A Spirited Perfect Ten


Well-Known Member
And there's plenty of Millennial Star Wars fans that are just fine with the Prequels and their associated era. The older angrier Star Wars generation is much louder though.

The prequels have been a slow-burn for many people who only discovered them after the Clone Wars TV shows, or soon after release, then went back to the originals. The Force Awakens is getting a double whammy of hipsterish fondness for things before they were born, mixed with the love of Star Wars from the prequel onwards era, combined with the excitement of old fans who disliked the prequels and feel they were robbed of 'their' Star Wars movie they see as a grown-up.

That's a potent combination, and will result in big box office, but the internet magnifies things and it won't be as big as many people are predicting. My guess is Disney's shares will take a nosedive after opening weekend, as it won't meet some of the wilder expectations at all, yet will still be the most successful film of the year by a long shot.


Well-Known Member
Many Millennial SW fans claim the prequels as "their" Star Wars and love it (along with the Clone Wars and Rebels) as much as I did with OT...and I also love CW and Rebels. I'm one of those older fans but I'm not nearly as hard on George as some of the more hardcore "live & breathe SW 24/7" fans out there. I actually enjoyed all 3 movies when I saw them in theaters and have watched them multiple times since. Are they flawless, no way, but I personally don't feel the hatred toward them that some folks do.
I feel like my early Star Wars upbringing put a lot of stuff into perspective because not only did I consume the original trilogy, but also the Ewok movies and those Ewoks/Droids cartoon compilations they released in the mid 90s.

Star Wars as this masterful unblemished gem of a franchise that was only ruined because of the Special Editions/Prequels is just a myth. Star Wars has had good and bad stories contained within ever since November of 1978.

Mike S

Well-Known Member
The prequels have been a slow-burn for many people who only discovered them after the Clone Wars TV shows, or soon after release, then went back to the originals. The Force Awakens is getting a double whammy of hipsterish fondness for things before they were born, mixed with the love of Star Wars from the prequel onwards era, combined with the excitement of old fans who disliked the prequels and feel they were robbed of 'their' Star Wars movie they see as a grown-up.

That's a potent combination, and will result in big box office, but the internet magnifies things and it won't be as big as many people are predicting. My guess is Disney's shares will take a nosedive after opening weekend, as it won't meet some of the wilder expectations at all, yet will still be the most successful film of the year by a long shot.
I prefer classic rock music, I yearn for a WDW from before I was born or still very young, I'm hyped for Star Wars.......... Am, am I a, a, a.......... a HIPSTER?!?!?!?!?! :eek: :hungover:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Spirited Weekend Musings (the VERY last until fall):

I've been putting bits and pieces together regarding the proposed Frontierland project for MK and ... color me incredibly NOT impressed. If I've learned anything while watching this park change so radically over the last 15-plus years is that it is morphing into something that I don't like very much, something that's pretty antithetical to what the whole idea of the park was to begin with. I really couldn't care less how busy the place is. Whenever I drive by Walmart the parking lot is plenty full there as well.

So, it would appear the big D23 P&R 'news' will be stuff rehashed from the recent Shanghai Disneyland announcement with Pandora finally explained a bit ... then they SHOCK the audience with 'news' about the temp Star Wars/Marvel Innoventions makeover and BAM!!! They've announced something without announcing a damn thing.

No, I don't agree with the EU's legal argument against the major media players at all.

Thanks to the Denny's commercials (why am I craving one of their $2.99 sundaes, the best value in American desserts, right now?) I was reminded that Ant-Man in no way ends the onslaught of comic films this summer, not even Marvel comics based films. Nope, we're just around the corner from the opening of the latest rebooting of The Fantastic Four. Now, are the Marvel fanbois going to show up for that one? Or are they not counting since they are not controlled by DIS so they likely won't have a scene with some dude named Thanos wearing a necklace (no, not a pearl one!) made of Infinity Stones as Captain America and Captain Marvel (no, not the Shazam dude, he's a DC property and controlled by WB) do battle while 67-year-old Robert Downey Jr's Iron Man suit, now powered by Cialis, can't get him up (in the air!)?

It's now late July and I'm still waiting to hear about packed parks at WDW or UNI. Beyond the usual about the MK, I'm just not hearing it.

