A Way To Get Many Fastpasses!


New Member
Originally posted by Nick
Hmmmmmmm ...

I bet if you would go up to a CM and ask them about this, they would agree that it isin't the way fast passes were intended to be used. You're basically taking someone's place in line as if they were holding your place.

Plus, you are wrong that it is not a written rule. I'm looking at a Space Mountain fast pass from one of my visits (dated 12/14/00). The bottom of the backside reads:

Nontransferable NOT FOR SALE
C Disney

If that's not a written rule, I don't know what is. Let's take a visit to Dictionary.com:

adj : incapable of being transferred [syn: unassignable, untransferable]

and since that is a bit vague, we visit yet again for a derivative:

trans·fer ( P ) Pronunciation Key (trns-fûr, trnsfr)
v. trans·ferred, trans·fer·ring, trans·fers
v. tr.
1. To convey or cause to pass from one place, person, or thing to another.
2. Law. To make over the possession or legal title of; convey.
3. To convey (a design, for example) from one surface to another, as by impression

So, as you can see, is it against the WRITTEN rules to sell (or purchase for that matter) or have fast passes exchange hands. Of course there was the written one about giving it to someone if you decide not to ride, but that does not make begging for fastpasses right. When I become a CM for my college program, I would not condone this practice if I saw it, nor would I if I were a guest.


You are absolutely correct! That is why I always insist that the holder of the fastpass place it in their lips and then transfer it to my lips as we kiss. Transferring these fastpasses by hand is just disgusting. I like a CM that knows how to enforce the rules. Go get 'em Nick!


Well-Known Member

On a related note,

Disney Vacation Planning Services for Disneyland and DCA told me that, by purchasing a passport plus package, I would be able to obtain a FastPass for an unlimited number of attractions at any given time. It is my understanding that, based on what they told me, I could go from one attraction to the next, getting a FastPass for each, and then return to ride them. (I, however, could not get multiple FastPasses for a single attraction.) Has anyone heard of this service before? Is my understanding correct? Does WDW also do this for their guests staying on property?

Universal IOA sells/gives away "booklets" of coupons and ExpressPasses, which I think may be a good idea for guests on a limited schedule or who travel infrequently because that way they are almost gauranteed to see every attraction in the park (particularly during peak seasons.) Does Disney do anything like this?

People may disagree with me, but I think any wait time over 30 minutes is rediculous. I pay $50 to enter the average Orlando theme park for 1 day. On top of that, I spend most of my time waiting in lines. And, as they say, *time is money*. With the high cost of admittance, Disney (and other parks) needs to start processing more guests per hour in their attractions. Ride vehicles may need to hold more guests, or (in the case of roller coasters) twin track systems may need to be built. Whatever the possible solution may be, guest processing ratios need to be more efficient. Anything over 30 minutes of wait for a 2 minute ride is just unreasonable and annoying. Sure, I've waited an hour for the RnR before, but that doesn't mean I was in a good mood after that hour.



Well-Known Member

Speaking of paying $50 to get into a Disney park, I went to the Reds-Diamondbacks game on Sunday in Phoenix and sat there with my $40 ticket in hand, paid for my parking, and ate my meal in the stadium. While enjoying the game, Mrs. SpongeScott asked me how long the game would be, and I told her about 2 1/2 hours. Then I got to thinking about how much money I shelled out for this 2 1/2 hour game and how much it cost to go to Disney for ALL DAY. Seems to me that we're getting a bargain on our admission to the parks, even if we do have to wait in line. No more complaints from me.



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Re: Re: ok getting rediculous?

Originally posted by WDWspider
This is just a comparrison, but you know that sounds like the people who like to steal from stores... do you know how few people do that, who's going to miss just one. It's justification. Sure, I don't know you at all, but all the symptoms are here. If what you are doing is the RIGHT thing to do, then everyone should be doing this... correct? Disney should advertise this unseen perk to Fastpass. You say you see our points, yet you stick to your beliefs... basically making this whole thread pointless. Does anyone have the appropriate email address so I can get an official call on this issue and put this to rest?

First off, I do not need to be stealing from stores. That's actually pretty comical how you use that reference :lol: . Im a married man and settled down in my life and can well afford things I want. If I cannot afford something, I assure you, I do not go out and steal. Cmon now.
Secondly, there is nothing wrong with saying I see your point and then stating that I still believe in my stance. So I guess that our president should go by your theory? I don't think so. I'll listen and agree with certain things, but I'll still stick to my guns.

You call asking and being given stealing, I'll do that with moral grounds anyday.


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Re: Re: Re: Re: ok getting rediculous?

