A Way To Get Many Fastpasses!


New Member
Originally posted by Al
Personally I would just wait in line like everyone else, or get a fast pass using my own ticket.

LOL...Damit Al, now you've gone and told the whole darn world what MY secret is. I get the impression that some in this thread will find this a 'novel' idea!:lol:


New Member
Originally posted by garyhoov
***Official Warning***

If anyone asks for my Fast-Pass, I will belch in their face (and I tend to eat a lot of things with onions when I'm at the parks:slurp: ).

There, you've been warned, so feel free to ask away.

I think I ran into you last year in the restroom...you were plucking a fastpass out of the urinal and said you had to give it to a panhandler. I didn't understand it at the time but it makes perfect sense to me now.:eek:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Tramp
LOL...Damit Al, now you've gone and told the whole darn world what MY secret is. I get the impression that some in this thread will find this a 'novel' idea!:lol:

I hope so :lol:

That post sounds so dumb, i don't know what I was thinking :p

Lets see:

Could I just add that cheating the system, in my opinion is wrong because after all.............its a holiday (vacation!), and it is unfair on others who play by the rules. :)

That better!?

:p :wave: :lol:


Trophy Husband
Here's another nifty, time-saving idea I picked up in "Martha Stewart Living": Next time you're at the deli-counter, don't pull the number out of the dispenser . . . pull one of the discarded ones out of the plastic cup and then say: "Hey! What happened to {insert number here}. You never called {insert number here}.

disclaimer: this is a poor attempt at humor, and no such suggestion has ever appeared in "Martha Stewart Living" (as far as the author knows). In fact, the author has never read "Martha Stewart Living", and for all he knows it's a fine, upstanding publication. Let it also be noted that, truth be told, the author is a bit frightened of Ms. Stewart and probably never should have posted this at all. :zipit:


New Member
Originally posted by garyhoov
Here's another nifty, time-saving idea I picked up in "Martha Stewart Living": Next time you're at the deli-counter, don't pull the number out of the dispenser . . . pull one of the discarded ones out of the plastic cup and then say: "Hey! What happened to {insert number here}. You never called {insert number here}.

disclaimer: this is a poor attempt at humor, and no such suggestion has ever appeared in "Martha Stewart Living" (as far as the author knows). In fact, the author has never read "Martha Stewart Living", and for all he knows it's a fine, upstanding publication. Let it also be noted that, truth be told, the author is a bit frightened of Ms. Stewart and probably never should have posted this at all. :zipit:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

That's the least of her worries. I've found you can get more fastpasses with a weapon of some sort that with a smile or money. :lol: j/k.

:wave: ACE


Well-Known Member
You Know, I just thought of a Great Idea! Instead of asking to borrow their ticket and then just giving it back, why dont you ask to borrow the ticket and then just run off with it! Instead of doing somthing thats 1/2 morally wrong why dont you do somthing thats fully morally wrong!:fork: :brick: :lol:

This is just a suggestion, and I wouldnt recommend trying it in a Disney Park, as you will probally have 15 security members waiting for you as you exit


Active Member
My last:lookaroun post on the subject:cool:

Uh, I forget. :eek: What was the subject:confused:

Oh yea, the Ladder Ride.:sohappy:

No! :veryconfu What do you mean no?:animwink:

Ok, back to the Fast Pass then. Is that offically one or two words?:confused:

To get multipul Fast Passes or Fastpasses you simply buy multipul Park Hoppers or Annual Passes. I am going to run out and buy 100 Hoppers as soon as I get off here.

One cavot (sp):eek: You have to enter the park 100 times as the fast pass will not work unless your ticket has been activated by putting it in the dohickie (sp) when you enter the park.:lookaroun


New Member
Originally posted by garyhoov
Here's another nifty, time-saving idea I picked up in "Martha Stewart Living": Next time you're at the deli-counter, don't pull the number out of the dispenser . . . pull one of the discarded ones out of the plastic cup and then say: "Hey! What happened to {insert number here}. You never called {insert number here}.

hmmm....that must be the same article where she suggests calling the store ahead of time to see if someone INSIDE could pull a number BEFORE the rest of the people can get a number. :zipit:


New Member
Originally posted by Becky

To get multipul Fast Passes or Fastpasses you simply buy multipul Park Hoppers or Annual Passes. I am going to run out and buy 100 Hoppers as soon as I get off here.


Great idea Becky....and then you could stand near the ticket gimmick and let people in for free with your 100 passes. Just don't let them touch your ticket or you'll break the non-transferrable rule.:rolleyes:


New Member
While I was there last May, somebody handed my neice some FastPasses for Splash Mountain while the rest of our group got into line for the ride. It allowed us to ride it twice in succession. It was great. But to ask somebody for one - I could never do it. And I would never let somebody use my parkhopper to get one. But if somebody changes their mind about riding something and wants to give their pass away - I see nothing wrong with that.

