Premium Member
Back in the day...key phrase.
It's a new day. And I'm sorry, your ideas are antiquated.
The patent being stolen was Jan 2015 so not much has changed.... The business name was 2004.
The manufacturing coming back to US because cost savings is not as great anymore began in 2012 and has been steadily increasing since. One due to the increase in production cost in this country but the other reason is the fear of their patents and tech being stolen.
Now auto industry is actually asking for products to move back to US from on of my companies that we partner with because the cost savings is no longer worth the risk of keeping them in china....
China is a country that is in a transitional phase and anyone that thinks it won't have major political changes in the next 10-20 years is not reading the tea leaves right. People will demand more pay will not work in those conditions etc and they will have to learn to evolve and become a player with higher wages etc.