Well-Known Member
You get used to it after a while.
I'm a bit more annoyed by park-specific things. I've heard Test Track called Fast Track, Race Track, Fast Pass, Quick Track, Race Car and "That Car Ride." I've heard Fast Pass called Fast Track, EZ Pass, Quick Pass, Quick Track, Test Pass, Fast Ticket, the "Ticket Thingy," and other things that shouldn't be repeated in polite company (mostly by Cast Members). I heard the monorail called The Tram and The Train more often than "monorail."
Don't worry, I'm not one of those people that freaks out when things aren't called by their proper name (though it's sure confusing when a Guest asks whether they need a "Quick Track for Fast Pass"). I do cringe just a bit, though.
I would probably lose it big time ..... :lol: