A Way To Get Many Fastpasses!


Well-Known Member
spider-man is right - I wasn't quoting your post, mkt. I should have made it clearer that I was quoting exclusively from the original post in the thread. :)


New Member
...if you use your own ticket to get a fastpass that is good from say 1 to 2... at 5 after 1 you can get another fastpass with your own ticket anyhow can't you?... i guess some people will ask for things that some of us just wouldn't consider... i agree, ask someone in your own party if they're not using it... but not a stranger... :veryconfu


Originally posted by pocahontas79
If you have the courage to ask, I would just hope you could have decency to tell the person that they can't get a Fastpass for another 2 hours or so.

I wouldn't call it courage. I'd call it nerve. :zipit:


New Member
I would have to say I would be pretty annoyed (for lack of use of a worse word) at anyone who would ask me to get them a fastpass. Depending on if my boys were within earshot would be the difference in how I said NO. I wouldn't want to be the guy that asks me to get him one. There are alot of times we end up not going to use our fast pass for some reason or another, but I go to the ride and find a family or 4 people who looks like they could really use our fastpasses. The unsuspecting group is quite thrilled. I will say this though, I am the kind of person who would gladly help out anyone. But I tend to help those who seem like they need it. First time Disneygoers, families who look like they are about to drop etc. I have made many friends in Disney this way. But I would never help someone, IMHO, cheat the system. In fact, I'm the one who'd tell everyone within earshot what that person was up to and make him look awfully foolish.

However, to each their own. Do what you feel is right, just pray you never ask me....


New Member
Originally posted by spider-man
For that brief moment, the careship became the scareship. :lol:

:lol: My kids think that too sometimes. People wonder why they are so well-behaved. FEAR!!!! j/k:lol:


New Member
If Disney wanted you to get more than they have provided, they would have allowed you to. Theres a reason you can't just keep feeding the machine your card- its cheating the system. By cheating, I don't mean dishonestly, just trying to get around it.

I'd hate to have someone bother me for my ticket to get a FASTPASS. It would be annoying, and I'd deffantly say no...

I wouldn't mind giving a unused fastpass to a family waiting in line, who didn't ask, if I was leaving....

FASTPASS is a life saver...
Too bad some people can't just step back and see how great it is, even without having to be one step ahead of Disney.

The Mom

Premium Member
It's just tacky,tacky, tacky. ;)

Which describes a lot of things that have been "debated" in the forum. They're probably not illegal or even immoral, but are just plain tacky. :lol:


New Member
Originally posted by The Mom
It's just tacky,tacky, tacky. ;)

Which describes a lot of things that have been "debated" in the forum. They're probably not illegal or even immoral, but are just plain tacky. :lol:

That describes alot of things Mom. Thanks for the word for it. All the ones I came up with were not very nice.


Well-Known Member
I find it tacky as well. If asked, I would say no. I also would be offended that someone I didn't even know was trying to take advantage of MY park privileges along with their own. I paid for my ticket and intend to use MY privileges myself. Now, if I were to notice someone who could really use it, I'd be more than happy to give my pass (like the others have mentioned). It's nice to help someone have a "magical" day, but to be ASKED is just plain rude AND tacky.

I sure hope you are making the people you ask aware of the fact that they won't be able to get another one for a while.


Well-Known Member
I would tend to agree with the majority of people here that this lacks good taste. And, being very technical here, if a ticket and a fastpass are non-transferable, then you are cheating. Don't ask me either. You may get away with it, but sooner or later, it will backfire on you. To me, it's not worth it.

I have also given my unused fastpass to an unsuspecting person/family and you would have thought that you have handed them the keys to the kingdom. Now that is worth it.


Account Suspended
Original Poster

Originally posted by GenerationX
If by "nice" you mean bothering people while they're on vacation.

That way you get the FastPass for free, but get credit for having offered something in return! What a nice gesture! :rolleyes:

If by "polite" you mean annoying and by "not afraid" you mean lacking dignity.

Correction: the worst they can do is alert a nearby CM of a disingenuous, rude guest who's breaking the FastPass rules.

First off, I just read the back of my ticket and it says NOTHING about the Fastpass on it so how can there be specific rules on my ticket regarding Fastpass? The ticket says this ticket must be used by the same person on all days. Well I'm not breaking that rule. I have never touched another person's ticket, they use it themselves for me.

So, where are these rules you mention?

Hank Scorpio

New Member
The only thing that bothers me about this is eventually it's gonna get out of control and upset a lot of guests.

Today its you asking 10 people if they will get you a FAST PASS, tomorrow its 10 people asking another 10 people if they will get them a FAST PASS...

Personally i'd politely say no if you asked me, even if I wasn't planning on using it. But if i'd been asked 10 times, I really hope your not the 10th person to ask... :fork:


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Original Poster

Ok, well I am all about a democratic society and I have no problem stating that we can just all agree to disagree. We all do not have the same opinion and if you think it's tacky, that's ok.

However, I think most of you have the wrong mindset on what I'm doing. I'm not walking around like a nag asking all kinds of people questions and I'm not walking away with 20 tickets.

I will only approch someone who is not riding. I don't "steal" their chance to use a previous ticket. I even ask them if they are needing to use it on another attraction.

Most of the people I would ask are obviously having no interest in doing anything but just watching.

I only ask someone who is by the machine. There are alot of people standing by the machines just chilling out. I just don't see anything wrong with simply saying "sir, are you going to be using a fastpass anytime soon? Would you mind if I could use yours?"

