Well-Known Member
Here's my thing. I feel like I asked some legitimate questions about typical relations between China and Western business, and my admitted lack of knowledge. Since Spirit has praised some of my posts, I thought perhaps it would show, that even among the "intelligent" that all these *wink* *winks* might be flying over heads. I did spend some time looking for the openings of other Western well-known businesses. Apple, and the most recent one Victoria Secret, and all I was really finding was the same things we're talking about with this Disney stuff. No photos of high ranking executives, hardly any photos at all, nothing in the major US business publications, some talk about how different China is, and so the West has to act in a measured manner, not so big expectations.
Yup. Precisely. I politely asked a legitimate question about what exactly he was saying this document was (it begins as an itinerary, and then reads like someone's personal interpretation/opinion of what happened next) and I didn't get an answer either. (I also asked about the translation, because it was said that some of it was, which can have a massive impact as well on how something reads.)
Like yourself, in spite of the fact that I have been very supportive of '74 over the years, I'm suddenly in that "adversary" group as well because I am asking questions and not falling lockstep into the "Iger must go down" agenda. As you outline in the rest of your posting, this need to make people "fans" or "enemies" has the bloom coming off of the rose.
I've done the same as you - and from what I can tell, this is typical for American businesses entering China. China has 1.4 Billion people that we want to legitimately join the global economy. Yes, companies are keeping low profiles and not being trotted out like this is Anaheim because the culture demands it. That's how you get success in China, a foothold. Walking in like the stereotypical "White man here to save you!" American, put-me-in-the-center attitude is NOT going to win long term.
As @lazyboy97o pointed out, the people going "OMG!!!! EPIC!" reading that - I'm not sure what they are reading. Well, I now how they are reading - they are reading from an AMERICAN business perspective and what they would expect to happen in the US. It's wholly naive to think that China can be treated the same way if we want to have our way with them later. I've read it three times, and except for the loaded implication that he was somehow under house arrest at one point (which if you read carefully, is implied, but is actually the reason I am curious about translation as that could make a huge amount of difference).
Basically, it boils down to this: some girls respond to "Hey baby, get in the bedroom and gimmie what I want - you know I love you." Other girls need to be sweet talked, deferred to, wined and dined, made to feel superior to a bumbling man who is just lucky to have a girl like that consider him, and then she decides when he is worthy.
However, the end result is the same - the guy gets what he wants. The only "controversy" here is that as this guys buddies, we all want him to "go in there and git'er done!" to a girl who would kick you to the curb unless you take a more nuanced, respectful approach.