You know Disney hates years like this when Labor Day falls late on the calendar and they can't start celebrating Halloween with hard-ticket parties before or on the holiday weekend.

A story that has nothing to do with Disney or UNI, but about how China is expanding its power reach globally today in the NYT. It is an interesting read, but is also long form journalism, so you won't be able to read it in 2-3 minutes.


Speaking of the Chinese, it would appear they have 'convinced' the Bahamian government that it's wise to side with the Chinese construction companies and actively try and steal the Baha Mar development from its owners.

Does anyone care about Pixels? Didn't think so.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I think Free Dining keeps people on property like nothing else, so that's why it remains. It's certainly the key reason why UK guests get Free Dining almost all year round.

It's a small amount of people in all, but the UKers are offered it practically year round because they're likely to spend 14-30 days in O-Town and see just as much MAGIC in a Clermont rental home or a Sea World area timeshare. It definitely holds more UKers hostage than Americans and that is by design.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Name one instance of a missing person who was not missing before they were reported missing.

So because there was no report means she wasn't missing?

So if they are not supposed to be monitoring the area (which includes doing whatever it takes to make sure the area is safe) then what is it exactly are they supposed to be doing?
Dont the police force a 24 hour limit before someone can be declared "missing"?

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
I feel like my early Star Wars upbringing put a lot of stuff into perspective because not only did I consume the original trilogy, but also the Ewok movies and those Ewoks/Droids cartoon compilations they released in the mid 90s.

Star Wars as this masterful unblemished gem of a franchise that was only ruined because of the Special Editions/Prequels is just a myth. Star Wars has had good and bad stories contained within ever since November of 1978.
man, talk about nostalgia..
I remember watching the Ewoks cartoons every sunday!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Inside Out is the number 1 stand alone Pixar movie. Even adjusted for inflation it has already passed Cars and will easily land in the top 5 globally of all Pixar movies again even adjusted for inflation. Pixar is getting better with age like fine wine.

And The Good Dinosaur looks good indeed.

I largely agree (yep, there's that one time for 2015!) I think some folks are awful eager for Pixar to fail, which is unfortunate. They put out two mediocre (though not awful) films in Cars 2 and Brave (which was a miracle it wasn't unwatchable considering what went on behind the scenes) and very good prequel in Monsters U and for some reason they were viewed as over by some.

In some ways they've just been victims of their own greatness.

I'm not so sure about Good Dinosaur, but I underestimated a dino film this summer and won't make the same mistake twice.


Well-Known Member
Spirited Weekend Musings (the VERY last until fall):

I've been putting bits and pieces together regarding the proposed Frontierland project for MK and ... color me incredibly NOT impressed. If I've learned anything while watching this park change so radically over the last 15-plus years is that it is morphing into something that I don't like very much, something that's pretty antithetical to what the whole idea of the park was to begin with. I really couldn't care less how busy the place is. Whenever I drive by Walmart the parking lot is plenty full there as well.
"Roundup" unpleasant news?

No, I don't agree with the EU's legal argument against the major media players at all.
Well you are kind of an old fashion character. I think region locking and blocking sucks for consumers. If you want me to consume your coverage make it better than the other guy and I will and don't charge me 30 bucks to watch replays on the internet when you are going to show me 50 ads.

It's now late July and I'm still waiting to hear about packed parks at WDW or UNI. Beyond the usual about the MK, I'm just not hearing it.

You know Disney hates years like this when Labor Day falls late on the calendar and they can't start celebrating Halloween with hard-ticket parties before or on the holiday weekend.
Too hot and too wet even when it's not raining

A story that has nothing to do with Disney or UNI, but about how China is expanding its power reach globally today in the NYT. It is an interesting read, but is also long form journalism, so you won't be able to read it in 2-3 minutes.


Speaking of the Chinese, it would appear they have 'convinced' the Bahamian government that it's wise to side with the Chinese construction companies and actively try and steal the Baha Mar development from its owners.

I have been seeing more ads for Atlantis lately.

