A Spirited Perfect Ten


Premium Member
When it hits the front page of Variety, you should read into it. I recall a certain spirit saying he could be out by Easter, it looks like Rasulo's still on that trajectory. If he keeps unloading shares over the next couple weeks, then we know he's gone.
Yeah, he's gone. It's just a matter of when not if. I don't think that's a very big leap to assume he would leave.

When I said "don't read into it" I was referring to the question of whether problems in China lead him to sell. That's highly unlikely.


I feel pretty confident that Captain America: Civil War, with RDJ in it plus the rumor of Spider-Man, is going to make quite a bit at the box office.

Edit: Also, is the Star Wars spin-off Rogue One going to be a 2016 release?
Agreed Captain America: Civil War is basically Avengers 2.5. I would be surprised if it didn't make more than $1 billion.

I think the Star Wars spinoff is dependent on the response to Episode 7, which I predict to be positive.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Then why have discussions at all or participate in a forum such as this?
Labeling, degrading, judging other people and how they live, projecting superiority are not discussion. They are gossip, snottiness and bullying. Discussions are discussing actual things giving the pro's and con's and allowing others to have an opinion or a stand different then one's own and respecting it as their own.

There are many, many things to be gleaned from participating in forum's such as this. Many things that a Disney fan might enjoy hearing about or learning about. Even knowing how another person lives their life can be productive and interesting. However, the right or wrong of how someone lives that life, is not or should not be up for discussion. You do your thing, I'll do mine and we will both live happily ever after, that should be how we feel about all of that, including the so called "lifestylers".


Well-Known Member
That assumes Dolly Parton wants to sell which is unlikely.

I doubt seriously she would sell. One of her primary reasons for buying was to take care of those in her community. They are growing and branching out into other areas as well.
Dolly Parton does not own Herschend Family Entertainmeny. She would not be selling anything if Herschend was purchased.


Well-Known Member


Resident Curmudgeon
SIAP, but an interesting article on how other studios should basically give up trying to compete with Disney in the blockbuster/tentpole arena, since Disney can pretty easily drop two "sure things" per quarter between Star Wars, Marvel, Pixar, Disney Animation, and the now viable Live Action Remake.


Sure things like Mars Needs Moms, John Carter and the "Lone Ranger" Those kind of sure things...


Well-Known Member
His primary offence was that he used his blog to encourage his followers to harass D'Ozario. I haven't read the tweets, but even Sims admits he was a jerk. He engaged in this behavior for three years. I don't believe that threats of violence are necessary for this to be considered bullying. I have read that he made a comment that she should cut off her hands or something to that effect. But I haven't seen the comment myself, so I can't swear to that. I do know that he showed up on her site to gloat about the abuse she was receiving from his fans. He posted:

"You gonna to CRY, little girl?"

Whether or not Sims actually threatened D'Ozario, he went out of her way to make her miserable for three years! She actually dropped out of writing comics as a result. I don't think there's any doubt Sims crossed a line. Even he admits he did.

Edit: For what it's worth, DOzario doesn't want Sims to be replaced. She's afraid of being blamed for it if Marvel takes action against Sims.

That is an interesting case. If I'm understanding the chain of events, as a blogger he initiated and encouraged online harassment of this woman who at the time was a writer for Marvel.

Well...5-7 years ago, there wasn't much in the way of online stalking / harassment law so Marvel would have been limited in their response, but should have at least publically supported the writer . Being aware of it then and hiring him now...that is bad form and given the public nature of online bullying/harassment (I hate when folks refer to harassment as bullying, it degrades the harassment) she shouldn't have needed to come forward to initiate a response. Given that he is moving to an X-book which is all about tolerance and acceptance...I think they hired the wrong guy and he loses his big break. Actions have consequences.

The comics industry has successfully reached out to women and girls over the last few years and moves like this and the DC Joker cover show that there is a still a long way to go to prevent institutionalized sexism.


Well-Known Member
A good time to mention Michael still owns almost all of the DIS shares he recieved over his tenure.

No wonder Eisner publically supports Iger...Iger has made him a very rich man.

But I don't think it is a great comparison between Rasulo and Eisner. Disney has reached a stock price that not many could have envisioned even 5 years ago and given that executives have very few windows to take advantage of that. Even if he had renewed his contract, I would still expect some selling of stock. Heck at these prices I would expect Eisner, Staggs, Iger and the board to sell some.

Personally I think it is a little crazy when folks try to read into insider sales too much. Would you sit on 20-50% of your salary and never cash it out?


Well-Known Member
Agreed Captain America: Civil War is basically Avengers 2.5. I would be surprised if it didn't make more than $1 billion.

I think the Star Wars spinoff is dependent on the response to Episode 7, which I predict to be positive.

Rogue One goes into production this summer before VII comes out. The bet has been made and the schedule set. This release date bingo that the studios have set up, doesn't allow for any faltering or re-planning due to bad reception.


