A Spirited Perfect Ten


Well-Known Member
To be clear, 7.4% was domestic capex as a percentage of domestic revenue for the most recent quarter.
Let's look at apples-to-apples. For fiscal year 2014:
  • Universal: 25.6%
  • Disney total: 17.8%
  • Disney domestic: 9.6%
  • Six Flags: 9.2%
Reposting something I wrote on another thread ...

During Bob Iger's first 7 fiscal years as CEO, Disney spent 14.6% of domestic Parks & Resorts revenue on domestic Parks & Resorts capital expenditures.

The following shows domestic spending levels over the last 8 fiscal quarters (i.e. 2 years):

View attachment 87538

Disney's current domestic spending is approaching the record low. (The lowest full fiscal year is 8.1% in 2006.)

I love your posts and analysis. Out of curiosity, is there anyway you could show this as $$ instead of %?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
So, I don't spend much time here this week (sorry, cancer treatments, a 1,000 page autopsy report/doc's docs, and dealing with a company that is blatantly committing fraud -- The Home Depot -- sorta took me away from more than poking in. Although I do like poking!)

Let's see did anyone put those Iger and Staggs and Mickey at SDL pics out on this thread yet? Been looking but I just don't see them. I'm sure they're all over the Twitverse, not simply mindless drivel about the Orange Bird having to move from one snack bar to another or the MAGIC that is fake grass etc.

I'll try and do better next week!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
First, I want to thank (before I forget) three of my biggest fans here: @jakeman, @Phil12 and @Tigger1988.

They apparently noticed when something disappeared from the 'net. Imagine that. Some folks actually don't like seeing things disappear. I guess they all agree that censorship is a bad thing. Even if it's self-censorship.

Sometimes, I wonder who goes back and rereads my posts for second, third, 63rd times. At least some of my suspicions have been confirmed.

And while @Nemo14 had one component quite right: namely I didn't want posts wasting space here about something that had been asked and (finally) answered. I'm sure MAGICal Steve would have mentioned it sooner, but he can't be everywhere, all the time.

But the greater point I was showcasing is that no one likes content disappearing here on a simple fan forum where the author himself opted to remove posts that really were no longer necessary or important to the dialogue.

It seems like many readers, like the ones tagged above, felt a sense of ownership of my words, my thoughts, my views. Or maybe it was a sense of entitlement. That they should have access to them.

Can't blame them for that. Can't fault them for it either.

That and I'm pretty confident that the content that I deleted has far more relevance to this community and to the world beyond MAGIC Land than some Op-Ed in the HuffPo entitled ''Disney CEO Fumbles Entry to China''.

I mean, one is a technophobe Spirit trying to figure out why some bizarre new feature is happening, while the other is only concerning Disney's biggest gamble of the 21st century and Bob Iger's legacy. One isn't all that important, except to my friends here.

The other?

Well, you all judge that for yourselves. I can't think for you.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
On the point of China and how important it is as a media (i.e film and TV -- not theme park ) market, there is this little factoid.

Chinese box office grew by 34% in 2014 to $4.8 billion. That's the first time that revenue has crossed $4 billion in any foreign market outside the USA.

Think that's important?

Of course, Disney (and it's whoring bloggers, fanbois and analysts on Wall Street) are crowing about Cinderella's debut both here (over $70 million opening weekend) and in China ($25 million).
But they also forget to mention how much more of that $70 million goes to the vaults 23 levels under Team Disney in Burbank versus how much of that $25 million does.


Well-Known Member
First, I want to thank (before I forget) three of my biggest fans here: @jakeman, @Phil12 and @Tigger1988.

They apparently noticed when something disappeared from the 'net. Imagine that. Some folks actually don't like seeing things disappear. I guess they all agree that censorship is a bad thing. Even if it's self-censorship.

Sometimes, I wonder who goes back and rereads my posts for second, third, 63rd times. At least some of my suspicions have been confirmed.

And while @Nemo14 had one component quite right: namely I didn't want posts wasting space here about something that had been asked and (finally) answered. I'm sure MAGICal Steve would have mentioned it sooner, but he can't be everywhere, all the time.

But the greater point I was showcasing is that no one likes content disappearing here on a simple fan forum where the author himself opted to remove posts that really were no longer necessary or important to the dialogue.

It seems like many readers, like the ones tagged above, felt a sense of ownership of my words, my thoughts, my views. Or maybe it was a sense of entitlement. That they should have access to them.

Can't blame them for that. Can't fault them for it either.

That and I'm pretty confident that the content that I deleted has far more relevance to this community and to the world beyond MAGIC Land than some Op-Ed in the HuffPo entitled ''Disney CEO Fumbles Entry to China''.

I mean, one is a technophobe Spirit trying to figure out why some bizarre new feature is happening, while the other is only concerning Disney's biggest gamble of the 21st century and Bob Iger's legacy. One isn't all that important, except to my friends here.

The other?