Off topic - have you read the post about how to get free food?:hurl:


New Member
I would never do that due the possible rejection......lol but I dont thinks its cheating and why does anyone else care about what you do? just curious, what exactly do you say to these people? do you seek certain folks out? thought this post was a good one although you had to know everyone was gonna jump all over you for this. lol.:lol:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by garyhoov
Here's another nifty, time-saving idea I picked up in "Martha Stewart Living": Next time you're at the deli-counter, don't pull the number out of the dispenser . . . pull one of the discarded ones out of the plastic cup and then say: "Hey! What happened to {insert number here}. You never called {insert number here}.

Heh heh...guess she handled her investment portfolio with the same good taste and panache...:lol:


Well-Known Member
Well, I don’t think it really matters if any of us think it is wrong or not. I’m pretty sure that Disney if made fully aware that this kind of thing were becoming a common practice would not be at all happy about it and I think they would end up reworking the FastPass system to eliminate this problem in a similar manner to how they reworked the park re-entry issue… They would have a barcode on the fastpass which would link it to the ticket that was used to get it and then everyone coming through the FastPass line would have to get both tickets scanned to make sure they could use them. I think this would be a loosing proposition for everyone and would only help to slow things down (the way the biometric thing for season and annual pass holders does now) but I’m sure that Disney would do this before they would stand by and let guests be bothered routinely in this manner (no matter how nice the person doing the bothering was)

civileng68, you obviously knew there would be some resistance to your idea when you began but you don’t seem to fully understand why people have a problem with this. You kind of remind me of the Jehovah Witnesses that go door to door. (BTW, I am in no intending to insult this group of people in any manner) Your success rate may be higher than theirs but my guess would be that if asked in one of those popular entrance/exit Disney surveys, most guests (including those who went along with your request) would say they would prefer for that kind of encounter not to take place while they are in the parks…

The way I see it there are two kinds of people in the world. One group sees the “lane ends” construction sign on the highway and gets over as reasonably soon as possible. The other group rides it out to the very end till they have no choice but to get over and when they do, they either cut someone off or take advantage of a kind soul. I think most of us responding here are in the first group and that perhaps you may be in the second one. You probably do not realize it but people in that first group tend to hold a lot of animosity for the second group even though the second group may never know or care. Take it for whatever it is worth. :)


New Member
Re: Re: A Way To Get Many Fastpasses!

Originally posted by MrPromey
Well, I don’t think it really matters if any of us think it is wrong or not. I’m pretty sure that Disney if made fully aware that this kind of thing were becoming a common practice would not be at all happy about it and I think they would end up reworking the FastPass system to eliminate this problem in a similar manner to how they reworked the park re-entry issue… They would have a barcode on the fastpass which would link it to the ticket that was used to get it and then everyone coming through the FastPass line would have to get both tickets scanned to make sure they could use them. I think this would be a loosing proposition for everyone and would only help to slow things down (the way the biometric thing for season and annual pass holders does now) but I’m sure that Disney would do this before they would stand by and let guests be bothered routinely in this manner (no matter how nice the person doing the bothering was)

civileng68, you obviously knew there would be some resistance to your idea when you began but you don’t seem to fully understand why people have a problem with this. You kind of remind me of the Jehovah Witnesses that go door to door. (BTW, I am in no intending to insult this group of people in any manner) Your success rate may be higher than theirs but my guess would be that if asked in one of those popular entrance/exit Disney surveys, most guests (including those who went along with your request) would say they would prefer for that kind of encounter not to take while they are in the parks…

The way I see it there are two kinds of people in the world. One group sees the “lane ends” construction sign on the highway and gets over as reasonably soon as possible. The other group rides it out to the very end till they have no choice but to get over and when they do, they either cut someone off or take advantage of a kind soul. I think most of us responding here are in the first group and that perhaps you may be in the second one. You may not realize it but people in that first group tend to hold a lot of animosity for the second group even though the second group may never know it. Take it for whatever it is worth. :)


:wave: ACE

Sir Hiss527

New Member
If it were me I would feel pretty stupid walking up to someone going "Hello Sir, can you put your ticket in the fastpass machine so I can ride the ride". Lazy people these days!

Mary Ellen

New Member
If someone asked me for my fastpass, even if I wasn't going to use it, I would tell them to "Bite Me!" :mad:

If I'm not going on that ride, I get the fastpass for my DH or DD so they can go on twice. If they don't want it, then I just give it to someone of MY choosing.

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