Originally posted by WDWspider
What are you talking about... read my posts more carefully. Yes, I can read your mind and think you beg and steal. Stop putting words in my mouth. You are obviously going to do what you want, so I will retract all my posts from this increasingly idiotic thread. I suggest others do the same. :brick: :rolleyes:

If you see my point, then you understand I am using extreme examples. I am married and 27, I guess if I do something wrong but think it's ok, then it is... that is exactly what you are implying here. If the President does something wrong it still does not make it right. Who you are, age, and beliefs mean little... it's Majority conception that makes the laws that must be followed.

Listen, you said ", I guess if I do something wrong but think it's ok, then it is... that is exactly what you are implying here. "

I have not yet said I've done anything wrong. I have not said that I believe what I'm doing is wrong. Saying I see why someone would think a certain way is a diplomatic style of debate. Saying I see someone's viewpoint on something and why they feel the way they do does not mean I carry that stance in my own mind.

Listen, if you are upset and think this post is pathetic and don't want to post, then don't. You are willingly posting on this thread yet you think it's rediculous. If it's rediculous then don't post in here. However, please don't try to pursuade others to take your viewpoint and leave because YOU think it's stupid.

If you think it is stupid, that's fine but don't try to get everyone to leave because you feel that way. Just don't stay in here posting.

I actually am the one being completely attacked here but it doesn't bother me. I'm not all mad. I'm enjoying myself and actually like a debating so just enjoy yourself. :D


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ok everyone

Let me just innocently ask:

Let's just say on Space Mountain for example it's a busy day and in the que line there's a 1 hour wait. Many will not wait for one hour so they go to the Fastpass but it soon becomes empty of tickets. So now your only option is to wait an hour or not ride.
However, if you took that one hour line and used the FP line the same as the que line, you would only have a 30 minute wait AT THE BUSY TIMES.

I'm just wondering your thoughts on this. I would like this style on certain rides. Then FP would not actually serve a negative purpose on certain things.


Ok, one person states that Disney says its ok to give your fast pass to someone else if your not going to use it, then someone else says that they are not transferable. Who is right?


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thank you

Originally posted by RAZORBRAD
Ok, one person states that Disney says its ok to give your fast pass to someone else if your not going to use it, then someone else says that they are not transferable. Who is right?

I swear I was truly beginning to think that nobody on earth even felt remotely the way I did. I was really surprised.

It's a good point that you make. I think they're making an issue of that fact that I may ask someone for a ticket instead of them just giving it to me. I don't see how WDW would have a written rule that says someone can give me a ticket but that I cannot ask for one. Either they're both right or they're both wrong. They are so close there can be no rule for one and not the other unless it is specific regarding those two situations.


Well-Known Member
ok, first off it took me what seemed like forever to read through this post! and part of it made no sense as some posts have been deleted~go figure. but I decide what the heck, i'll toss my .02 into this mess.

~I wouldn't want to be bothered while I am waiting w/the smaller children while husband is riding w/those who can ride, I have all of our fast passes and the kids will ride again w/me second time around (my first time)

~Six Flags in our area has already started SELLING something very similar to FAST PASS and people are stupid enough to pay for it after paying an outrageous price to get into that place, so if they are getting people to do it, and this is going on, if wdw gets enough complaints, or catches on to other parks charging for this perk, well, they might just do it as well...they charge extra for eride nights(which I willingly pay the extra $12 for the extra time, less crowds etc.) but just saying that if they can make a profit off of it they might just try it.

~hey epcotim, should have figured it would be someone from Chicago to be grabbing our fannys (packs that is :) also note that we can't hold those from Chicago responsible for all of their views...they cheer for the Cubs and the Hawks right? (JUST A JOKE from a FELLOW Illinoisian who loves the Cards and the Blues!)

The Mom

Premium Member
Re: thank you

Originally posted by civileng68

It's a good point that you make. I think they're making an issue of that fact that I may ask someone for a ticket instead of them just giving it to me. I don't see how WDW would have a written rule that says someone can give me a ticket but that I cannot ask for one. Either they're both right or they're both wrong. They are so close there can be no rule for one and not the other unless it is specific regarding those two situations.

I think my children learned the difference between the two when they were in preschool. If you're offered a gift , you accept it graciously and politely. (Unless it's morally inappropriate*; then you decline it...the level of politeness depends upon the circumstances) However, if you ASK for it (unless you're writing to Santa), you're being rude! Those were also my mother's rules, and I didn't find them at all contradictory.

* I'm probably showing my age. At one time, young ladies did not accept certain gifts from men who were not their husbands, or at least their fiance, nor did they dictate what they would consider an appropriate shower or wedding gift.