I just don't see that as a big problem. I'm not an uptight person and though a couple of you may say "No" if I asked you. Many people are light hearted and have NO problem at all with this.

About the money issue, I would gladly pay them the money if they took it. Im not asking them just to manipulate them, I'm just saying that in most cases people don't want the money.

Some of you keep saying "it's breaking the rules". What rules? My ticket says nothing about the fastpass. It simply says and I quote:

"*Nontransferable; must be used by the same person on any and all days. "

That is all it says in regards to anything that some would think applies here. However, I am not asking anyone to transfer their ticket to me. I'm also not using their ticket myself. I do not touch their ticket. They use it in the machine and simply give me a Fastpass.

This is not cheating. Cheating is a breaking of a rule. There is no rule on my ticket that says this. I have not had an item in my hand anywhere that states I'm breaking a rule. So, no, i would not be ejected from the park or barked at harshly for this.

I have had only a couple of people tell me no, and that's because most people that I ask do not want to use them for anything. However, the people that have said No were very polite and just told me they were sorry but were going on another attraction.

Like I said, we can agree to disagree. I know some think it's distasteful and that's fine. I don't have an issue with what people think of me. However, lets' be honest, if you think it's distasteful, that's fine but it's not a breaking of any rules I've seen.


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Original Poster

Originally posted by Hank Scorpio
The only thing that bothers me about this is eventually it's gonna get out of control and upset a lot of guests.

Today its you asking 10 people if they will get you a FAST PASS, tomorrow its 10 people asking another 10 people if they will get them a FAST PASS...

Personally i'd politely say no if you asked me, even if I wasn't planning on using it. But if i'd been asked 10 times, I really hope your not the 10th person to ask... :fork:

Well I've never asked 10 people in a day for a Fastpass. Like I said earlier, I would only ask if the line was very long or I was out of a fastpass chance or they were out of them. I have never asked more than 2 people in one day.

Secondly, don't think this is anything new. This has gone on since the day they started the FP. I think I'm just the first person to shed light on it and most people not having been asked have never heard of this.

Hank Scorpio

New Member
ok - this wasn't a personal attack on you, just on hoards of people doing it.

You said yourself that you picked up on this because you observed someone else doing it? Well firstly others in the park will watch you doing it and think to do it themsleves, and secondly you posted it on a very popular internet forum where people will read and some will think its a good idea.

So, eventually it will get out of hand and pose a big problem as more and more will think its a good idea and try to do it.


Account Suspended
Original Poster

Originally posted by spider-man
You really don't understand the rule that is automatically in place. You would not have to ask others if you were allowed as many passes as you wanted per person. The rule is enforced in the fact that you are allowed a Fastpass per your ticket every so often. What do you mean what rule. :confused: Because you have to ask for others Fastpasses should be enough to tell you something is wrong. You might as well get someone to wait in line while you use a fastpass, and then go find them in the line and get in their spot since they are not planning on riding. You could offer them money to hold your place in line for you. I still think you are trying to convince yourself that this is ok (why else would you assume it would become a negative thread unless you had doubts about the honesty in this idea).

Well once again, I have no desire to convince myself it's ok. Why? because it is. I see your point completely as to why you don't like it. Trust me I do. What I'm saying is, people keep saying rules this and rules that. There are NO rules. Sure they only allow you one per two hours and you're saying that means there's a rule. I understand that. I'm just saying, I have no broken any written rule.

Listen, I really am not bothered if you don't like it. I dont want to convince myself it's right or wrong, I just do it. About people getting a fastpass with someone in line, then ride and then jump in line. Do you not think this happens all the time already?


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
Originally posted by GenerationX
spider-man is right - I wasn't quoting your post, mkt. I should have made it clearer that I was quoting exclusively from the original post in the thread. :)

well I feel like horses @ss now...


New Member
Originally posted by BRER STITCH
...yet ANOTHER reason to end Fast-Pass.....


goodgod- their are other haters like me!?

lol ive never been a huge fan; for every one time i enjoy using it and actually get something out of it- i think i get frustrated and end up having to skip some of my favorite attractions due to long standby lines and sold out FP's 3 times..... if only it could be reworked or done away with all together i'd be one happy camper, however with the openings of new attractions made for fastpass i.e. M:S... i don't see it happening anytime soon anymore (dispite rumors from an inside source stating otherwise...)


Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Re: nice

Originally posted by civileng68
first off, You're from Chicago? How do you know what nice is anyways?

Secondly, I just read the back of my ticket and it says NOTHING about the Fastpass on it so how can there be specific rules on my ticket regarding Fastpass? The ticket says this ticket must be used by the same person on all days. Well I'm not breaking that rule. I have never touched another person's ticket, they use it themselves for me.

So, where are these rules you mention?

First off, comments like the Chicago one shouldn't and won't be repeatedly tolerated.

Second, there are unwritten rules to all things in life. As previously posted, there is a reason why Disney has set the machines to only allow a guest to hold a certain amount of passes at a time. Tha fact that they've taken a step to prevent holding many passes at once makes it a rule. This unwritten rule allows for the maximum number of guests to be able to use fastpass.

You've also made it clear that as long as this particular person allows you to use their pass, then all is well, when in fact, you are indirectly affecting everyone else who gets a fastpass on that day. When you use another's ticket, you're using another fastpass ticket which could've been given to someone else who didn't currently hold one. When the passes run out, you've used two when others have only been issued one. Is there a particular reason you deserve an extra pass?

This situation you brought up is really quite simple. The bottom line is that you aren't supposed to have another fastpass, therefore, you shouldn't.

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