Does anyone care about Pixels? Didn't think so.[/QUOTE]

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Spirited Weekend Musings (the VERY last until fall):

I've been putting bits and pieces together regarding the proposed Frontierland project for MK and ... color me incredibly NOT impressed. If I've learned anything while watching this park change so radically over the last 15-plus years is that it is morphing into something that I don't like very much, something that's pretty antithetical to what the whole idea of the park was to begin with. I really couldn't care less how busy the place is. Whenever I drive by Walmart the parking lot is plenty full there as well.

So, it would appear the big D23 P&R 'news' will be stuff rehashed from the recent Shanghai Disneyland announcement with Pandora finally explained a bit ... then they SHOCK the audience with 'news' about the temp Star Wars/Marvel Innoventions makeover and BAM!!! They've announced something without announcing a damn thing.

No, I don't agree with the EU's legal argument against the major media players at all.

Thanks to the Denny's commercials (why am I craving one of their $2.99 sundaes, the best value in American desserts, right now?) I was reminded that Ant-Man in no way ends the onslaught of comic films this summer, not even Marvel comics based films. Nope, we're just around the corner from the opening of the latest rebooting of The Fantastic Four. Now, are the Marvel fanbois going to show up for that one? Or are they not counting since they are not controlled by DIS so they likely won't have a scene with some dude named Thanos wearing a necklace (no, not a pearl one!) made of Infinity Stones as Captain America and Captain Marvel (no, not the Shazam dude, he's a DC property and controlled by WB) do battle while 67-year-old Robert Downey Jr's Iron Man suit, now powered by Cialis, can't get him up (in the air!)?

It's now late July and I'm still waiting to hear about packed parks at WDW or UNI. Beyond the usual about the MK, I'm just not hearing it.

You know Disney hates years like this when Labor Day falls late on the calendar and they can't start celebrating Halloween with hard-ticket parties before or on the holiday weekend.

A story that has nothing to do with Disney or UNI, but about how China is expanding its power reach globally today in the NYT. It is an interesting read, but is also long form journalism, so you won't be able to read it in 2-3 minutes.


Speaking of the Chinese, it would appear they have 'convinced' the Bahamian government that it's wise to side with the Chinese construction companies and actively try and steal the Baha Mar development from its owners.

Does anyone care about Pixels? Didn't think so.
so.. dinney is going to repeat the "announcement of an announcement" thing again? lol. :hilarious:


Well-Known Member
"Roundup" unpleasant news?

Well you are kind of an old fashion character. I think region locking and blocking sucks for consumers. If you want me to consume your coverage make it better than the other guy and I will and don't charge me 30 bucks to watch replays on the internet when you are going to show me 50 ads.

Too hot and too wet even when it's not raining

I have been seeing more ads for Atlantis lately.

Does anyone care about Pixels? Didn't think so.

Random tangent: my friend produces all the TV spots for Atlantis.

Kinda screwed up that gig with too much vodka one night....

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
I largely agree (yep, there's that one time for 2015!) I think some folks are awful eager for Pixar to fail, which is unfortunate. They put out two mediocre (though not awful) films in Cars 2 and Brave (which was a miracle it wasn't unwatchable considering what went on behind the scenes) and very good prequel in Monsters U and for some reason they were viewed as over by some.

In some ways they've just been victims of their own greatness.

I'm not so sure about Good Dinosaur, but I underestimated a dino film this summer and won't make the same mistake twice.
Disagree. Id rank Brave higher than Monsters U.
But then.. the Monster U concept of university seem to only apply to the US and perhaps a few other cities.
I bet the 99% of the people in my country.. never seen the style of universities..thus feel no connection at all with the characters.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
People are always going on about how they love to go back to the hotel for a nap at WDW, something you'd never do in Tokyo. I wonder if the return visit after the afternoon break means their day is being counted as two attendance clicks?

Well, the whole park-hopping issue and the 'first click' acceptance as fact as the way attendance is measured always has me wondering. If someone hits Studios first think in the morning for literally two hours, then boats over to EPCOT for the afternoon and lunch, returns to their hotel and heads to the MK at 7:30 p.m I've been told the only click that counts is that first one. Even if the people spend six hours at the MK versus two at D-MGM and 3.5 at EPCOT.

I just don't think these numbers are 'proving' what a lot of Disney fanbois and analysts think they are beyond one unmistakeable truth: the MK is BY FAR the most popular theme park in O-Town.

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