Well-Known Member
Sure things like Mars Needs Moms, John Carter and the "Lone Ranger" Those kind of sure things...

sometimes you are just too negative. LOL. Are you able to even remotely think positively these days? Where is the joy?

But the point of the article is valid. No one else needs to do big interconnected universe tentpoles and chasing Disney isn't any method of success. Disney is enjoying a well deserved wave of box office success, not everything hits, but they have taken risks and they have figured out what works for them right now.

But that doesn't mean that folks are clamoring for an interconnected Lego movie universe, or Ghostbusters/Ghost Corps or a MIB/21 Jump Street connected universe. The other studios should continue working on what works for them.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
sometimes you are just too negative. LOL. Are you able to even remotely think positively these days? Where is the joy?

But the point of the article is valid. No one else needs to do big interconnected universe tentpoles and chasing Disney isn't any method of success. Disney is enjoying a well deserved wave of box office success, not everything hits, but they have taken risks and they have figured out what works for them right now.

But that doesn't mean that folks are clamoring for an interconnected Lego movie universe, or Ghostbusters/Ghost Corps or a MIB/21 Jump Street connected universe. The other studios should continue working on what works for them.
He is still right.

Not all movies made by Disney are box hits.
They might have 2-4 excellent movies, but all the others could balance down.
Also the Id say the movie money range for paying customers is finite. They will see a certain amount of movies regardless of how many "good movies" are out.


Well-Known Member
He is still right.

Not all movies made by Disney are box hits.
They might have 2-4 excellent movies, but all the others could balance down.
Also the Id say the movie money range for paying customers is finite. They will see a certain amount of movies regardless of how many "good movies" are out.

Oh, I'm not disagreeing that not all of their franchise movies are going to be hits. Only foolish folks would believe everything is going to hit. I expect these tentpoles to be mostly solid movies that don't break any records, the occasional bomb and the occasional Frozen/Avengers style record breaker. Just like any other studio would have.

But to assume the schedule is going to fail out-right is silly as well.

And the point of my post was that other studios shouldn't just follow Disney down the franchise path, Disney is uniquely structured to maximize the value out of a franchise tentpole. Everything from their movie financing structure to their TV properties to their Consumer Products group enable Disney to squeeze every possible penny out of a movie before the books close on it. Other studios should play to their strengths, not try to mimic Disney's strengths.

To be clear, bombs will still happen and this moment of success won't last forever. But when the system works, it works well.


Well-Known Member
also just adding, as the @the.dreamfinder mentioned a few pages back. The studio press has started to run their profitability analyses by movie by studio. One of the things to note about Disney is how much they are controlling costs on these big tent poles.

I still think the costs have gone absolutely crazy, but in comparison to the other studios they are paying less money to get results on par or better than their rivals. That is why wall street is excited. They could care less if those movies are Star Wars, Marvel, Pixar or John Carter. As long as those movies continue to come out on time, on budget and limit risk then wall street will be happy.


Resident Curmudgeon
sometimes you are just too negative. LOL. Are you able to even remotely think positively these days? Where is the joy?

But the point of the article is valid. No one else needs to do big interconnected universe tentpoles and chasing Disney isn't any method of success. Disney is enjoying a well deserved wave of box office success, not everything hits, but they have taken risks and they have figured out what works for them right now.

But that doesn't mean that folks are clamoring for an interconnected Lego movie universe, or Ghostbusters/Ghost Corps or a MIB/21 Jump Street connected universe. The other studios should continue working on what works for them.

When it comes to Disney as a company not much these days, Plenty of joy in going to WDW with family because they enjoy it.


Rogue One goes into production this summer before VII comes out. The bet has been made and the schedule set. This release date bingo that the studios have set up, doesn't allow for any faltering or re-planning due to bad reception.

I think you misinterpreted my statement.

We were discussing Box-Office and how the popularity of Ep7 could positively influence Box-Office for Rogue 1.

It wasn't a discussion of whether or not the film will be produced.


Well-Known Member
When it comes to Disney as a company not much these days, Plenty of joy in going to WDW with family because they enjoy it.

That is sad, because so much has been improving over the last few years. I joined this board while trying to figure out what had happened to WDW after a very bad visit a few years ago. and after catching up here, I dreaded going back. But then each subsequent visit I noticed improvements in service, cleanliness and ride quality. At this moment every park at WDW has construction/improvements in progress. Is it perfect, no. But it is vastly improved.
And when you take a look at what TWDC is doing overall. It is mostly good. Star Wars is starting to cook. Marvel is the leading comics publisher, Marvel Studios is producing consistent quality, ABC has dramatically improved their ratings despite not having NFL football, the cable channels are stable. Despite the hatred for Iger, for the most part the organization he has cultivated is successful and working. There is more right than wrong going on at the TWDC today.

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