Well, you all judge that for yourselves. I can't think for you.
Oh is that how you are framing it? As you intentionally deleted your post to teach us all a lesson about censorship? Because it came across as you went off the rails then got a little bit embarrassed when your paranoid ranting turned out to be user ignorance and tried to cover it up.

The optics of the situation that you preached so much about with regards to the Iger issue: they don't look good when you accuse Disney of hacking your computer and it turns out to be a notification that's been present for over a month and you are just noticing.

Are they on the same level as a article being deleted? Absolutely not, but it says that there is a similar character between you and Iger. That things that are embarrassing you don't like to have out there for consumption and you'll take steps to remove them if you find them damaging to your BRAND.

Or you could just be teaching us all a lesson. I guess people can take a look at the sequence of events and judge for themselves.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
If you could magically make anything possible, would you have Willow fired for her involvement in the HuffPo piece being pulled, then out Bob's involvement to get him to resign as well? What would be the best case scenario in your opinion? EDIT: How do you want this to end?

Absolutely. And I am doing what I can to help that become a reality. ... I don't think someone like Bob is fit to run a company like Disney, but numbers people will tell me otherwise (even our expert @ParentsOf4) .

Bob isn't resigning ... unless he and/or the company get caught up in some sort of scandal. What are the chances of that happening? I would have liked it if one of my 'friends' had been able to ask a question or three at the shareholders meeting, but it wasn't to be ...

If a picture of Bob in front of a crane at SDL suddenly appeared, would it be good or bad? Would it give wall street confidence in the project? (confidence they don't yet know they need) What message would that send to top officials in China? If you could, would you stop the SDL project?

At this point? It wouldn't matter. Ignorant fanbois would claim that answers why there have been NONE since groundbreaking. None. And it doesn't matter on Wall Street. They only care about the price of stock today and the next fiscal quarter's results. I have friends that are analysts and I've talked to them (and they talk as well). They know it isn't exactly a great sign that Shendi (the evil, Godless, vile, Pinko Commies -- that I love, bless their hearts!) haven't allowed Bob and Co to place a photo out.

The financial media knows. It just is so controlled by companies today that they'll ignore it.

Like I've said before, you could be shot to death by 14 police officers while unarmed on the steps of your City Hall and it would only be news if people in the media ordained it news.

We don't have a free press anymore. We don't have real journalists anymore. This is a HUGE problem for our nation going forward that has absolutely nothing to do with TWDC.

A better question to ask would be if Bob had the chance to make the same deal now that was agreed on in 2009, would he? I know the answer.

If you were given a position of endless power over any aspect at Disney, what would your top changes be on your first day?

Endless power? Hmm ... I would have to have a harem of beautiful Disney princesses (hell, you could toss in a few studly princes too to keep things interesting) satisfying me in every way.

But I wouldn't make any serious decisions on Day 1. You just don't make kneejerk changes. Even execs that work at the company that I personally wouldn't mind seeing get hit by a bus would be safe at first. You have to assess the situation from the inside and then make changes that you believe are prudent.

I really enjoy reading your posts. Just curious what direction you would take the company. Thanks. :)

Thanks, Bryan.

I would try to get the company living up to its PR, its history, its founders' legacy. I know that may seem like a broad answer, but that's what I'd do. I'd respect my Guests, my consumers, my cast and still make a blankload of money (it IS possible to do it all!)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Oh is that how you are framing it? As you intentionally deleted your post to teach us all a lesson about censorship? Because it came across as you went off the rails then got a little bit embarrassed when your paranoid ranting turned out to be user ignorance and tried to cover it up.

Nope, sorry Jake. I know you've been trying to discredit me since I joined the forum and you think you've got your shot. But it's a crock. All of those posts are still out there ... both cached and quoted here by others.

And as to paranoid ranting, all I was trying to do was figure out what was going on. I'm sure the fact I'm trying to get Willow Iger removed from her prestigious position doesn't bother Disney at all, right? Because Bob can control academics who don't care about his company...So Disney ... hell any Fortune 500 company doesn't have the ability to cause 'weird' things to happen with people's tech, right? Never happens. Maybe in your world, mine is a bit more complicated.

But I am sure that you, and others, could have easily solved my concerns. You opted not to because it's in your agenda to make me look badly (in your mind!)

The optics of the situation that you preached so much about with regards to the Iger issue: they don't look good when you accuse Disney of hacking your computer and it turns out to be a notification that's been present for over a month and you are just noticing.

Are they on the same level as a article being deleted? Absolutely not, but it says that there is a similar character between you and Iger. That things that are embarrassing you don't like to have out there for consumption and you'll take steps to remove them if you find them damaging to your BRAND.

Or you could just be teaching us all a lesson. I guess people can take a look at the sequence of events and judge for themselves.

That's right, Jake. People can form their own opinions. Glad to see you agree with me about Bob getting the column pulled. I do find it so typically amusing that you only come to post in a thread of mine when you believe you can take a shot and do some damage. I'd love to see you actually contribute something of substance here. You won't, but I'd like to see it.

But again, I do appreciate you putting me, and this entire forum, on the same level as Bob Iger. You nailed us!!!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Them too. Also Russia. Etc.

