A Way To Get Many Fastpasses!


Well-Known Member
Ok, the Chicago comment was just wrong I know lots of people from Chicago and they are wonderful folks!:animwink:

The biggest problem I have with this whole subject, is the subject of
In my humble opinion, it is just plain greedy to hoard fastpasses, or to get more than one a day, especially if it is a crowded day at the parks, and the lines are long. What is wrong with riding an attraction once, and enabling other park guests to enjoy the same privilage?? Some guests do not even get to ride because of this problem. Get a fastpass once, then go stand in the stand by line if you wanna wait, or go enjoy other parts of the resort.
I do not particularly enjoy rides like TOT...so I wait, and do not ride...But IF I did get a fastpass for a ride, and changed my mind, I absolutely have no problem with giving my fastpass to someone in the stand by line, I have done this many times when I have changed my mind about an attraction like Buzz, or Pooh...and those folks are usually extremely grateful, because quite a few folks do not even know about fastpass....
Its really sad that some folks have to feel like they are entitled to more than others....:confused:


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well I appologize for the Chicago comment. Seriously, Im so sorry. :(

However, from the previous post, Like they all say:

Opinion are like bootyholes, we all got em! :D

Im sorry if it bothers some so incredibly badly about the fast pass issue.

However, I love fast pass but I would not be lying if I said I would not complain if they lost em. I say this because sometimes the fast pass is so empty and the que line is 60 minutes long and you figure if they just had full que at every attraction on busy days there would be no more than maybe a 30-40 minute wait on an attraction.


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Re: rules

Originally posted by civileng68

"*Nontransferable; must be used by the same person on any and all days. "

That is all it says in regards to anything that some would think applies here. However, I am not asking anyone to transfer their ticket to me. I'm also not using their ticket myself. I do not touch their ticket. They use it in the machine and simply give me a Fastpass.

When you use someone else's pass to gain access to any amenity on the property, you're breaking this rule, PERIOD. It doesn't matter whether or not you've touched the pass. What is disturbing is your gross lack of shame in persuading people to be an unwitting accomplice. If you feel a need to parse this rule to suit your needs, go ahead, but don't try to convince those of us who know better.

I'm not sure what your intention was starting this thread but you obviously expected some negative feedback...so stop your friggin whining about it!


Well-Known Member
Just my two cents here, but there are NO CIRCUMSTANCES under which I would hand a perfect stranger my Disney pass!

Also, I have to agree with what others have said - it's cheating. OK, it sure isn't the crime of the century, but that doesn't make it right.


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Re: Re: rules

Originally posted by Tramp
When you use someone else's pass to gain access to any amenity on the property, you're breaking this rule, PERIOD. It doesn't matter whether or not you've touched the pass. What is disturbing is your gross lack of shame in persuading people to be an unwitting accomplice. If you feel a need to parse this rule to suit your needs, go ahead, but don't try to convince those of us who know better.

I'm not sure what your intention was starting this thread but you obviously expected some negative feedback...so stop your friggin whining about it!

:animwink: Now I know you're not getting all torn up about this. I'm open for debate. It's ok. It's all in good fun. Listen, I'm doing it either way, you haven't gotta get all flustered up about it.

PS: The Chicago comment has now been taken back < if I may>. I say that because I travel to Chicago once per month on business and well, I just don't think those people take well (from what I've encountered) to people from the southern most points of the US for some reason. Over the course of time this tends to put a bad taste in one's mouth. I appologize for this issue.


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Originally posted by figmentmom
Just my two cents here, but there are NO CIRCUMSTANCES under which I would hand a perfect stranger my Disney pass!

Also, I have to agree with what others have said - it's cheating. OK, it sure isn't the crime of the century, but that doesn't make it right.

Like I've said before, I have never touched another person's pass.


Ok, now I have a question about some post from people. It was stated that some of ya'll believe that it is cheating to ask for someones FP, but then the same people said that they give their FP to "needy" people sometimes. In a way aren't you helping those people "cheat" the system? If its cheating to ask for it, it should be cheating to give it away. Correct?


