The Empress Lilly
Well-Known Member
I was at the MK one month ago, late September / early October. We probably walked right past each other! (Were you that person I kept driving into with my scooter? That guy wearing that Incredible Hulk shirt, pin lanyard with exclusive Chicken Little Fifth Anniversary pins, plus a '1st Visit' button you flashed at every CM?)I can't help but laugh when I read this, but not for the reason you might think. Stiff Competition is the name of the first 'adult' film I ever watched. Really!
As to the rest, I'm sorry you have been converted to the dark side. It generally happens to thinking spirits no matter how much they detest my delivery, which seems to come off harsher here than when I say it to their faces in the real world. The power of the written word, I guess.
Curious, did you just visit the MK? I was at the park for parts of two or three (I can't even recall because the park is by far my least favorite castle park in the world) days this month as well.
I did mean Stiff Competition, the movie.