So… Given a lot of thought about this.
First… Our forum has a very negative reputation inside celebration place. Some of it is because we are a bunch of smart *****. Some of it is because of the criticism that we make towards the company and rightfully so… We point out things that need to be addressed or things the company is doing that we feel is wrong.
And then we have threads where the lack of humanity of some of our fourum members are completely revealed. And that disappoints me… But we have some people that just feel the need to split every hair about every single subject.
Because we have serious topics that we do discuss. Public Safety is a significant issue at the Walt Disney World resort. It is such an issue that the Orange county sheriffs office is building a permanent sub station in downtown Disney. Yes, four years Disney has dealt with crimes against property. People breaking into cars. People stealing stuff from strollers. Petty fraud & the like. Since September 2001, the steaks have gotten incredibly higher. Society as a whole has gone off the deep end, as evidenced by what went on in Louisana last night.
Now we have things like a Woman lying in the bushes for several hours before Disney security even notices. And I'm sorry, Disney security needs to explain themselves in this instance. There is no way on gods green earth that security should have missed a person lying in the bushes for multiple hours, only finding them shortly before dawn at 5:45 in the morning accordig to the police narrative. There is simply no excuse.
Now a few weeks ago and it came out that a bunch of security people are suing for wrongful termination and other things. In those cases, it was revealed that no, some Disney security people simply don't do their damn job. And it's clear as day to me that somebody at downtown Disney a week ago Wednesday certainly was not doing their job.
How did these tied together? The culture of complacency. Lack of accountability. Disney security and the Orange county sheriffs office are responsible for keeping roughly 150,000 people safe at any given moment. Part of that task involves patrolling the waterfront behind house please make sure nobody's in the damn bushes. If they can't even do that right, how am I going to know if they can stop the bigger things?
I can only imagine that the executive leadership would have the same reaction as me - "how the hell do you not notice a person in the bushes for three or four hours?!"
Thankfully, it was a 36 hour story as it came to a quick resolution. Still though, theres a big question that needs to be answered.