"The cloud" is a horrible idea. You're inviting people to steal your information that way.

Technology has made privacy and personal info/docs/etc quaint notions of a simpler era.
Everyone's life is an open book, no matter how much security they think they have.
One keystroke by someone powerful who doesn't like you and you're screwed.
(unless you align yourself with people even more powerful, but that isn't realistic for most people).

There's many reasons why we are moving to a society where your entire life is online -- and it ain't to make things easier and better for you/us!


Active Member
He wasn't. He said 7.4% total when that figure is for domestic only.

Just the latest in a long, consistent series of misinformation.

Ah, No he didn't. Here's the quote from the relevant post
Let's talk about the numbers fans of WDW should truly care about:
  • Domestic P&R Depreciation: $297 million
  • Domestic P&R Capital Expenditures: $239 million
Even with Disney Springs and Pandora construction ongoing, capex is an ungodly low 7.4% of revenue. This is getting into Six Flags territory.

The 7.4% clearly refers to Domestic CAPEX as a % of revenue, not for the entire company. If you're not able to comprehend a simply statement, that's your problem not his. If another poster misinterpreted this as total capex, like you, then your problem is with him not ParentsOf4.


Well-Known Member
On the point of China and how important it is as a media (i.e film and TV -- not theme park ) market, there is this little factoid.

Chinese box office grew by 34% in 2014 to $4.8 billion. That's the first time that revenue has crossed $4 billion in any foreign market outside the USA.

Think that's important?

Of course, Disney (and it's whoring bloggers, fanbois and analysts on Wall Street) are crowing about Cinderella's debut both here (over $70 million opening weekend) and in China ($25 million).
But they also forget to mention how much more of that $70 million goes to the vaults 23 levels under Team Disney in Burbank versus how much of that $25 million does.
That's roughly a 25% share for those of you playing at home.


Well-Known Member
Nope, sorry Jake. I know you've been trying to discredit me since I joined the forum and you think you've got your shot. But it's a crock. All of those posts are still out there ... both cached and quoted here by others.
Then why did you delete them?

And as to paranoid ranting, all I was trying to do was figure out what was going on.
I know when I try to figure out if something is wrong with my browser or internet connection my first thought is a Fortune 500 company has hacked into all of my electronics and placed a counter.

I'm sure the fact I'm trying to get Willow Iger removed from her prestigious position doesn't bother Disney at all, right? Because Bob can control academics who don't care about his company...So Disney ... hell any Fortune 500 company doesn't have the ability to cause 'weird' things to happen with people's tech, right? Never happens. Maybe in your world, mine is a bit more complicated.
Occam's Razor

But I am sure that you, and others, could have easily solved my concerns. You opted not to because it's in your agenda to make me look badly (in your mind!)
Whoa, because I didn't jump in to solve your IT problem, I'm the issue? You were asked to post a screenshot. That would have solved it in about 5 seconds but you were too busy being a victim, which is central to your BRAND.

That's right, Jake. People can form their own opinions. Glad to see you agree with me about Bob getting the column pulled. I do find it so typically amusing that you only come to post in a thread of mine when you believe you can take a shot and do some damage. I'd love to see you actually contribute something of substance here. You won't, but I'd like to see it.
Okay, you want me to contribute? While you were getting your rocks off with your personal vendetta against Iger, your paycheck China was busy scrubbing non-real name accounts. So everyone who uses the internet in China has to use their real name. Care to share yours? Also in the world of censorship, China is blocking access to Reuters. Egyptian journalist are self-censoring for fear of reprisals. The Obama administration improperly censors almost 1/3 of all documents.

So do you care about censorship or do you just care about taking down Iger? Because if you are that concerned about one article on HuffPo, I'm sure you must be ready to cut all ties with China if they are blocking all access to a major news source.

But again, I do appreciate you putting me, and this entire forum, on the same level as Bob Iger. You nailed us!!!
This thread isn't representative of the 70,000 members of this forum. In fact, it's a fraction of that. You don't speak for the forum. Neither do I.

Bottom line, your BRAND was damaged because you went off the rails and you tried to salvage it. You can tell yourself and others here in this thread whatever Mr. Rogers lesson you were trying to impart on them but if it wasn't an issue then you would have left the post alone.

But since I got your attention, care to comment on the multiple pedophilia accusations you've made towards WDI? I would very much like confirmation that those concerns have been escalated to the appropriate authorities and actions have been taken.


Well-Known Member
Ah, No he didn't. Here's the quote from the relevant post

The 7.4% clearly refers to Domestic CAPEX as a % of revenue, not for the entire company. If you're not able to comprehend a simply statement, that's your problem not his. If another poster misinterpreted this as total capex, like you, then your problem is with him not ParentsOf4.
My issue is with @ford91exploder not Pof4.

I didn't misinterpret anything.
Disney is now investing 7.4% of P&R revenue in the parks INCLUDING SDL and Cruise Ships

To be clear, 7.4% was domestic capex as a percentage of domestic revenue for the most recent quarter.

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