New Member
I hope my kids don't grow up to find the technicalities and loopholes in rules. Disney rules or otherwise. Mom I didn't really kill the guy, I just suggested it was ok if someone else did it for me.

Yes, a large exagerration (sp.) however, there are rules in life, both written and unwritten, finding ways to get around them isn't really something I would ever promote.

"I didn't really lie, I just never told the truth." (i.e)

We all have our own personal set of standards. Some standards are just set a little lower is all.


New Member
Originally posted by RAZORBRAD
Ok, now I have a question about some post from people. It was stated that some of ya'll believe that it is cheating to ask for someones FP, but then the same people said that they give their FP to "needy" people sometimes. In a way aren't you helping those people "cheat" the system? If its cheating to ask for it, it should be cheating to give it away. Correct?

You are sortof right, however the difference I guess would be that I got it for myself, decided not to use it and gave it to someone who had no clue about it. They didn't ask or offer to buy it from me. They weren't using their own rights to the fastpass. It's not being used to stockpile for their own greedy reasons. Then again, I never get all 4 of our families fastpasses if not all 4 of us are going to go either. Why? Because I feel it's not fair to the guy who gets there and their isn't any left for them.


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Originally posted by careship
I hope my kids don't grow up to find the technicalities and loopholes in rules. Disney rules or otherwise. Mom I didn't really kill the guy, I just suggested it was ok if someone else did it for me.

Yes, a large exagerration (sp.) however, there are rules in life, both written and unwritten, finding ways to get around them isn't really something I would ever promote.

"I didn't really lie, I just never told the truth." (i.e)

We all have our own personal set of standards. Some standards are just set a little lower is all.

Ok, now that that has been said, were you going to say something on this topic?

Yeah, I guess us crooks that ask people for Fast Passes need to be thrown into the Lion's den with OJ Simpson (or am I a hipocrit because he's not been convicted), or anyone else of major wrong doing.

You act as if I'm walking up snatching purses or in this case, snatching Fast Passes. I don't see an issue if I ask a small favor and someone is willing to do it. However, that's fine if you feel that way.

I just hope my kids don't grow up to make mountains out of mole hills, maybe that's the cause for so many stress problems today, but who am I to say?


Well-Known Member
I dont think that giving them to people waiting in line is cheating the system, but an act of unsolicited kindness. Especially if the fastpass is closed for the day, and I have decided not to partake in that particular attraction. I originally took the fastpass for myself, so I am free to give it to whomever I want. I do not get a fastpass for attractions I do not wish to partake in, so I leave it for someone who would. Again, it is unsolicited, hence no one had to ask me, and I do it especially on attractions where small children are in line, for usually it helps a parent get a child thru...almost All of the fastpasses I have given away, are given to people who know nothing about fastpass in the first place.
I do find that several fastpasses have made their way home with me too:lol:


New Member
Re: ok

Originally posted by civileng68
Ok, now that that has been said, were you going to say something on this topic?

Yeah, I guess us crooks that ask people for Fast Passes need to be thrown into the Lion's den with OJ Simpson (or am I a hipocrit because he's not been convicted), or anyone else of major wrong doing.

You act as if I'm walking up snatching purses or in this case, snatching Fast Passes. I don't see an issue if I ask a small favor and someone is willing to do it. However, that's fine if you feel that way.

I just hope my kids don't grow up to make mountains out of mole hills, maybe that's the cause for so many stress problems today, but who am I to say?

Read dear, I did say something on the topic a long time ago. Like 1st or 2nd page. Maybe it wasn't controversial enough to catch your attention or give you something to argue about like this one apparantly did. Yes, we are all entitled to our opinions. Just commenting on the fact that rules don't have to be written out explicitly for them to be there. People aren't supposed to all go jumping off bridges, but not every bridge says "(your name here) don't jump off the bridge you aren't supposed to."


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Dear, I think I understood your point a long time ago and like I said, I just see it COMPLETELY differently than you do.


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for fun

Ok, this post has obviously gotten incredibly popular as it has stayed in the top 3 positions for over a day now.

