So is this agreement vastly different from the Tokyo parks deal in place? I was quite confused as to why you were making such a big deal about the photos but I believe I understand now. Only question remains is; why let Eisner photo the park and not Iger???
I think Eisner can photo the park as a normal citizen...but was he on a special property tour or just on open land nearby? If he was on a private tour, then I'd agree that it is strange.
Yes, that is it exactly. As is the fact MDE has many friends over there (you'll never see him look as nervous and uncomfortable as Bob did in that CCTV interview) and all it takes is having one or two in the right place and you get on site in Shanghai. He was toured by folks with both WDI and Shendi.
#firewillowbay #disneycensors #IgerfumblesChina