Originally posted by civileng68
I swear I was truly beginning to think that nobody on earth even felt remotely the way I did. I was really surprised.

It's a good point that you make. I think they're making an issue of that fact that I may ask someone for a ticket instead of them just giving it to me. I don't see how WDW would have a written rule that says someone can give me a ticket but that I cannot ask for one. Either they're both right or they're both wrong. They are so close there can be no rule for one and not the other unless it is specific regarding those two situations.

First I want to say, I don't think you're a thief. I don't think you're a bad person. I'm not sitting around writing, "I hate civileng68" over and over in blood-red ink. (Actually, that last part is a lie. I am doing that, but strangely enough it has nothing to do with you). :D I'm not even going to debate whether or not it's against the rules. But surely you can see how giving away a fast pass is much different from asking for one.

Let's take this to an extreme. Let's say for instance that for some reason, half the people who got a fast pass for Tower of Terror on a given day decided to give them away. This wouldn't affect the fast pass or standby line in any way, and there would probably be a large number of people excited and happy about getting the pass.

Now let's say that the same number of people decided to hang-out outside TOT and ask (however politely) everyone not riding if they could use their fast pass. This would quickly escalate to a very uncomfortable situation for those simply trying to sit and enjoy the day.

Like I said, this is taking it to the extreme. But as I said before, even on the small scale, you must be able to see the difference. My opinion on the matter: like The Mom said earlier, I think it's tacky. And while it's debatable whether or not it's explicitly against the rules, it's definitely contrary to the spirit of the rules. And in my view of the world, that's just as bad as breaking an explicit rule. But don't take that as an attack, my wife would probably think this is a good idea and I still like her.


Active Member
Originally posted by RAZORBRAD
Ok, one person states that Disney says its ok to give your fast pass to someone else if your not going to use it, then someone else says that they are not transferable. Who is right?

What one person states that Disney says its ok to give your fast pass to someone?:confused: If you are talking about my post I stated what I thought and never even implied, let alone said ,Disney agreed with me.:lookaroun

I doubt Disney would have any problem with someone in the fast pass line giving their ticket away if they decided not to ride. I have no doubt (my opinion not Disney's) they would be very upset with people buying and selling fast passes or hounding people for them.:eek:

civileng68- You are what your screen name says- (very)civil on here.:cool: You are able to disagree without being disagreeable:D You are able to argue your point without being arguementitive:cool:


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Originally posted by Becky
What one person states that Disney says its ok to give your fast pass to someone?:confused: If you are talking about my post I stated what I thought and never even implied, let alone said ,Disney agreed with me.:lookaroun

I doubt Disney would have any problem with someone in the fast pass line giving their ticket away if they decided not to ride. I have no doubt (my opinion not Disney's) they would be very upset with people buying and selling fast passes or hounding people for them.:eek:

civileng68- You are what your screen name says- (very)civil on here.:cool: You are able to disagree without being disagreeable:D You are able to argue your point without being arguementitive:cool:

:animwink: Very respectable post.


New Member
Actually, this is no different than going to Cosmic Ray's Starlight Cafe and asking other diner's, "Are you going to finish that?". A lot of good food goes to waste at WDW because it is just thrown away. My gosh, as my Mom always told me, people in China are starving. I think it is just terrible to waste food and Fastpasses too! Keep up the good work civileng68.


New Member
Originally posted by careship

I'll leave it at this.....

I would never do it. Would never tell anyone else to do it. Would never allow my children to do it. And I pity the person who'd ask me. Why? Because it's an unfair advantage. Written rules or unwritten.....it's just not what the fastpass was attended for. In MY opinion.

:sohappy: :sohappy: well said!! :sohappy: :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
This is one of the best discussions I've read since I've become a member. Both sides have made good points and I've flipped flopped on this issue. I still don't know who is right! Civ, thanks for keeping me entertained. Now what about Sammy Sosa's bat?


New Member
Since I go about 4-5 times a year, I tend to give myself time to use a few fast past and then ride what i can in my day. Whatever I dont do, ill do the next time.

But if your the kind of person who MUST do every ride in one day and you dont mind the chance of getting someone upset by asking them for a fast pass....then go for it.

I go to Disney to enjoy and relax. I can not be under that stress of running around looking for someone to give me a fast pass.



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Originally posted by artvandelay
Now what about Sammy Sosa's bat?

Well this one's more difficult because corking is specifically written about in the "book". Then again, I'm sure if he would have asked the umpire politely to use it, everything would have been fine.:lol:

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