A Spirited Perfect Ten

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
Nope, his only musing is that neither Rasulo nor Staggs has a good shot at CEO after Igers leaves. Nothing about Rasulo resigning this month. I agree that it may not be unexpected, since if Rasulo knows he has no chance at the top, he might leave for someplace where he does have a shot at a CEO job.

Oh, and so I predict that Tom Staggs will resign at some point.

Why are they all leaving?


DVC Guru
Premium Member
Why are they all leaving?
Well, both Jay and Tom had aspirations of taking over for Bob when he retired. Scuttlebutt is that neither of them would be considered good candidates by the BoD, especially Jay. So he leaves now so he can get another job, and if Tom is told that he has no chance at the top spot, he will likely leave as well. Both are young enough that they think they deserve the top spot somewhere, so would go for that, instead of stagnating where they are now for another decade or so.

Of course, there are lots of people here that would love both Tom and Bob to leave immediately as well, bringing in someone from outside the company to head everything up. Hopefully someone that sees P & R as a growth area that needs a lot of attention. Mostly parks of course!


Well-Known Member
The reason i say that is because that Disney has to do a lot more costly things to drive crowds in the offseason. The extension of F&W and F&G in the number of weeks. Then you still have periods of trying to fill with hotel discounts and Disney Dining. They have zero issue filling during peak. So instead of discounting, you start to peak rate everything. There is still going to be a large crowd during peak. However, the ultimate goal will be to make off peak times look discounted without discounting. Success would be seen in either being able to end some of the free Disney Dining promotions or significantly reducing some of the resort discounts that are almost automatic during some parts of the year. You can raise the peak and make a slight deflection in the crowds (peak pricing will obviously be part of the resort Magic Your Way pricing for this to work also) while increasing the profits and maybe reducing the backend discounts which increases revenue again.
Hopefully they get rid of the free dining plan. Next thing up, getting rid of the extra magic hours.


Well-Known Member
He's leaving his post as CFO. So, the giant evil is leaving to do what, does one wonder? Running "The Gap?" Taking over at IBM? Not exactly . . .


He's taking a job as a special advisor to Bob Iger (until, you know, that CEO job comes along)

All together now, "Meet the new boss - same as the ..."

in that article, there's a great illustration of just how dependent analysts are on the companies they cover.

He came in runner-up for the biggest job in the world,” said Laura Martin, an analyst at Needham & Co. “He should get picked up pretty quickly in some CEO-level position.”

WHAT?! since when is CEO of TWDC the biggest job in the world?!


Well-Known Member

WHAT?! since when is CEO of TWDC the biggest job in the world?!

As an "analyst", she could have been more specific, granted, because "biggest" is rather ambiguous. I think from a corporate/business perspective, though, it certainly is among the very highest profile, which is what I think she was trying to say. Very few companies trot out their CEO's like Disney does, and make them enough of public figures that the average person may know their name - Apple comes to mind, but not many others.

I read it more as hyperbole, like "being a stay at home mom is the hardest job in the world".


Well-Known Member
They need to get rid of the dining plan completely.

Aside from the fact that it does detrimental things to the menus across property and fill up the restaurants, it does seem to have an impact in October and November. Yet it doesn't seem to do jack in September.

Of course I don't understand why free dining exists if we are going to start discussing tiered pricing based on the day of the week you go to Disney…


Well-Known Member
Nope, his only musing is that neither Rasulo nor Staggs has a good shot at CEO after Igers leaves. Nothing about Rasulo resigning this month. I agree that it may not be unexpected, since if Rasulo knows he has no chance at the top, he might leave for someplace where he does have a shot at a CEO job.

No, he absolutely did predict Rasulo leaving. In this very thread. I wont bother chasing down the post, because I dont have a disposable 4 hours to scour the thread...but I definitely remember @WDW1974 predicting rasulo would be gone - it was right after staggs got the nod, if you have the intestinal fortitude to do the searching. He may not have predicted the exact month, but his time frames were spot on. As always...


DVC Guru
Premium Member
No, he absolutely did predict Rasulo leaving. In this very thread. I wont bother chasing down the post, because I dont have a disposable 4 hours to scour it...but I definitely remember @WDW1974 predicting rasulo would be gone - it was right after staggs got the nod, if you have the intestinal fortitude to do the searching. He may not have predicted the exact month, but his time frames were spot on. As always...
Saying that he was leaving is pretty much like saying the sun will come up somewhere tomorrow, or that someplace in the U.S. will have rain today. We can say the same thing for Tom Staggs as it is doubtful that he will get the top position. You could say the same thing about Bob Chapek as well. Anyone can spout generalities. I'm wondering why none of the insiders posted information about his actual resignation prior to it coming out on CNBC or ABC News, and not a prediction that he would resign at some point. Big difference. Guess they don't think that the CFO that is regularly panned around here is worthy?

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