Let's keep it light hearted and just remember it's ok to debate so that they don't close it. :sohappy:


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no way

Originally posted by spider-man
The main difference here is Giving as opposed to begging. If the intent was to use the Fastpass, but for whatever reason when time comes around you cannot or no longer want to use it, you give it to someone else as opposed to wasting the time slot you reserved. The other side of the coin is going up to people and hording all the extra time spaces for yourself and being greedy not leaving spaces open for people.

I think civileng68 is sounding more and more like one of these people who sue McDonald's because Hot coffee was actually hot but the cup didn't say so, or can't understand why fast food makes them overweight because it is not written anywhere. I suppose we all need to have a complete list of rules before entering any of the parts and sign a waiver stating that all written and implied rules will be followed in order to have fun for the day. :rolleyes: Really, I'm not sure what parts of honesty, integrity, self-respect, and compassion you do not understand. You are using others kindness to get what you want, but you are not being kind or considerate to everyone else in the parks cause your selfishness is blinding you from any morals just so you can have a little extra fun. :brick:

You have me all wrong :( . Im so against illegitimate lawsuits and I detest that McDonalds stuff. However, you are letting other posters give you that mind set. The "Bridge" comment by careship and stuff like that have you thinking that I think like that and I don't.

Im not out to purposely find loop holes. I don't try to find loopholes in anything. I actually never thought of it as a loophole until this thread started. You say I am "begging". Everytime you ask someone a polite question are you begging? I doubt it. Same here.

Im not begging man, I simply ask very politely to someone who is standing by the machine. It's a simple question, not begging. If I don't get it I move on to the line, I dont go to another person and ask again and again and again. You have me all wrong.



New Member

I'll leave it at this.....

I would never do it. Would never tell anyone else to do it. Would never allow my children to do it. And I pity the person who'd ask me. Why? Because it's an unfair advantage. Written rules or unwritten.....it's just not what the fastpass was attended for. In MY opinion.


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no loophole intended

I really did not mean to find a "loophole" in this. My mindset was completely innocent.

As someone else stated, it's just someone asking for something and someone else giving it. It's all really personal business becaues I'm not doing anything against someone's will and never even thought about Fast pass rules because I wasn't doing anything directly against the FastPass.

so., Please don't make me out to be that McDonalds lawsuit guy. That stuff sucks and is off topic. I think this is a much lighter issue.'

Stick to the point of the matter which is the act itself, not what a jerk you think I am, having never even met me.


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my purpose

Originally posted by spider-man
You have yet to explain your reason for bringing up this idea or thread. You are already set in your ways and ready to defend your position as the only position in your eyes. You knew opposition was very much out there to this idea, and yet you introduce a controversial thread and concept here for what purpose other than to stir things up and become defensive. If you had been more open minded to all responses this thread may have served a point, but now I'm thinking you are just boasting and bragging about what you have discovered as a "loophole" and by saying you will not change in any regards makes the whole concept of debate mute.

So what was the hidden agenda here... to cause arguments? ...to sway others to do the same as you? ...to brag? It's your thread, please enlighten us.

My purpose is simple. I brought it up to simply shed light to others about something they could do. Like I said previously, I didn't think of it as a big issue and a bad thing, that's why I brought it up. However, I don't mind debate if that's what it is. Debates are fun and very entertaining.

Now you know why I brought it up, which seemed pretty plain and simple to me.


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you just keep your opinion on my being the McDonalds guy then. That's fine, I told you I don't feel that way and you are smart enough to read me without knowing anything about me so who I am to disagree with a telepathy major.

However, I said the part about the "rules' and not having it written on there to show that when I was doing this my mindset was innocent and that I never thought anything of it. I wasnt scheming about it but rather showing you that when I did this I had no alternative mindset on it. Wait, how did you not know that? You can use telepathy.


Well-Known Member
I still think it is uncouth and greedy....ride and have fun, but leave time and opprotunity for others to enjoy the attraction as well...
You have come across, at least to me as a person who dosen't care about anyone else enjoying their vacation...its all about YOU....:(

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