibles. Guest #2 (butting in VERY matter of factly) "no, actually that's one of the power rangers, I've seen him all over the parks. I'm not sure why they have him here meeting with the Incredibles backdrop, seems completely out of place"

Often times we put weird characters together because we have .... I mean our characters feel the need to visit their friends. Weird combos: Snow White and Alice in the same cubby in the Pals room. Little John from Robin Hood and the Penguin from Mary Poppins in the same cubby in the Pals room.


Well-Known Member
Well, for goodness sake, please have your autograph books open to the correct page, your pens ready, your cameras turned on and have your photopass out and hand it to our photographer. If you don't have a photopass, let us know and we will give you one. You take all the photos you want, we take them as well. Good back up in case anything happens to your camera. We put them on the internet for 30 days. Buy 'em only if you want. Have a magical day.



Now, now, y'all...everyone isn't a Disney freak like we are. Cut some of these people a break. Some things are just not knowing where things are. And just because you don't understand their thought process doesn't mean it wasn't a legitimate question. However, some are just silly.

Disney has an amazing ability to come up with the stupidest names for things and then shortening them to an anacronym and then wondering why people are confused. And there are CMs who love to use the anacronyms to make themselves look cool. Actual "conversation": CM: "I wasn't feeling great yesterday so I asked for an ER. The MOD wouldn't give me an ER and told me I would have to take an ROS. I feel better today and want to try to make up those hours. However the EHH isn't showing anything in our department. I might have to see if I can pick up a QSR shift or something." Now I've been on the job a little less than a month when I hear this conversation.

i agree with you gorjus, some questions should just be answered if the cm knows the answer. i seen in an earlier post that a guest was making conversation with someone and remarked that since he was very wet he must have been on kali, a cm near the wet guy said something like "no its just raining on that side of the park". thats just being a smarta$$ to me.


Often times we put weird characters together because we have .... I mean our characters feel the need to visit their friends. Weird combos: Snow White and Alice in the same cubby in the Pals room. Little John from Robin Hood and the Penguin from Mary Poppins in the same cubby in the Pals room.

ya, I'll give you that.... but the "power ranger" she was referring to was actually just Frozone!


Well-Known Member
ya, I'll give you that.... but the "power ranger" she was referring to was actually just Frozone!

Oh, I agree with you. Calling Frozone a Power Ranger was just funny. My point was, and thanks for agreeing, we do put some people in areas or with backgrounds or other characters that make no sense at all.

how is this for a combo:

And to be honest, if I didn't work with characters at Disney, I would have no idea who these characters were: the clown and lion; the kids with the space ship; the blonde guy and the redheaded girl with half a shirt on; the cow/horse combo; the mice with the purple and green dresses on. I wouldn't understand why Donald was suddenly taller and had an aviator suit on or why he was dressed like Scrooge.

I'd probably be one of those stupid guests wondering who these characters were since I haven't watched the Disney Channel since they had Mousercise with Kellyn back in the early 80's.

And daily we have to remind people who is Pluto and who is Goofy.


Oh, I agree with you. Calling Frozone a Power Ranger was just funny. My point was, and thanks for agreeing, we do put some people in areas or with backgrounds or other characters that make no sense at all.

how is this for a combo:

And to be honest, if I didn't work with characters at Disney, I would have no idea who these characters were: the clown and lion; the kids with the space ship; the blonde guy and the redheaded girl with half a shirt on; the cow/horse combo; the mice with the purple and green dresses on. I wouldn't understand why Donald was suddenly taller and had an aviator suit on or why he was dressed like Scrooge.

And daily we have to remind people who is Pluto and who is Goofy.

haha yup, that is quite the combo!

and that's a truly valid point, I didn't know any of those playhouse Disney characters until I starting working with them! Out of that list, I think the only ones I would have known were Suzy/Perla and Kim Possible/Ron Stoppable.

And yup, the story of my life.... but more like hourly!

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